Uploading from Sleober to Teensy

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Well-known member
Hi All.

I'm having difficulty uploading from Eclipse / Sloeber IDE to a Teensy 3.2. The onset of this problem seems to coincide with a recent Sloeber update. I think it's at 4.2 now. Other versions are:

Arduino IDE v1.8.5
Teensyduino v1.40
"Private hardware path" in Sloeber pointing to: D:\arduino-1.8.5\hardware\teensy\avr
Win 7 Pro, SP1

After attempting to upload code to Teensy 3.2 from Sloeber, the USB COM port on the PC "disappears" from Windows Device Manager.

Unplugging and Replugging the board from USB port doesn't bring it back. Changing USB ports does not bring it back.

Only way I've found to get the port with Teensy device back is to upload a sketch to the Teensy using Arduino IDE.

Anyone else seeing this?


PS - Also posted on the Sloeber GitHub:
Any way you can compare with Windows 10? (or Mac or Linux)

All pre-10 versions of Windows suffer from this USB serial driver bug. If it fails on Win 7 but works on 10, might be a sign Sloeber could be holding the COM port open while it tries to do the upload (which is HID based, not serial), or tells Teensy Loader to do it.

My bad. I had the wrong USB Type selected in the project's Properties --> Arduino. I had accidently selected "Flight Sim Controls + Joystick" when I created the project. That's right under the correct choice of "Serial" choice in the drop down menu.

All is well now. Sorry for the bother. Thanks for taking an interest.
Just for info... Sloeber 4.2 works well on macOS High Sierra with all Teensies from LC to 3.6 wether you use the Teensy loader or TyCommander for uploading your hex files. (If everything is correctly configured, naturally)
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