Teensyduino 1.42 Beta #2

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Staff member
Here is a second beta test for Teensyduino 1.42.

The main new feature is a "Teensy" section in the Tools > Ports menu
which tries to show Teensy in all modes, not just Serial.

I'd like to thank everyone who tested and suffered the problems with 1.42-beta1. This is probably what 1.42-beta1 should have been. Many problems have been fixed, and teensy_reboot has been completely rewritten to use the ports menu info. Several issues remain (see the lists below), so I could really use some help & feedback testing.

Teensy Loader Verbose Info window now offers much better info, so we should at least have a better chance of capturing useful info when/if things go wrong.

Old beta download links removed. Please use the latest version:

Changes since Teensyduino 1.42-beta1

Unified logging in Teensy Loader's Verbose Info window
Fix teensy_ports crash when/if Teensy Loader closes
major USB device detection code cleanup....
teensy_reboot now uses device location info from Ports menu
teensy_ports quits automatically when Arduino no longer running
Optimize memory usage in Teensy Loader PNG image handling
Fix Teensy Loader Verbose Info menu Log > Clear
Improve elapsed time in teensy_ports, use native monotonic time
Drop support for Arduino 1.8.2 and 1.8.3 and 1.8.4
Fix incorrect serial monitor title bar on Windows
Workaround for 1 second lag when Teensy Loader not running
Fix non-serial reconnect on Windows XP (workaround missing DBT_DEVNODES_CHANGED)

Suspected issues: (please try to reproduce these!)

teensy_serialmon may get "stuck" and remain running, maybe 100% CPU usage
serial monitor slow updates (but still works) some cases, like 2ms delay between Serial.print
serial monitor might have leftover output from prior session when device reopened

Known issues:

verbose info is (sometimes) getting copied into the serial monitor
Teensy Loader does not use Ports menu yet - assumes just-rebooted board is one to upload
auto-restart of sketch on Teensy 2.0 not working
Teensy model (2.0, LC, 3.2, etc) only show in Ports after uploading
teensy_ports doesn't track board (by serial number) as it moves to another physical port
arduino prefs not always getting updated during install
Teensy Loader Verbose Info menu Log > Clear is disabled on Mac, why?
arduino's compiling progress bar is pretty much worthless (arduino issue 7138)
installer re-writes zip file too much, triggering windows defender
shortening of devpath for ports menu needs 2 more chars for Macintosh serial names
32bit Warning in macOS persists... :(

Capture d’écran 2018-02-27 à 15.03.47.png
I have windows 10 64 bit 1.85... Tried with a T3.6 and a T3.2 plugged in.

Tried to reprogram the T3.2 on COM21 (3.6 on COM5)... It did not program:
D:\arduino-1.8.5\arduino-builder -dump-prefs -logger=machine -hardware D:\arduino-1.8.5\hardware -hardware C:\Users\kurte\AppData\Local\Arduino15\packages -hardware C:\Users\kurte\Documents\Arduino\hardware -tools D:\arduino-1.8.5\tools-builder -tools D:\arduino-1.8.5\hardware\tools\avr -tools C:\Users\kurte\AppData\Local\Arduino15\packages -built-in-libraries D:\arduino-1.8.5\libraries -libraries C:\Users\kurte\Documents\Arduino\libraries -fqbn=teensy:avr:teensy31:usb=serial,speed=96,opt=o2std,keys=en-us -ide-version=10805 -build-path C:\Users\kurte\AppData\Local\Temp\arduino_build_21548 -warnings=all -build-cache C:\Users\kurte\AppData\Local\Temp\arduino_cache_829173 -verbose C:\Users\kurte\Documents\Arduino\Github\Open_CM904\AX12_Test_OpenCM\AX12_Test_OpenCM.ino
D:\arduino-1.8.5\arduino-builder -compile -logger=machine -hardware D:\arduino-1.8.5\hardware -hardware C:\Users\kurte\AppData\Local\Arduino15\packages -hardware C:\Users\kurte\Documents\Arduino\hardware -tools D:\arduino-1.8.5\tools-builder -tools D:\arduino-1.8.5\hardware\tools\avr -tools C:\Users\kurte\AppData\Local\Arduino15\packages -built-in-libraries D:\arduino-1.8.5\libraries -libraries C:\Users\kurte\Documents\Arduino\libraries -fqbn=teensy:avr:teensy31:usb=serial,speed=96,opt=o2std,keys=en-us -ide-version=10805 -build-path C:\Users\kurte\AppData\Local\Temp\arduino_build_21548 -warnings=all -build-cache C:\Users\kurte\AppData\Local\Temp\arduino_cache_829173 -verbose C:\Users\kurte\Documents\Arduino\Github\Open_CM904\AX12_Test_OpenCM\AX12_Test_OpenCM.ino
Using board 'teensy31' from platform in folder: D:\arduino-1.8.5\hardware\teensy\avr
Using core 'teensy3' from platform in folder: D:\arduino-1.8.5\hardware\teensy\avr
Detecting libraries used...
"D:\arduino-1.8.5\hardware\teensy/../tools/arm/bin/arm-none-eabi-g++" -E -CC -x c++ -w  -g -Wall -ffunction-sections -fdata-sections -nostdlib -fno-exceptions -felide-constructors -std=gnu++14 -fno-rtti -mthumb -mcpu=cortex-m4 -fsingle-precision-constant -D__MK20DX256__ -DTEENSYDUINO=142 -DARDUINO=10805 -DF_CPU=96000000 -DUSB_SERIAL -DLAYOUT_US_ENGLISH "-ID:\arduino-1.8.5\hardware\teensy\avr\cores\teensy3" "C:\Users\kurte\AppData\Local\Temp\arduino_build_21548\sketch\AX12_Test_OpenCM.ino.cpp" -o "nul"
"D:\arduino-1.8.5\hardware\teensy/../tools/arm/bin/arm-none-eabi-g++" -E -CC -x c++ -w  -g -Wall -ffunction-sections -fdata-sections -nostdlib -fno-exceptions -felide-constructors -std=gnu++14 -fno-rtti -mthumb -mcpu=cortex-m4 -fsingle-precision-constant -D__MK20DX256__ -DTEENSYDUINO=142 -DARDUINO=10805 -DF_CPU=96000000 -DUSB_SERIAL -DLAYOUT_US_ENGLISH "-ID:\arduino-1.8.5\hardware\teensy\avr\cores\teensy3" "-IC:\Users\kurte\Documents\Arduino\libraries\DynamixelSDK\src" "C:\Users\kurte\AppData\Local\Temp\arduino_build_21548\sketch\AX12_Test_OpenCM.ino.cpp" -o "nul"

Linking everything together...
"D:\arduino-1.8.5\hardware\teensy/../tools/arm/bin/arm-none-eabi-gcc" -O2 -Wl,--gc-sections,--relax,--defsym=__rtc_localtime=1519718509 "-TD:\arduino-1.8.5\hardware\teensy\avr\cores\teensy3/mk20dx256.ld" -lstdc++  -mthumb -mcpu=cortex-m4 -fsingle-precision-constant -o "C:\Users\kurte\AppData\Local\Temp\arduino_build_21548/AX12_Test_OpenCM.ino.elf" "C:\Users\kurte\AppData\Local\Temp\arduino_build_21548\sketch\AX12_Test_OpenCM.ino.cpp.o" "C:\Users\kurte\AppData\Local\Temp\arduino_build_21548\libraries\DynamixelSDK\dynamixel_sdk\group_bulk_read.cpp.o" "C:\Users\kurte\AppData\Local\Temp\arduino_build_21548\libraries\DynamixelSDK\dynamixel_sdk\group_bulk_write.cpp.o" "C:\Users\kurte\AppData\Local\Temp\arduino_build_21548\libraries\DynamixelSDK\dynamixel_sdk\group_sync_read.cpp.o" "C:\Users\kurte\AppData\Local\Temp\arduino_build_21548\libraries\DynamixelSDK\dynamixel_sdk\group_sync_write.cpp.o" "C:\Users\kurte\AppData\Local\Temp\arduino_build_21548\libraries\DynamixelSDK\dynamixel_sdk\packet_handler.cpp.o" "C:\Users\kurte\AppData\Local\Temp\arduino_build_21548\libraries\DynamixelSDK\dynamixel_sdk\port_handler.cpp.o" "C:\Users\kurte\AppData\Local\Temp\arduino_build_21548\libraries\DynamixelSDK\dynamixel_sdk\port_handler_arduino.cpp.o" "C:\Users\kurte\AppData\Local\Temp\arduino_build_21548\libraries\DynamixelSDK\dynamixel_sdk\protocol1_packet_handler.cpp.o" "C:\Users\kurte\AppData\Local\Temp\arduino_build_21548\libraries\DynamixelSDK\dynamixel_sdk\protocol2_packet_handler.cpp.o" "C:\Users\kurte\AppData\Local\Temp\arduino_build_21548/core\core.a" "-LC:\Users\kurte\AppData\Local\Temp\arduino_build_21548" -larm_cortexM4l_math -lm
"D:\arduino-1.8.5\hardware\teensy/../tools/arm/bin/arm-none-eabi-objcopy" -O ihex -j .eeprom --set-section-flags=.eeprom=alloc,load --no-change-warnings --change-section-lma .eeprom=0 "C:\Users\kurte\AppData\Local\Temp\arduino_build_21548/AX12_Test_OpenCM.ino.elf" "C:\Users\kurte\AppData\Local\Temp\arduino_build_21548/AX12_Test_OpenCM.ino.eep"
"D:\arduino-1.8.5\hardware\teensy/../tools/arm/bin/arm-none-eabi-objcopy" -O ihex -R .eeprom "C:\Users\kurte\AppData\Local\Temp\arduino_build_21548/AX12_Test_OpenCM.ino.elf" "C:\Users\kurte\AppData\Local\Temp\arduino_build_21548/AX12_Test_OpenCM.ino.hex"
"D:\arduino-1.8.5\hardware\teensy/../tools/stdout_redirect" "C:\Users\kurte\AppData\Local\Temp\arduino_build_21548/AX12_Test_OpenCM.ino.lst" "D:\arduino-1.8.5\hardware\teensy/../tools/arm/bin/arm-none-eabi-objdump" -d -S -C "C:\Users\kurte\AppData\Local\Temp\arduino_build_21548/AX12_Test_OpenCM.ino.elf"
"D:\arduino-1.8.5\hardware\teensy/../tools/stdout_redirect" "C:\Users\kurte\AppData\Local\Temp\arduino_build_21548/AX12_Test_OpenCM.ino.sym" "D:\arduino-1.8.5\hardware\teensy/../tools/arm/bin/arm-none-eabi-objdump" -t -C "C:\Users\kurte\AppData\Local\Temp\arduino_build_21548/AX12_Test_OpenCM.ino.elf"
"D:\arduino-1.8.5\hardware\teensy/../tools/teensy_post_compile" "-file=AX12_Test_OpenCM.ino" "-path=C:\Users\kurte\AppData\Local\Temp\arduino_build_21548" "-tools=D:\arduino-1.8.5\hardware\teensy/../tools/" "-board=TEENSY31"
Opening Teensy Loader...

Using library DynamixelSDK at version 3.5.4 in folder: C:\Users\kurte\Documents\Arduino\libraries\DynamixelSDK 
Sketch uses 55424 bytes (21%) of program storage space. Maximum is 262144 bytes.
Global variables use 8492 bytes (12%) of dynamic memory, leaving 57044 bytes for local variables. Maximum is 65536 bytes.
D:\arduino-1.8.5\hardware\teensy/../tools/teensy_post_compile -file=AX12_Test_OpenCM.ino -path=C:\Users\kurte\AppData\Local\Temp\arduino_build_21548 -tools=D:\arduino-1.8.5\hardware\teensy/../tools -board=TEENSY31 -reboot -port=usb:0/140000/0/2/1 -portlabel=COM21 (Teensy) Serial -portprotocol=Teensy 
Unable to open COM21 for reboot request 
  Windows Error Info: The system cannot find the file specified. 
  more ideas... https://forum.pjrc.com/threads/40632?p=126667&viewfull=1#post126667 
Teensy did not respond to a USB-based request to enter program mode. 
Please press the PROGRAM MODE BUTTON on your Teensy to upload your sketch.

I then tried it with just the 3.2 plugged in and it still had issues programming... Could press button and then it reprogrammed. Will try Linux 64 on UP board (X86)... May try RPI or Odroid for Linux ARM...

Update: Tried on UP board (Ubuntu 64bit) and first time I tried... It said something like failed, but still programed the board. I tried again and it worked. Turned on Verbose and so far has worked the next 5 times...
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@Kurt - Any chance for the verbose info from those times it failed?

The verbose logging is collected even when the window isn't open. When you open the verbose info window, it should have the info from the moment everything first started running.

Edit: actually, to be more specific, the verbose info window is backed by a 50,000 line buffer. The actual lines of text are dynamically allocated by the wxWidgets code, but a maximum of 50000 are stored before the oldest lines are discarded. While the log appears to be text appended in chronological order, the stuff coming from sources other than Teensy Loader actually arrives with precise timestamps and gets inserted into the list in proper time sequence. If you watch closely, you'll see extra lines sometimes getting inserted into the older history, even from before Teensy Loader started running.
Last edited:
Just ran it again on W10 64
13:20:58.065 (ports): LoadLibrary cfgmgr32 ok
13:20:58.065 (ports): LoadLibrary ntdll ok
13:20:58.065 (ports): Begin
13:20:58.070 (ports): hWnd = 395272
13:20:58.071 (ports): not already running
13:20:58.072 (ports): bound to port 28542
13:20:58.072 (ports): socket created
13:20:58.074 (ports):   found Ports in classguid_list at index=0
13:20:58.074 (ports): found_usb_device, loc=usb:0/140000/0/3    Port_#0003.Hub_#0001
13:20:58.074 (ports): found_usb_device, hwid=USB\VID_16C0&PID_0483&REV_0200
13:20:58.074 (ports): found_usb_device, devinst=00000004
13:20:58.074 (ports): add: loc=usb:0/140000/0/3, class=Ports, vid=16C0, pid=0483, ver=0200, serial=134, dev=\\?\usb#vid_16c0&pid_0483#1342360#{a5dcbf10-6530-11d2-901f-00c04fb951ed}
13:20:58.074 (ports): 
13:20:58.074 (ports):   port COM21 found from devnode
13:20:58.074 (ports): found_usb_device, id=\\?\usb#vid_16c0&pid_0483#1342360#{a5dcbf10-6530-11d2-901f-00c04fb951ed}
13:20:58.074 (ports):   comport_from_devinst_list attempt
13:20:58.074 (ports): usb_add: usb:0/140000/0/3  COM21 (Teensy) Serial
13:20:58.074 (ports): found something COM port, devinst=00000004
13:21:02.863 (ports): incoming connection, port 49430
13:21:02.864 (ports): got command: "list"
13:21:02.864 (ports): found something COM port, devinst=00000004
13:21:02.864 (ports): update_usb_device, devinst list change
13:21:02.864 (ports): usb_add: usb:0/140000/0/3  COM21 (Teensy) Serial
13:21:09.927 (ports): got command: "list"
13:21:09.928 (ports): update_usb_device, devinst list change
13:21:09.928 (ports): found something COM port, devinst=00000004
13:21:09.928 (ports): usb_add: usb:0/140000/0/3  COM21 (Teensy) Serial
13:21:32.792 (post_compile): Begin
13:21:32.941 (loader): Teensy Loader 1.42-beta2, begin program
13:21:33.008 (loader): initialized, showing main window
13:21:33.008 (loader): Listening for remote control on port 3149
13:21:33.087 (loader): remote connection 1260 opened
13:21:33.088 (post_compile): Sending command: comment: Teensyduino 1.42-beta2 - WINDOWS (teensy_post_compile)
13:21:33.089 (loader): remote cmd from 1260: "comment: Teensyduino 1.42-beta2 - WINDOWS (teensy_post_compile)"
13:21:33.090 (loader): remote cmd from 1260: "status"
13:21:33.090 (post_compile): Sending status request
13:21:33.159 (loader): HID/win32:  vid:045E pid:07A5 ver:0797
13:21:33.159 (loader): HID/win32:  vid:045E pid:07A5 ver:0797
13:21:33.160 (loader): HID/win32:  vid:045E pid:07A5 ver:0797
13:21:33.160 (loader): status data sent
13:21:33.160 (post_compile): Sending command: dir:C:\Users\kurte\AppData\Local\Temp\arduino_build_864110\
13:21:33.160 (post_compile): Receive status EOT
13:21:33.160 (loader): HID/win32:  vid:045E pid:07A5 ver:0797
13:21:33.160 (post_compile): Receive status dir = C:\Users\kurte\AppData\Local\Temp\arduino_build_21548\
13:21:33.160 (post_compile): Receive status file = AX12_Test_OpenCM.ino.hex
13:21:33.160 (post_compile): Receive status readable = 0
13:21:33.160 (post_compile): Receive status auto = 0
13:21:33.160 (post_compile): Receive status state = 0
13:21:33.160 (post_compile): Receive status offline_count = 0
13:21:33.160 (post_compile): Receive status online_count = 0
13:21:33.160 (post_compile): Receive status online = 0
13:21:33.161 (loader): remote cmd from 1260: "dir:C:\Users\kurte\AppData\Local\Temp\arduino_build_864110\"
13:21:33.161 (post_compile): Sending command: file:AX12_Test_OpenCM.ino.hex
13:21:33.161 (loader): remote cmd from 1260: "file:AX12_Test_OpenCM.ino.hex"
13:21:33.174 (loader): File "AX12_Test_OpenCM.ino.hex". 55436 bytes, 21% used
13:21:33.176 (post_compile): Sending status request
13:21:33.178 (loader): remote cmd from 1260: "status"
13:21:33.179 (post_compile): Receive status auto = 0
13:21:33.179 (loader): status data sent
13:21:33.179 (post_compile): Receive status readable = 1
13:21:33.179 (post_compile): Receive status EOT
13:21:33.179 (post_compile): Sending command: auto:on
13:21:33.179 (post_compile): Receive status dir = C:\Users\kurte\AppData\Local\Temp\arduino_build_864110\
13:21:33.179 (post_compile): Receive status online = 0
13:21:33.179 (post_compile): Receive status state = 0
13:21:33.179 (post_compile): Receive status offline_count = 0
13:21:33.179 (post_compile): Receive status online_count = 0
13:21:33.179 (post_compile): Receive status file = AX12_Test_OpenCM.ino.hex
13:21:33.180 (loader): remote cmd from 1260: "log:26"
13:21:33.180 (loader): remote cmd from 1260: "auto:on"
13:21:33.180 (post_compile): Disconnect
13:21:33.192 (loader): remote connection 1260 closed
13:21:33.459 (ports): got command: "list"
13:21:33.460 (loader): remote cmd from 1260: "log:28"
13:21:33.460 (loader): remote connection 1260 opened
13:21:33.463 (ports): usb_add: usb:0/140000/0/3  COM21 (Teensy) Serial
13:21:33.463 (ports): update_usb_device, devinst list change
13:21:33.463 (ports): found something COM port, devinst=00000004
13:21:33.465 (loader): remote cmd from 1260: "log:4"
13:21:33.465 (ports): got command: "list"
13:21:33.465 (ports): update_usb_device, devinst list change
13:21:33.466 (ports): usb_add: usb:0/140000/0/3  COM21 (Teensy) Serial
13:21:33.466 (ports): found something COM port, devinst=00000004
13:21:33.511 (post_compile): Begin
13:21:33.513 (loader): remote connection 1268 opened
13:21:33.513 (post_compile): Sending status request
13:21:33.513 (post_compile): Sending command: comment: Teensyduino 1.42-beta2 - WINDOWS (teensy_post_compile)
13:21:33.513 (loader): remote cmd from 1268: "comment: Teensyduino 1.42-beta2 - WINDOWS (teensy_post_compile)"
13:21:33.514 (post_compile): Receive status auto = 1
13:21:33.514 (post_compile): Receive status EOT
13:21:33.514 (post_compile): Receive status state = 0
13:21:33.514 (loader): status data sent
13:21:33.514 (loader): remote cmd from 1268: "status"
13:21:33.514 (post_compile): Receive status dir = C:\Users\kurte\AppData\Local\Temp\arduino_build_864110\
13:21:33.514 (post_compile): Receive status file = AX12_Test_OpenCM.ino.hex
13:21:33.514 (post_compile): Receive status readable = 1
13:21:33.514 (post_compile): Receive status offline_count = 0
13:21:33.514 (post_compile): Receive status online = 0
13:21:33.514 (post_compile): Receive status online_count = 0
13:21:33.514 (post_compile): Sending command: dir:C:\Users\kurte\AppData\Local\Temp\arduino_build_864110\
13:21:33.515 (loader): remote cmd from 1268: "file:AX12_Test_OpenCM.ino.hex"
13:21:33.515 (loader): remote cmd from 1268: "dir:C:\Users\kurte\AppData\Local\Temp\arduino_build_864110\"
13:21:33.515 (post_compile): Sending command: file:AX12_Test_OpenCM.ino.hex
13:21:33.523 (loader): File "AX12_Test_OpenCM.ino.hex". 55436 bytes, 21% used
13:21:33.524 (post_compile): Sending status request
13:21:33.527 (post_compile): Receive status dir = C:\Users\kurte\AppData\Local\Temp\arduino_build_864110\
13:21:33.527 (post_compile): Receive status file = AX12_Test_OpenCM.ino.hex
13:21:33.527 (post_compile): Receive status readable = 1
13:21:33.527 (post_compile): Receive status auto = 1
13:21:33.527 (post_compile): Receive status online = 0
13:21:33.527 (post_compile): Receive status online_count = 0
13:21:33.527 (loader): remote cmd from 1268: "status"
13:21:33.528 (post_compile): Receive status state = 0
13:21:33.528 (post_compile): Receive status EOT
13:21:33.528 (post_compile): Disconnect
13:21:33.528 (loader): status data sent
13:21:33.528 (post_compile): Receive status offline_count = 0
13:21:33.528 (loader): remote cmd from 1268: "log:25"
13:21:33.541 (post_compile): Running teensy_reboot: "D:\arduino-1.8.5\hardware\teensy\..\tools\teensy_reboot.exe" teensy_reboot.exe "-board=TEENSY31" "-port=COM21" "-portlabel=COM21 (Teensy)" "-portprotocol=serial"
13:21:33.542 (loader): remote connection 1268 opened
13:21:33.542 (loader): remote cmd from 1268: "log:1"
13:21:33.542 (loader): remote connection 1268 closed
13:21:33.556 (reboot): portprotocol = serial
13:21:33.556 (reboot): LoadLibrary ntdll ok
13:21:33.556 (reboot): Begin
13:21:33.556 (reboot): location = COM21
13:21:33.556 (reboot): LoadLibrary cfgmgr32 ok
13:21:33.556 (reboot): Serial device COM21 will be tried first
13:21:33.556 (reboot): portlabel = COM21 (Teensy)
13:21:33.557 (reboot): found_usb_device, devinst=00000004
13:21:33.557 (reboot):   port COM21 found from devnode
13:21:33.557 (reboot):   found Ports in classguid_list at index=0
13:21:33.557 (reboot):   comport_from_devinst_list attempt
13:21:33.557 (reboot): add: loc=usb:0/140000/0/3, class=Ports, vid=16C0, pid=0483, ver=0200, serial=134, dev=\\?\usb#vid_16c0&pid_0483#1342360#{a5dcbf10-6530-11d2-901f-00c04fb951ed}
13:21:33.557 (reboot): found_usb_device, hwid=USB\VID_16C0&PID_0483&REV_0200
13:21:33.557 (reboot): found_usb_device, loc=usb:0/140000/0/3    Port_#0003.Hub_#0001
13:21:33.557 (reboot): found_usb_device, id=\\?\usb#vid_16c0&pid_0483#1342360#{a5dcbf10-6530-11d2-901f-00c04fb951ed}
13:21:33.557 (reboot): 
13:21:33.558 (reboot): found something COM port, devinst=00000004
13:21:33.560 (reboot): Sending command: show:arduino_attempt_reboot
13:21:33.560 (loader): remote connection 1308 opened
13:21:33.560 (reboot): found Teensy Loader, version 1.42
13:21:33.561 (loader): remote cmd from 1308: "show:arduino_attempt_reboot"
13:21:33.561 (loader): got request to show arduino rebooting message
13:21:33.562 (reboot): Sending command: comment: Teensyduino 1.42-beta2 - WINDOWS (teensy_reboot)
13:21:33.563 (loader): remote cmd from 1308: "status"
13:21:33.563 (loader): remote cmd from 1308: "comment: Teensyduino 1.42-beta2 - WINDOWS (teensy_reboot)"
13:21:33.563 (reboot): Sending status request
13:21:33.564 (loader): status data sent
13:21:33.564 (reboot): Receive status file = AX12_Test_OpenCM.ino.hex
13:21:33.564 (reboot): Receive status dir = C:\Users\kurte\AppData\Local\Temp\arduino_build_864110\
13:21:33.564 (reboot): Receive status readable = 1
13:21:33.564 (reboot): Receive status auto = 1
13:21:33.564 (reboot): Receive status online = 0
13:21:33.564 (reboot): Receive status online_count = 0
13:21:33.564 (reboot): Receive status offline_count = 0
13:21:33.564 (reboot): Receive status state = 0
13:21:33.564 (reboot): Sending status request
13:21:33.564 (reboot): do_reset (serial) COM21
13:21:33.564 (reboot): Receive status EOT
13:21:33.565 (loader): remote cmd from 1308: "status"
13:21:33.565 (reboot): Receive status readable = 1
13:21:33.565 (reboot): Receive status file = AX12_Test_OpenCM.ino.hex
13:21:33.565 (reboot): Receive status dir = C:\Users\kurte\AppData\Local\Temp\arduino_build_864110\
13:21:33.565 (reboot): Receive status auto = 1
13:21:33.566 (reboot): status read, retry 0
13:21:33.566 (reboot): status read, retry 0
13:21:33.566 (reboot): Receive status EOT
13:21:33.566 (reboot): Receive status state = 0
13:21:33.566 (loader): status data sent
13:21:33.566 (reboot): Receive status offline_count = 0
13:21:33.566 (reboot): Receive status online_count = 0
13:21:33.566 (reboot): Receive status online = 0
13:21:33.667 (reboot): Sending status request
13:21:33.667 (loader): remote cmd from 1308: "status"
13:21:33.668 (reboot): Receive status dir = C:\Users\kurte\AppData\Local\Temp\arduino_build_864110\
13:21:33.668 (reboot): Receive status file = AX12_Test_OpenCM.ino.hex
13:21:33.668 (reboot): Receive status readable = 1
13:21:33.668 (reboot): Receive status auto = 1
13:21:33.668 (reboot): Receive status online_count = 0
13:21:33.668 (reboot): Receive status online = 0
13:21:33.668 (loader): status data sent
13:21:33.668 (reboot): Receive status state = 0
13:21:33.668 (reboot): Receive status EOT
13:21:33.668 (reboot): status read, retry 1
13:21:33.668 (reboot): status read, retry 1
13:21:33.668 (reboot): Receive status offline_count = 0
13:21:33.770 (reboot): Sending status request
13:21:33.770 (loader): remote cmd from 1308: "status"
13:21:33.771 (reboot): Receive status file = AX12_Test_OpenCM.ino.hex
13:21:33.771 (reboot): Receive status readable = 1
13:21:33.771 (reboot): Receive status auto = 1
13:21:33.771 (reboot): Receive status dir = C:\Users\kurte\AppData\Local\Temp\arduino_build_864110\
13:21:33.772 (reboot): Receive status online = 0
13:21:33.772 (reboot): Receive status online_count = 0
13:21:33.772 (reboot): Receive status offline_count = 0
13:21:33.772 (reboot): Receive status state = 0
13:21:33.772 (reboot): Receive status EOT
13:21:33.772 (loader): status data sent
13:21:33.772 (reboot): status read, retry 2
13:21:33.772 (reboot): status read, retry 2
13:21:33.873 (loader): remote cmd from 1308: "status"
13:21:33.873 (reboot): Sending status request
13:21:33.874 (reboot): Receive status file = AX12_Test_OpenCM.ino.hex
13:21:33.874 (loader): status data sent
13:21:33.874 (reboot): Receive status dir = C:\Users\kurte\AppData\Local\Temp\arduino_build_864110\
13:21:33.874 (reboot): Receive status online = 0
13:21:33.874 (reboot): Receive status auto = 1
13:21:33.874 (reboot): Receive status readable = 1
13:21:33.874 (reboot): Receive status online_count = 0
13:21:33.874 (reboot): Receive status offline_count = 0
13:21:33.874 (reboot): Receive status state = 0
13:21:33.874 (reboot): status read, retry 3
13:21:33.874 (reboot): status read, retry 3
13:21:33.874 (reboot): Receive status EOT
13:21:33.974 (loader): remote cmd from 1308: "status"
13:21:33.974 (reboot): Sending status request
13:21:33.977 (reboot): Receive status file = AX12_Test_OpenCM.ino.hex
13:21:33.977 (reboot): Receive status dir = C:\Users\kurte\AppData\Local\Temp\arduino_build_864110\
13:21:33.977 (reboot): Receive status auto = 1
13:21:33.977 (reboot): Receive status readable = 1
13:21:33.977 (reboot): Receive status online_count = 0
13:21:33.977 (reboot): Receive status online = 0
13:21:33.978 (reboot): Receive status offline_count = 0
13:21:33.978 (reboot): status read, retry 4
13:21:33.978 (reboot): status read, retry 4
13:21:33.978 (loader): status data sent
13:21:33.978 (reboot): Receive status EOT
13:21:33.978 (reboot): Receive status state = 0
13:21:34.079 (loader): remote cmd from 1308: "status"
13:21:34.079 (reboot): Sending status request
13:21:34.082 (reboot): Receive status readable = 1
13:21:34.082 (reboot): Receive status file = AX12_Test_OpenCM.ino.hex
13:21:34.082 (reboot): Receive status auto = 1
13:21:34.082 (reboot): Receive status online = 0
13:21:34.082 (reboot): Receive status online_count = 0
13:21:34.082 (reboot): Receive status dir = C:\Users\kurte\AppData\Local\Temp\arduino_build_864110\
13:21:34.083 (loader): status data sent
13:21:34.083 (reboot): status read, retry 5
13:21:34.083 (reboot): status read, retry 5
13:21:34.083 (reboot): Receive status EOT
13:21:34.083 (reboot): Receive status state = 0
13:21:34.083 (reboot): Receive status offline_count = 0
13:21:34.185 (reboot): Sending status request
13:21:34.185 (reboot): Receive status readable = 1
13:21:34.185 (loader): remote cmd from 1308: "status"
13:21:34.185 (reboot): Receive status auto = 1
13:21:34.185 (reboot): Receive status online = 0
13:21:34.185 (reboot): Receive status dir = C:\Users\kurte\AppData\Local\Temp\arduino_build_864110\
13:21:34.185 (reboot): Receive status file = AX12_Test_OpenCM.ino.hex
13:21:34.186 (loader): status data sent
13:21:34.186 (reboot): status read, retry 6
13:21:34.186 (reboot): status read, retry 6
13:21:34.186 (reboot): Receive status EOT
13:21:34.186 (reboot): Receive status online_count = 0
13:21:34.186 (reboot): Receive status offline_count = 0
13:21:34.186 (reboot): Receive status state = 0
13:21:34.287 (loader): remote cmd from 1308: "status"
13:21:34.287 (reboot): Sending status request
13:21:34.289 (reboot): Receive status EOT
13:21:34.289 (reboot): status read, retry 7
13:21:34.289 (reboot): Receive status dir = C:\Users\kurte\AppData\Local\Temp\arduino_build_864110\
13:21:34.289 (reboot): Receive status file = AX12_Test_OpenCM.ino.hex
13:21:34.289 (reboot): Receive status readable = 1
13:21:34.289 (reboot): Receive status auto = 1
13:21:34.289 (reboot): Receive status online = 0
13:21:34.289 (reboot): Receive status online_count = 0
13:21:34.289 (reboot): Receive status offline_count = 0
13:21:34.289 (reboot): Receive status state = 0
13:21:34.289 (reboot): status read, retry 7
13:21:34.290 (loader): status data sent
13:21:34.390 (loader): remote cmd from 1308: "status"
13:21:34.390 (reboot): Sending status request
13:21:34.393 (reboot): Receive status dir = C:\Users\kurte\AppData\Local\Temp\arduino_build_864110\
13:21:34.393 (reboot): Receive status file = AX12_Test_OpenCM.ino.hex
13:21:34.393 (reboot): Receive status readable = 1
13:21:34.393 (reboot): Receive status auto = 1
13:21:34.393 (reboot): Receive status online = 0
13:21:34.393 (reboot): status read, retry 8
13:21:34.393 (reboot): Receive status offline_count = 0
13:21:34.393 (reboot): Receive status state = 0
13:21:34.393 (reboot): Receive status EOT
13:21:34.393 (reboot): status read, retry 8
13:21:34.393 (reboot): Receive status online_count = 0
13:21:34.393 (loader): status data sent
13:21:34.495 (loader): remote cmd from 1308: "status"
13:21:34.495 (reboot): Sending status request
13:21:34.496 (reboot): Receive status dir = C:\Users\kurte\AppData\Local\Temp\arduino_build_864110\
13:21:34.496 (loader): status data sent
13:21:34.496 (reboot): Receive status file = AX12_Test_OpenCM.ino.hex
13:21:34.496 (reboot): Receive status online = 0
13:21:34.496 (reboot): Receive status auto = 1
13:21:34.496 (reboot): Receive status online_count = 0
13:21:34.496 (reboot): Receive status offline_count = 0
13:21:34.496 (reboot): Receive status state = 0
13:21:34.496 (reboot): Receive status EOT
13:21:34.496 (reboot): status read, retry 9
13:21:34.496 (reboot): status read, retry 9
13:21:34.496 (reboot): Receive status readable = 1
13:21:34.596 (reboot): Sending status request
13:21:34.596 (loader): remote cmd from 1308: "status"
13:21:34.597 (reboot): Receive status file = AX12_Test_OpenCM.ino.hex
13:21:34.597 (reboot): Receive status readable = 1
13:21:34.597 (reboot): Receive status auto = 1
13:21:34.597 (reboot): Receive status online = 0
13:21:34.597 (reboot): Receive status online_count = 0
13:21:34.597 (reboot): Receive status offline_count = 0
13:21:34.597 (reboot): Receive status state = 0
13:21:34.597 (reboot): Receive status EOT
13:21:34.597 (reboot): status read, retry 10
13:21:34.597 (reboot): status read, retry 10
13:21:34.597 (reboot): Receive status dir = C:\Users\kurte\AppData\Local\Temp\arduino_build_864110\
13:21:34.597 (loader): status data sent
13:21:34.698 (reboot): Sending status request
13:21:34.700 (loader): remote cmd from 1308: "status"
13:21:34.701 (reboot): Receive status auto = 1
13:21:34.701 (reboot): Receive status online = 0
13:21:34.701 (reboot): Receive status online_count = 0
13:21:34.701 (reboot): Receive status readable = 1
13:21:34.701 (reboot): Receive status state = 0
13:21:34.701 (reboot): Receive status EOT
13:21:34.701 (reboot): status read, retry 11
13:21:34.701 (reboot): status read, retry 11
13:21:34.701 (loader): status data sent
13:21:34.701 (reboot): Receive status offline_count = 0
13:21:34.701 (reboot): Receive status dir = C:\Users\kurte\AppData\Local\Temp\arduino_build_864110\
13:21:34.701 (reboot): Receive status file = AX12_Test_OpenCM.ino.hex
13:21:34.801 (reboot): Sending status request
13:21:34.801 (reboot): Receive status online_count = 0
13:21:34.801 (reboot): Receive status offline_count = 0
13:21:34.801 (reboot): Receive status state = 0
13:21:34.801 (reboot): Receive status online = 0
13:21:34.801 (reboot): Receive status auto = 1
13:21:34.801 (loader): remote cmd from 1308: "status"
13:21:34.801 (reboot): Receive status dir = C:\Users\kurte\AppData\Local\Temp\arduino_build_864110\
13:21:34.801 (reboot): Receive status readable = 1
13:21:34.801 (reboot): Receive status file = AX12_Test_OpenCM.ino.hex
13:21:34.802 (reboot): status read, retry 12
13:21:34.802 (reboot): status read, retry 12
13:21:34.802 (reboot): Receive status EOT
13:21:34.802 (loader): status data sent
13:21:34.903 (reboot): Sending status request
13:21:34.903 (loader): remote cmd from 1308: "status"
13:21:34.906 (reboot): Receive status file = AX12_Test_OpenCM.ino.hex
13:21:34.906 (reboot): Receive status state = 0
13:21:34.906 (reboot): Receive status auto = 1
13:21:34.906 (reboot): Receive status online = 0
13:21:34.906 (reboot): Receive status online_count = 0
13:21:34.906 (reboot): Receive status readable = 1
13:21:34.906 (reboot): Receive status dir = C:\Users\kurte\AppData\Local\Temp\arduino_build_864110\
13:21:34.906 (reboot): Receive status offline_count = 0
13:21:34.907 (loader): status data sent
13:21:34.907 (reboot): status read, retry 13
13:21:34.907 (reboot): status read, retry 13
13:21:34.907 (reboot): Receive status EOT
13:21:35.008 (loader): remote cmd from 1308: "status"
13:21:35.008 (reboot): Sending status request
13:21:35.011 (reboot): Receive status online_count = 0
13:21:35.011 (reboot): Receive status offline_count = 0
13:21:35.011 (reboot): Receive status state = 0
13:21:35.011 (reboot): Receive status online = 0
13:21:35.011 (reboot): Receive status readable = 1
13:21:35.011 (reboot): Receive status file = AX12_Test_OpenCM.ino.hex
13:21:35.011 (reboot): Receive status dir = C:\Users\kurte\AppData\Local\Temp\arduino_build_864110\
13:21:35.011 (reboot): Receive status auto = 1
13:21:35.012 (reboot): status read, retry 14
13:21:35.012 (reboot): status read, retry 14
13:21:35.012 (reboot): Receive status EOT
13:21:35.012 (loader): status data sent
13:21:35.112 (loader): remote cmd from 1308: "status"
13:21:35.112 (reboot): Sending status request
13:21:35.115 (reboot): status read, retry 15
13:21:35.115 (loader): status data sent
13:21:35.115 (reboot): Receive status auto = 1
13:21:35.115 (reboot): Receive status dir = C:\Users\kurte\AppData\Local\Temp\arduino_build_864110\
13:21:35.115 (reboot): Receive status file = AX12_Test_OpenCM.ino.hex
13:21:35.115 (reboot): Receive status readable = 1
13:21:35.115 (reboot): Receive status EOT
13:21:35.115 (reboot): Receive status online = 0
13:21:35.115 (reboot): Receive status online_count = 0
13:21:35.115 (reboot): Receive status offline_count = 0
13:21:35.115 (reboot): Receive status state = 0
13:21:35.115 (reboot): status read, retry 15
13:21:35.216 (loader): remote cmd from 1308: "status"
13:21:35.216 (reboot): Sending status request
13:21:35.217 (loader): status data sent
13:21:35.217 (reboot): Receive status dir = C:\Users\kurte\AppData\Local\Temp\arduino_build_864110\
13:21:35.217 (reboot): Receive status file = AX12_Test_OpenCM.ino.hex
13:21:35.217 (reboot): Receive status readable = 1
13:21:35.217 (reboot): Receive status auto = 1
13:21:35.217 (reboot): Receive status online = 0
13:21:35.217 (reboot): Receive status online_count = 0
13:21:35.217 (reboot): Receive status offline_count = 0
13:21:35.217 (reboot): Receive status state = 0
13:21:35.217 (reboot): Receive status EOT
13:21:35.217 (reboot): status read, retry 16
13:21:35.217 (reboot): status read, retry 16
13:21:35.318 (reboot): Sending status request
13:21:35.318 (loader): remote cmd from 1308: "status"
13:21:35.318 (reboot): Receive status file = AX12_Test_OpenCM.ino.hex
13:21:35.318 (reboot): Receive status readable = 1
13:21:35.318 (reboot): Receive status auto = 1
13:21:35.318 (reboot): Receive status online = 0
13:21:35.318 (reboot): Receive status online_count = 0
13:21:35.318 (reboot): Receive status offline_count = 0
13:21:35.318 (reboot): Receive status dir = C:\Users\kurte\AppData\Local\Temp\arduino_build_864110\
13:21:35.318 (reboot): Receive status EOT
13:21:35.318 (reboot): status read, retry 17
13:21:35.318 (reboot): status read, retry 17
13:21:35.318 (loader): status data sent
13:21:35.318 (reboot): Receive status state = 0
13:21:35.419 (reboot): Sending status request
13:21:35.419 (loader): remote cmd from 1308: "status"
13:21:35.420 (reboot): Receive status auto = 1
13:21:35.420 (reboot): Receive status online = 0
13:21:35.420 (reboot): Receive status online_count = 0
13:21:35.420 (reboot): Receive status offline_count = 0
13:21:35.420 (reboot): Receive status state = 0
13:21:35.420 (reboot): Receive status EOT
13:21:35.420 (reboot): status read, retry 18
13:21:35.420 (reboot): status read, retry 18
13:21:35.420 (reboot): Receive status readable = 1
13:21:35.420 (reboot): Receive status file = AX12_Test_OpenCM.ino.hex
13:21:35.420 (reboot): Receive status dir = C:\Users\kurte\AppData\Local\Temp\arduino_build_864110\
13:21:35.420 (loader): status data sent
13:21:35.521 (loader): remote cmd from 1308: "status"
13:21:35.521 (reboot): Sending status request
13:21:35.522 (reboot): status read, retry 19
13:21:35.522 (reboot): status read, retry 19
13:21:35.522 (loader): status data sent
13:21:35.522 (reboot): Receive status file = AX12_Test_OpenCM.ino.hex
13:21:35.522 (reboot): Receive status dir = C:\Users\kurte\AppData\Local\Temp\arduino_build_864110\
13:21:35.522 (reboot): Receive status readable = 1
13:21:35.522 (reboot): Receive status auto = 1
13:21:35.522 (reboot): Receive status online = 0
13:21:35.522 (reboot): Receive status online_count = 0
13:21:35.522 (reboot): Receive status offline_count = 0
13:21:35.522 (reboot): Receive status state = 0
13:21:35.522 (reboot): Receive status EOT
13:21:35.622 (reboot): Sending status request
13:21:35.622 (loader): remote cmd from 1308: "status"
13:21:35.623 (loader): status data sent
13:21:35.623 (reboot): Receive status dir = C:\Users\kurte\AppData\Local\Temp\arduino_build_864110\
13:21:35.623 (reboot): Receive status file = AX12_Test_OpenCM.ino.hex
13:21:35.623 (reboot): Receive status readable = 1
13:21:35.623 (reboot): status read, retry 20
13:21:35.623 (reboot): status read, retry 20
13:21:35.623 (reboot): Receive status EOT
13:21:35.623 (reboot): Receive status state = 0
13:21:35.623 (reboot): Receive status offline_count = 0
13:21:35.623 (reboot): Receive status online_count = 0
13:21:35.623 (reboot): Receive status auto = 1
13:21:35.623 (reboot): Receive status online = 0
13:21:35.724 (reboot): Sending status request
13:21:35.724 (loader): remote cmd from 1308: "status"
13:21:35.727 (reboot): Receive status file = AX12_Test_OpenCM.ino.hex
13:21:35.727 (reboot): Receive status readable = 1
13:21:35.727 (reboot): Receive status auto = 1
13:21:35.727 (reboot): Receive status online = 0
13:21:35.727 (reboot): Receive status dir = C:\Users\kurte\AppData\Local\Temp\arduino_build_864110\
13:21:35.727 (reboot): Receive status offline_count = 0
13:21:35.727 (reboot): Receive status state = 0
13:21:35.727 (reboot): Receive status EOT
13:21:35.727 (reboot): status read, retry 21
13:21:35.727 (reboot): status read, retry 21
13:21:35.727 (loader): status data sent
13:21:35.727 (reboot): Receive status online_count = 0
13:21:35.828 (loader): remote cmd from 1308: "status"
13:21:35.828 (reboot): Sending status request
13:21:35.829 (reboot): Receive status readable = 1
13:21:35.829 (loader): status data sent
13:21:35.829 (reboot): Receive status dir = C:\Users\kurte\AppData\Local\Temp\arduino_build_864110\
13:21:35.829 (reboot): Receive status file = AX12_Test_OpenCM.ino.hex
13:21:35.829 (reboot): status read, retry 22
13:21:35.829 (reboot): status read, retry 22
13:21:35.829 (reboot): Receive status EOT
13:21:35.829 (reboot): Receive status state = 0
13:21:35.829 (reboot): Receive status offline_count = 0
13:21:35.829 (reboot): Receive status online_count = 0
13:21:35.829 (reboot): Receive status online = 0
13:21:35.829 (reboot): Receive status auto = 1
13:21:35.930 (loader): remote cmd from 1308: "status"
13:21:35.930 (reboot): Sending status request
13:21:35.933 (reboot): Receive status file = AX12_Test_OpenCM.ino.hex
13:21:35.933 (reboot): Receive status dir = C:\Users\kurte\AppData\Local\Temp\arduino_build_864110\
13:21:35.933 (loader): status data sent
13:21:35.933 (reboot): Receive status auto = 1
13:21:35.933 (reboot): Receive status online = 0
13:21:35.933 (reboot): Receive status online_count = 0
13:21:35.933 (reboot): Receive status offline_count = 0
13:21:35.933 (reboot): Receive status state = 0
13:21:35.933 (reboot): Receive status EOT
13:21:35.933 (reboot): status read, retry 23
13:21:35.933 (reboot): status read, retry 23
13:21:35.933 (reboot): Receive status readable = 1
13:21:36.034 (reboot): Sending status request
13:21:36.034 (loader): remote cmd from 1308: "status"
13:21:36.037 (reboot): Receive status online = 0
13:21:36.037 (reboot): Receive status auto = 1
13:21:36.037 (reboot): Receive status readable = 1
13:21:36.037 (reboot): Receive status online_count = 0
13:21:36.037 (reboot): Receive status dir = C:\Users\kurte\AppData\Local\Temp\arduino_build_864110\
13:21:36.037 (reboot): Receive status offline_count = 0
13:21:36.037 (reboot): Receive status EOT
13:21:36.037 (reboot): status read, retry 24
13:21:36.037 (reboot): Receive status file = AX12_Test_OpenCM.ino.hex
13:21:36.037 (loader): status data sent
13:21:36.037 (reboot): status read, retry 24
13:21:36.037 (reboot): Receive status state = 0
13:21:36.138 (reboot): Sending status request
13:21:36.138 (loader): remote cmd from 1308: "status"
13:21:36.139 (reboot): Receive status auto = 1
13:21:36.139 (reboot): status read, retry 25
13:21:36.139 (reboot): status read, retry 25
13:21:36.139 (reboot): Receive status readable = 1
13:21:36.139 (reboot): Receive status file = AX12_Test_OpenCM.ino.hex
13:21:36.139 (reboot): Receive status dir = C:\Users\kurte\AppData\Local\Temp\arduino_build_864110\
13:21:36.139 (reboot): Receive status EOT
13:21:36.139 (reboot): Receive status state = 0
13:21:36.139 (reboot): Receive status online = 0
13:21:36.139 (reboot): Receive status online_count = 0
13:21:36.139 (reboot): Receive status offline_count = 0
13:21:36.139 (loader): status data sent
13:21:36.241 (loader): remote cmd from 1308: "status"
13:21:36.241 (reboot): Sending status request
13:21:36.242 (loader): status data sent
13:21:36.242 (reboot): Receive status EOT
13:21:36.242 (reboot): status read, retry 26
13:21:36.242 (reboot): Receive status dir = C:\Users\kurte\AppData\Local\Temp\arduino_build_864110\
13:21:36.242 (reboot): Receive status file = AX12_Test_OpenCM.ino.hex
13:21:36.242 (reboot): Receive status readable = 1
13:21:36.242 (reboot): Receive status auto = 1
13:21:36.242 (reboot): Receive status online = 0
13:21:36.242 (reboot): Receive status online_count = 0
13:21:36.242 (reboot): Receive status offline_count = 0
13:21:36.242 (reboot): Receive status state = 0
13:21:36.242 (reboot): status read, retry 26
13:21:36.343 (reboot): Sending status request
13:21:36.343 (loader): remote cmd from 1308: "status"
13:21:36.344 (reboot): status read, retry 27
13:21:36.344 (reboot): Receive status EOT
13:21:36.344 (reboot): Receive status state = 0
13:21:36.344 (reboot): status read, retry 27
13:21:36.344 (loader): status data sent
13:21:36.344 (reboot): Receive status dir = C:\Users\kurte\AppData\Local\Temp\arduino_build_864110\
13:21:36.344 (reboot): Receive status file = AX12_Test_OpenCM.ino.hex
13:21:36.344 (reboot): Receive status readable = 1
13:21:36.344 (reboot): Receive status auto = 1
13:21:36.344 (reboot): Receive status online = 0
13:21:36.344 (reboot): Receive status online_count = 0
13:21:36.344 (reboot): Receive status offline_count = 0
13:21:36.445 (loader): remote cmd from 1308: "status"
13:21:36.445 (reboot): Sending status request
13:21:36.446 (loader): status data sent
13:21:36.446 (reboot): Receive status EOT
13:21:36.446 (reboot): status read, retry 28
13:21:36.446 (reboot): Receive status dir = C:\Users\kurte\AppData\Local\Temp\arduino_build_864110\
13:21:36.446 (reboot): Receive status file = AX12_Test_OpenCM.ino.hex
13:21:36.446 (reboot): Receive status readable = 1
13:21:36.446 (reboot): Receive status auto = 1
13:21:36.446 (reboot): Receive status online = 0
13:21:36.446 (reboot): Receive status online_count = 0
13:21:36.446 (reboot): Receive status offline_count = 0
13:21:36.446 (reboot): status read, retry 28
13:21:36.446 (reboot): Receive status state = 0
13:21:36.547 (reboot): Sending status request
13:21:36.547 (loader): remote cmd from 1308: "status"
13:21:36.548 (reboot): Receive status offline_count = 0
13:21:36.548 (reboot): Receive status online_count = 0
13:21:36.548 (reboot): Receive status online = 0
13:21:36.548 (reboot): Receive status auto = 1
13:21:36.548 (reboot): Receive status state = 0
13:21:36.548 (reboot): Receive status file = AX12_Test_OpenCM.ino.hex
13:21:36.548 (reboot): Receive status dir = C:\Users\kurte\AppData\Local\Temp\arduino_build_864110\
13:21:36.548 (reboot): Receive status EOT
13:21:36.548 (reboot): status read, retry 29
13:21:36.548 (loader): status data sent
13:21:36.548 (reboot): Receive status readable = 1
13:21:36.548 (reboot): status read, retry 29
13:21:36.649 (reboot): Sending status request
13:21:36.650 (loader): status data sent
13:21:36.650 (reboot): Receive status readable = 1
13:21:36.650 (reboot): status read, retry 30
13:21:36.650 (reboot): status read, retry 30
13:21:36.650 (reboot): Receive status EOT
13:21:36.650 (reboot): Receive status state = 0
13:21:36.650 (reboot): Receive status offline_count = 0
13:21:36.650 (reboot): Receive status online_count = 0
13:21:36.650 (reboot): Receive status online = 0
13:21:36.650 (reboot): Receive status auto = 1
13:21:36.650 (reboot): Receive status file = AX12_Test_OpenCM.ino.hex
13:21:36.650 (reboot): Receive status dir = C:\Users\kurte\AppData\Local\Temp\arduino_build_864110\
13:21:36.650 (loader): remote cmd from 1308: "status"
13:21:36.752 (reboot): Sending status request
13:21:36.752 (loader): remote cmd from 1308: "status"
13:21:36.755 (loader): status data sent
13:21:36.755 (reboot): Receive status dir = C:\Users\kurte\AppData\Local\Temp\arduino_build_864110\
13:21:36.755 (reboot): Receive status file = AX12_Test_OpenCM.ino.hex
13:21:36.755 (reboot): Receive status readable = 1
13:21:36.755 (reboot): Receive status auto = 1
13:21:36.755 (reboot): Receive status online = 0
13:21:36.755 (reboot): Receive status online_count = 0
13:21:36.755 (reboot): Receive status offline_count = 0
13:21:36.755 (reboot): Receive status state = 0
13:21:36.755 (reboot): Receive status EOT
13:21:36.755 (reboot): status read, retry 31
13:21:36.755 (reboot): status read, retry 31
13:21:36.856 (reboot): Sending status request
13:21:36.857 (reboot): Receive status dir = C:\Users\kurte\AppData\Local\Temp\arduino_build_864110\
13:21:36.857 (reboot): Receive status file = AX12_Test_OpenCM.ino.hex
13:21:36.857 (loader): remote cmd from 1308: "status"
13:21:36.858 (reboot): Receive status readable = 1
13:21:36.858 (reboot): Receive status auto = 1
13:21:36.858 (reboot): Receive status state = 0
13:21:36.858 (reboot): Receive status online_count = 0
13:21:36.858 (reboot): Receive status offline_count = 0
13:21:36.858 (reboot): Receive status EOT
13:21:36.858 (reboot): status read, retry 32
13:21:36.858 (reboot): status read, retry 32
13:21:36.858 (reboot): Receive status online = 0
13:21:36.858 (loader): status data sent
13:21:36.958 (loader): remote cmd from 1308: "status"
13:21:36.958 (reboot): Sending status request
13:21:36.961 (reboot): Receive status online_count = 0
13:21:36.961 (reboot): Receive status state = 0
13:21:36.961 (reboot): Receive status readable = 1
13:21:36.961 (reboot): Receive status file = AX12_Test_OpenCM.ino.hex
13:21:36.961 (reboot): Receive status online = 0
13:21:36.961 (reboot): Receive status auto = 1
13:21:36.961 (reboot): Receive status offline_count = 0
13:21:36.961 (reboot): Receive status dir = C:\Users\kurte\AppData\Local\Temp\arduino_build_864110\
13:21:36.962 (reboot): Receive status EOT
13:21:36.962 (reboot): status read, retry 33
13:21:36.962 (loader): status data sent
13:21:36.962 (reboot): status read, retry 33
13:21:37.062 (loader): remote cmd from 1308: "status"
13:21:37.062 (reboot): Sending status request
13:21:37.063 (reboot): Receive status online_count = 0
13:21:37.063 (reboot): Receive status offline_count = 0
13:21:37.063 (reboot): Receive status state = 0
13:21:37.063 (reboot): Receive status auto = 1
13:21:37.063 (reboot): Receive status readable = 1
13:21:37.063 (reboot): Receive status file = AX12_Test_OpenCM.ino.hex
13:21:37.063 (reboot): Receive status dir = C:\Users\kurte\AppData\Local\Temp\arduino_build_864110\
13:21:37.063 (loader): status data sent
13:21:37.063 (reboot): status read, retry 34
13:21:37.063 (reboot): Receive status online = 0
13:21:37.063 (reboot): status read, retry 34
13:21:37.063 (reboot): Receive status EOT
13:21:37.164 (reboot): Receive status offline_count = 0
13:21:37.164 (reboot): Receive status dir = C:\Users\kurte\AppData\Local\Temp\arduino_build_864110\
13:21:37.164 (reboot): Receive status online_count = 0
13:21:37.164 (reboot): Receive status online = 0
13:21:37.164 (reboot): Receive status auto = 1
13:21:37.164 (reboot): Receive status readable = 1
13:21:37.164 (reboot): Sending status request
13:21:37.164 (reboot): Receive status file = AX12_Test_OpenCM.ino.hex
13:21:37.164 (loader): remote cmd from 1308: "status"
13:21:37.165 (reboot): Receive status state = 0
13:21:37.165 (reboot): status read, retry 35
13:21:37.165 (loader): status data sent
13:21:37.165 (reboot): status read, retry 35
13:21:37.165 (reboot): Receive status EOT
13:21:37.265 (reboot): Sending status request
13:21:37.266 (reboot): Receive status online = 0
13:21:37.266 (reboot): Receive status state = 0
13:21:37.266 (reboot): Receive status readable = 1
13:21:37.266 (reboot): status read, retry 36
13:21:37.266 (reboot): Receive status dir = C:\Users\kurte\AppData\Local\Temp\arduino_build_864110\
13:21:37.266 (reboot): Receive status online_count = 0
13:21:37.266 (reboot): Receive status offline_count = 0
13:21:37.266 (reboot): Receive status EOT
13:21:37.266 (reboot): status read, retry 36
13:21:37.266 (reboot): Receive status auto = 1
13:21:37.266 (reboot): Receive status file = AX12_Test_OpenCM.ino.hex
13:21:37.266 (loader): status data sent
13:21:37.266 (loader): remote cmd from 1308: "status"
13:21:37.367 (reboot): Sending status request
13:21:37.367 (loader): remote cmd from 1308: "status"
13:21:37.368 (reboot): Receive status auto = 1
13:21:37.368 (reboot): Receive status online = 0
13:21:37.368 (reboot): Receive status online_count = 0
13:21:37.368 (reboot): Receive status offline_count = 0
13:21:37.368 (reboot): Receive status state = 0
13:21:37.368 (reboot): Receive status EOT
13:21:37.368 (reboot): status read, retry 37
13:21:37.368 (reboot): status read, retry 37
13:21:37.368 (reboot): Receive status file = AX12_Test_OpenCM.ino.hex
13:21:37.368 (reboot): Receive status dir = C:\Users\kurte\AppData\Local\Temp\arduino_build_864110\
13:21:37.368 (loader): status data sent
13:21:37.368 (reboot): Receive status readable = 1
13:21:37.469 (reboot): Sending status request
13:21:37.469 (loader): remote cmd from 1308: "status"
13:21:37.470 (reboot): Receive status state = 0
13:21:37.470 (reboot): Receive status EOT
13:21:37.470 (reboot): Receive status readable = 1
13:21:37.470 (reboot): status read, retry 38
13:21:37.470 (reboot): Receive status offline_count = 0
13:21:37.470 (loader): status data sent
13:21:37.470 (reboot): status read, retry 38
13:21:37.470 (reboot): Receive status online_count = 0
13:21:37.470 (reboot): Receive status file = AX12_Test_OpenCM.ino.hex
13:21:37.470 (reboot): Receive status dir = C:\Users\kurte\AppData\Local\Temp\arduino_build_864110\
13:21:37.470 (reboot): Receive status auto = 1
13:21:37.470 (reboot): Receive status online = 0
13:21:37.571 (loader): remote cmd from 1308: "status"
13:21:37.571 (reboot): Sending status request
13:21:37.574 (reboot): Receive status auto = 1
13:21:37.574 (reboot): Receive status readable = 1
13:21:37.574 (reboot): Receive status online = 0
13:21:37.574 (reboot): Receive status dir = C:\Users\kurte\AppData\Local\Temp\arduino_build_864110\
13:21:37.574 (reboot): Receive status online_count = 0
13:21:37.574 (reboot): Receive status file = AX12_Test_OpenCM.ino.hex
13:21:37.574 (reboot): Receive status state = 0
13:21:37.574 (reboot): Receive status offline_count = 0
13:21:37.575 (loader): status data sent
13:21:37.575 (reboot): status read, retry 39
13:21:37.575 (reboot): Receive status EOT
13:21:37.575 (reboot): status read, retry 39
13:21:37.676 (reboot): Sending status request
13:21:37.676 (loader): remote cmd from 1308: "status"
13:21:37.677 (loader): status data sent
13:21:37.677 (reboot): Receive status auto = 1
13:21:37.677 (reboot): Receive status readable = 1
13:21:37.677 (reboot): Receive status dir = C:\Users\kurte\AppData\Local\Temp\arduino_build_864110\
13:21:37.677 (reboot): Receive status online = 0
13:21:37.677 (reboot): Receive status online_count = 0
13:21:37.677 (reboot): Receive status offline_count = 0
13:21:37.677 (reboot): Receive status state = 0
13:21:37.677 (reboot): Receive status EOT
13:21:37.677 (reboot): status read, retry 40
13:21:37.677 (reboot): status read, retry 40
13:21:37.677 (reboot): Receive status file = AX12_Test_OpenCM.ino.hex
13:21:37.777 (loader): remote cmd from 1308: "status"
13:21:37.777 (reboot): Sending status request
13:21:37.778 (reboot): status read, retry 41
13:21:37.778 (reboot): status read, retry 41
13:21:37.778 (reboot): Receive status EOT
13:21:37.778 (reboot): Receive status state = 0
13:21:37.778 (reboot): Receive status offline_count = 0
13:21:37.778 (loader): status data sent
13:21:37.778 (reboot): Receive status online = 0
13:21:37.778 (reboot): Receive status auto = 1
13:21:37.778 (reboot): Receive status readable = 1
13:21:37.778 (reboot): Receive status file = AX12_Test_OpenCM.ino.hex
13:21:37.778 (reboot): Receive status dir = C:\Users\kurte\AppData\Local\Temp\arduino_build_864110\
13:21:37.778 (reboot): Receive status online_count = 0
13:21:37.880 (loader): remote cmd from 1308: "status"
13:21:37.880 (reboot): Sending status request
13:21:37.880 (reboot): status read, retry 42
13:21:37.880 (reboot): Receive status EOT
13:21:37.880 (reboot): Receive status state = 0
13:21:37.880 (reboot): Receive status offline_count = 0
13:21:37.880 (reboot): status read, retry 42
13:21:37.880 (reboot): Receive status online = 0
13:21:37.880 (reboot): Receive status auto = 1
13:21:37.880 (reboot): Receive status readable = 1
13:21:37.880 (reboot): Receive status file = AX12_Test_OpenCM.ino.hex
13:21:37.880 (reboot): Receive status online_count = 0
13:21:37.880 (loader): status data sent
13:21:37.880 (reboot): Receive status dir = C:\Users\kurte\AppData\Local\Temp\arduino_build_864110\
13:21:37.982 (loader): remote cmd from 1308: "status"
13:21:37.982 (reboot): Sending status request
13:21:37.983 (loader): status data sent
13:21:37.983 (reboot): Receive status file = AX12_Test_OpenCM.ino.hex
13:21:37.983 (reboot): Receive status readable = 1
13:21:37.983 (reboot): Receive status auto = 1
13:21:37.983 (reboot): Receive status online = 0
13:21:37.983 (reboot): Receive status online_count = 0
13:21:37.983 (reboot): Receive status offline_count = 0
13:21:37.983 (reboot): Receive status state = 0
13:21:37.983 (reboot): Receive status EOT
13:21:37.983 (reboot): status read, retry 43
13:21:37.983 (reboot): status read, retry 43
13:21:37.983 (reboot): Receive status dir = C:\Users\kurte\AppData\Local\Temp\arduino_build_864110\
13:21:38.084 (loader): remote cmd from 1308: "status"
13:21:38.084 (reboot): Sending status request
13:21:38.085 (reboot): status read, retry 44
13:21:38.085 (reboot): status read, retry 44
13:21:38.085 (reboot): Receive status EOT
13:21:38.085 (loader): status data sent
13:21:38.085 (reboot): Receive status offline_count = 0
13:21:38.085 (reboot): Receive status online_count = 0
13:21:38.085 (reboot): Receive status online = 0
13:21:38.085 (reboot): Receive status auto = 1
13:21:38.085 (reboot): Receive status state = 0
13:21:38.085 (reboot): Receive status dir = C:\Users\kurte\AppData\Local\Temp\arduino_build_864110\
13:21:38.085 (reboot): Receive status file = AX12_Test_OpenCM.ino.hex
13:21:38.085 (reboot): Receive status readable = 1
13:21:38.185 (loader): remote cmd from 1308: "status"
13:21:38.185 (reboot): Sending status request
13:21:38.186 (reboot): Receive status EOT
13:21:38.186 (reboot): Receive status state = 0
13:21:38.186 (reboot): Receive status online_count = 0
13:21:38.186 (loader): status data sent
13:21:38.186 (reboot): status read, retry 45
13:21:38.186 (reboot): status read, retry 45
13:21:38.186 (reboot): Receive status file = AX12_Test_OpenCM.ino.hex
13:21:38.186 (reboot): Receive status dir = C:\Users\kurte\AppData\Local\Temp\arduino_build_864110\
13:21:38.186 (reboot): Receive status online = 0
13:21:38.186 (reboot): Receive status readable = 1
13:21:38.186 (reboot): Receive status auto = 1
13:21:38.186 (reboot): Receive status offline_count = 0
13:21:38.288 (loader): remote cmd from 1308: "status"
13:21:38.288 (reboot): Sending status request
13:21:38.291 (reboot): status read, retry 46
13:21:38.291 (reboot): status read, retry 46
13:21:38.291 (reboot): Receive status EOT
13:21:38.291 (reboot): Receive status state = 0
13:21:38.291 (loader): status data sent
13:21:38.291 (reboot): Receive status dir = C:\Users\kurte\AppData\Local\Temp\arduino_build_864110\
13:21:38.291 (reboot): Receive status file = AX12_Test_OpenCM.ino.hex
13:21:38.291 (reboot): Receive status readable = 1
13:21:38.291 (reboot): Receive status auto = 1
13:21:38.291 (reboot): Receive status online = 0
13:21:38.291 (reboot): Receive status online_count = 0
13:21:38.291 (reboot): Receive status offline_count = 0
13:21:38.392 (reboot): Receive status auto = 1
13:21:38.392 (reboot): Receive status offline_count = 0
13:21:38.392 (reboot): Receive status online_count = 0
13:21:38.392 (loader): remote cmd from 1308: "status"
13:21:38.392 (reboot): Sending status request
13:21:38.392 (reboot): Receive status dir = C:\Users\kurte\AppData\Local\Temp\arduino_build_864110\
13:21:38.392 (reboot): Receive status file = AX12_Test_OpenCM.ino.hex
13:21:38.392 (reboot): Receive status readable = 1
13:21:38.392 (reboot): Receive status online = 0
13:21:38.393 (loader): status data sent
13:21:38.393 (reboot): status read, retry 47
13:21:38.393 (reboot): Receive status state = 0
13:21:38.393 (reboot): Receive status EOT
13:21:38.393 (reboot): status read, retry 47
13:21:38.493 (reboot): Sending status request
13:21:38.493 (loader): remote cmd from 1308: "status"
13:21:38.494 (loader): status data sent
13:21:38.494 (reboot): Receive status dir = C:\Users\kurte\AppData\Local\Temp\arduino_build_864110\
13:21:38.494 (reboot): Receive status file = AX12_Test_OpenCM.ino.hex
13:21:38.494 (reboot): Receive status readable = 1
13:21:38.494 (reboot): Receive status auto = 1
13:21:38.494 (reboot): Receive status online = 0
13:21:38.494 (reboot): Receive status online_count = 0
13:21:38.494 (reboot): Receive status offline_count = 0
13:21:38.494 (reboot): Receive status state = 0
13:21:38.494 (reboot): Receive status EOT
13:21:38.494 (reboot): status read, retry 48
13:21:38.494 (reboot): status read, retry 48
13:21:38.595 (reboot): Sending status request
13:21:38.596 (reboot): Receive status dir = C:\Users\kurte\AppData\Local\Temp\arduino_build_864110\
13:21:38.596 (reboot): Receive status file = AX12_Test_OpenCM.ino.hex
13:21:38.596 (reboot): Receive status readable = 1
13:21:38.596 (loader): remote cmd from 1308: "status"
13:21:38.597 (reboot): Receive status online = 0
13:21:38.597 (reboot): Receive status online_count = 0
13:21:38.597 (reboot): Receive status auto = 1
13:21:38.597 (reboot): Receive status state = 0
13:21:38.597 (reboot): Receive status EOT
13:21:38.597 (reboot): status read, retry 49
13:21:38.597 (reboot): status read, retry 49
13:21:38.597 (loader): status data sent
13:21:38.597 (reboot): Receive status offline_count = 0
13:21:38.698 (loader): remote cmd from 1308: "log:632"
13:21:38.698 (reboot): Teensy did not respond to a USB-based request to automatically reboot.
13:21:38.717 (loader): remote connection 1308 closed
13:21:38.722 (loader): remote connection 1268 closed
13:21:38.722 (ports): got command: "list"
13:21:38.722 (loader): remote cmd from 1260: "log:4"
13:21:38.723 (ports): usb_add: usb:0/140000/0/3  COM21 (Teensy) Serial
13:21:38.723 (ports): update_usb_device, devinst list change
13:21:38.723 (ports): found something COM port, devinst=00000004
13:21:38.725 (ports): got command: "list"
13:21:38.725 (loader): remote cmd from 1260: "log:4"
13:21:49.102 (loader): Verbose Info event

From other window:
Opening Teensy Loader...

Using library DynamixelSDK at version 3.5.4 in folder: C:\Users\kurte\Documents\Arduino\libraries\DynamixelSDK 
Sketch uses 55424 bytes (21%) of program storage space. Maximum is 262144 bytes.
Global variables use 8492 bytes (12%) of dynamic memory, leaving 57044 bytes for local variables. Maximum is 65536 bytes.
D:\arduino-1.8.5\hardware\teensy/../tools/teensy_post_compile -file=AX12_Test_OpenCM.ino -path=C:\Users\kurte\AppData\Local\Temp\arduino_build_864110 -tools=D:\arduino-1.8.5\hardware\teensy/../tools -board=TEENSY31 -reboot -port=COM21 -portlabel=COM21 (Teensy) -portprotocol=serial 
Unable to open COM21 for reboot request 
  Windows Error Info: The system cannot find the file specified. 
  more ideas... https://forum.pjrc.com/threads/40632?p=126667&viewfull=1#post126667 
Teensy did not respond to a USB-based request to enter program mode. 
Please press the PROGRAM MODE BUTTON on your Teensy to upload your sketch.

Paul, is it possible to overtax USB serial to a point where it can stop showing output but the rest of the teensy is processing fine until you reboot it then it comes working again?
Is there perhaps a flag set for an overflow than halts the output? 4D displays do this type of behaviour and they have a func in the datasheet to reinit the buffer
Looking over this log data, I don't see *any* WM_DEVICECHANGE change messages!

I don't understand why Windows wouldn't give any of those events. Looks like I need to rethink how things work on Windows, if those aren't reliable....
I got this T_3.0 on COM5 - when compile started I had COM10 selected - but changed during compile - and TyComm was Serial disabled on the T_3.0 so the port was 'free', except I popped open SerMon after Port change to confirm it could see it - so IDE SerMon owned the port it seems.
Unable to open COM5 for reboot request
Windows Error Info: Access is denied.
more ideas... https://forum.pjrc.com/threads/40632?p=126667&viewfull=1#post126667
Unable to open COM12 for reboot request
Windows Error Info: The system cannot find the file specified.
more ideas... https://forum.pjrc.com/threads/40632?p=126667&viewfull=1#post126667
Unable to open COM10 for reboot request
Windows Error Info: The system cannot find the file specified.
more ideas... https://forum.pjrc.com/threads/40632?p=126667&viewfull=1#post126667
Teensy did not respond to a USB-based request to enter program mode.
Please press the PROGRAM MODE BUTTON on your Teensy to upload your sketch.

I then pushed button and programming completed - here is the Verbose of fail progression - then success.

Online - but Serial Active in TyComm were:: T_3.5 [com12] and T_3.6 [com10]

View attachment 142b2_T3.txt

Ran it again - like I should have and it went fine. Made multiple changes and it is going fine.

Tested this for a Win 10 127 byte print issue and it looks clean:
  for ( int ii = 0; ii < 6; ii ++) {
    for ( int jj = 0; jj < 124 + ii; jj ++) {
      if ( jj % 10 )
        Serial.print( (char)('A' + ii) );
        Serial.print( '_' );

Changed the letter each length change here - runs fine the same with just "A"'s.

Paul, is it possible to overtax USB serial to a point where it can stop showing output but the rest of the teensy is processing fine until you reboot it then it comes working again?

Well, the best answer is "maybe", but those aren't quite the words I'd use to describe this possible scenario.

Like all USB devices, Teensy's USB communication is completely at the mercy of when the USB host controller in your computer decides to send IN & OUT tokens. Teensy queues up packets in memory. Teensy's USB controller can only transmit them when it hears an IN token from your PC.

So what should Teensy do if the USB host simply isn't sending IN tokens? You could call that "overtax USB serial", but to be specific, the situation I'm talking about here is whether the USB host controller in your computer is continuing to send IN tokens that give Teensy an opportunity to respond with data. This is sort of a rhetorical question... the answer is in the code of usb_serial_write() in usb_serial.c.


You can see a "wait_count" variable that's compared to TX_TIMEOUT. If no buffers are available to queue up another outgoing packet, this loop eventually gives up. It sets a transmit_previous_timeout to remember if there's a problem. Next time, if that flag is set, only 1 check for an available buffer is made. After the timeout, and after this flag is set, the USB serial code discards everything you try to send. The idea is a USB problem on the host side can only stall your program for a fixed amount of time, and only once.

So the first big question is whether this usb_serial_write() code or something else is responsible for the data loss you're seeing. It should be fairly simple to test, maybe by wiring up a couple LEDs. If that "transmit_previous_timeout" variable is set, you can be sure usb_serial_write() has discarded your outgoing data and will continue to do so until more USB buffers become available.

If that code is being triggered, then the next big question is why? It could be the USB host isn't sending IN tokens. Or there could be a bug somewhere on the Teensy side. Maybe something is going wrong in the USB memory allocator? Or maybe there's a bug deep within usb_dev.c.

Or (perhaps most likely) your code is transmitting from both main program and interrupts? I suspect my usb_serial.c code isn't safe for use that way. It probably should be.... and to be honest, this is one of hundreds of little "minor" or "low priority" things I want to someday investigate, in the huge amount of free time I have! The honest truth is this sort of thing generally waits to get investigated until someone finds a way to reliably reproduce it.

Anyway, there's a lengthy explanation of what I know. It's entirely possible the data loss you're seeing could be happening somewhere other than usb_serial_write(). Who knows, it might even be on the host side. If you can create a program to reproduce the issue without special hardware, I can run it here and watch with my USB protocol analyzer. Then we can at least see if the host is still sending IN tokens and whether Teensy is responding with data packets. If the problem is entirely on the Teensy side (host still sends IN tokens & Teensy's hardware replies with NAK tokens), I will dedicate engineering time to fixing whatever's wrong. But I can't put much time into trying to guess a way to reproduce the problem. As you can see in this thread, I already have my hands quite full with trying to work around Windows problems like how to reliably get those WM_DEVICECHANGE events, or maybe come up with a polling workaround for Windows systems where we just can't get them.

Hopefully this long-winded explanation helps. I can promise you, if you come up with a program I can run here to reliably reproduce the problem, I will investigate. If it's a bug on the Teensy side, I will find and fix it. Might take me a few weeks or even months depending on other tasks, but I will do this if you can give me a program to reproduce the problem.
Also having issue on Mac this time to T3.5... High Sierra 10.13.2

Trying to program Blink:
14:48:29.199 (ports):   read end, assume connection closed
14:48:29.199 (ports): connection 8 closed
14:48:52.703 (ports): USB add callback
14:48:52.704 (ports): add device: loc=14200000, vid=16C0, pid=0483, ver=0200
14:48:52.704 (ports):   devpath=[no_device]
14:48:52.704 (ports):     name: [no_device] (Teensy) Serial
14:48:53.580 (ports): client_connect
14:48:53.580 (ports): incoming connection, port 0
14:48:53.581 (ports): write: buffer has 0 bytes, add 12 more
14:48:55.402 (ports): got command: "list"
14:49:03.037 (ports): got command: "list"
14:49:30.037 (ports): got command: "list"
14:49:32.697 (ports): got command: "list"
14:49:43.093 (post_compile): Begin
14:49:43.719 (loader): Teensy Loader 1.42-beta2, begin program
14:49:43.762 (loader): Listening for remote control on port 3149
14:49:43.763 (loader): initialized, showing main window
14:49:43.859 (loader): remote connection 10 opened
14:49:43.861 (post_compile): Sending command: comment: Teensyduino 1.42-beta2 - MACOSX (teensy_post_compile)
14:49:43.862 (loader): remote cmd from 10: "comment: Teensyduino 1.42-beta2 - MACOSX (teensy_post_compile)"
14:49:43.863 (post_compile): Sending status request
14:49:43.863 (loader): remote cmd from 10: "status"
14:49:43.867 (loader): HID/macos: no devices found
14:49:43.868 (post_compile): Receive status dir = /var/folders/c8/jzlb4l7j6lb513z19lj2rclr0000gp/T/arduino_build_721838/
14:49:43.868 (post_compile): Receive status file = Blink.ino.hex
14:49:43.868 (post_compile): Receive status readable = 0
14:49:43.868 (post_compile): Receive status auto = 0
14:49:43.868 (post_compile): Receive status online = 0
14:49:43.868 (post_compile): Receive status online_count = 0
14:49:43.868 (post_compile): Receive status offline_count = 0
14:49:43.868 (post_compile): Receive status state = 0
14:49:43.868 (loader): status data sent
14:49:43.868 (post_compile): Receive status EOT
14:49:43.868 (post_compile): Sending command: dir:/var/folders/c8/jzlb4l7j6lb513z19lj2rclr0000gp/T/arduino_build_841870/
14:49:43.869 (loader): remote cmd from 10: "dir:/var/folders/c8/jzlb4l7j6lb513z19lj2rclr0000gp/T/arduino_build_841870/"
14:49:43.870 (post_compile): Sending command: file:Blink.ino.hex
14:49:43.870 (loader): remote cmd from 10: "file:Blink.ino.hex"
14:49:43.874 (loader): File "Blink.ino.hex". 9984 bytes, 2% used
14:49:43.878 (post_compile): Sending status request
14:49:43.881 (loader): remote cmd from 10: "status"
14:49:43.883 (post_compile): Receive status dir = /var/folders/c8/jzlb4l7j6lb513z19lj2rclr0000gp/T/arduino_build_841870/
14:49:43.883 (post_compile): Receive status file = Blink.ino.hex
14:49:43.883 (post_compile): Receive status readable = 1
14:49:43.883 (post_compile): Receive status auto = 0
14:49:43.883 (post_compile): Receive status online = 0
14:49:43.883 (post_compile): Receive status online_count = 0
14:49:43.883 (post_compile): Receive status state = 0
14:49:43.883 (post_compile): Receive status offline_count = 0
14:49:43.883 (post_compile): Receive status EOT
14:49:43.883 (post_compile): Sending command: auto:on
14:49:43.883 (loader): status data sent
14:49:43.884 (loader): remote cmd from 10: "auto:on"
14:49:43.885 (post_compile): Disconnect
14:49:43.886 (loader): remote cmd from 10: "log:26"
14:49:43.897 (loader): remote connection 10 closed
14:49:44.010 (ports): got command: "list"
14:49:44.013 (ports): got command: "list"
14:49:44.026 (post_compile): Begin
14:49:44.026 (loader): remote connection 10 opened
14:49:44.027 (post_compile): Sending command: comment: Teensyduino 1.42-beta2 - MACOSX (teensy_post_compile)
14:49:44.027 (loader): remote cmd from 10: "comment: Teensyduino 1.42-beta2 - MACOSX (teensy_post_compile)"
14:49:44.027 (post_compile): Sending status request
14:49:44.027 (loader): remote cmd from 10: "status"
14:49:44.027 (post_compile): Receive status dir = /var/folders/c8/jzlb4l7j6lb513z19lj2rclr0000gp/T/arduino_build_841870/
14:49:44.027 (post_compile): Receive status file = Blink.ino.hex
14:49:44.027 (post_compile): Receive status readable = 1
14:49:44.027 (post_compile): Receive status auto = 1
14:49:44.027 (post_compile): Receive status online = 0
14:49:44.027 (post_compile): Receive status online_count = 0
14:49:44.027 (post_compile): Receive status state = 0
14:49:44.027 (post_compile): Receive status offline_count = 0
14:49:44.027 (loader): status data sent
14:49:44.027 (post_compile): Receive status EOT
14:49:44.027 (post_compile): Disconnect
14:49:44.028 (loader): remote cmd from 10: "log:13"
14:49:44.039 (post_compile): Running teensy_reboot: /Applications/Arduino.app/Contents/Java/hardware/teensy/../tools/teensy_reboot
14:49:44.039 (loader): remote connection 10 closed
14:49:44.039 (loader): remote connection 10 opened
14:49:44.039 (loader): remote cmd from 10: "log:1"
14:49:44.040 (loader): remote connection 10 closed
14:49:44.043 (reboot): Begin
14:49:44.043 (reboot): location = /dev/cu.usbmodem2416291
14:49:44.043 (reboot): portlabel = /dev/cu.usbmodem2416291 (Teensy)
14:49:44.043 (reboot): Serial device /dev/cu.usbmodem2416291 will be tried first
14:49:44.043 (reboot): portprotocol = serial
14:49:44.044 (reboot): USB add callback
14:49:44.044 (reboot): add device: loc=14200000, vid=16C0, pid=0483, ver=0200
14:49:44.044 (reboot):   devpath=[no_device]
14:49:44.046 (loader): remote connection 10 opened
14:49:44.046 (reboot): USB remove callback
14:49:44.046 (reboot): Sending command: show:arduino_attempt_reboot
14:49:44.046 (reboot): found Teensy Loader, version 1.42
14:49:44.046 (loader): remote cmd from 10: "log:8"
14:49:44.046 (loader): remote cmd from 10: "log:1"
14:49:44.046 (loader): remote cmd from 10: "show:arduino_attempt_reboot"
14:49:44.046 (loader): got request to show arduino rebooting message
14:49:44.048 (reboot): Sending command: comment: Teensyduino 1.42-beta2 - MACOSX (teensy_reboot)
14:49:44.050 (loader): remote cmd from 10: "comment: Teensyduino 1.42-beta2 - MACOSX (teensy_reboot)"
14:49:44.050 (reboot): Sending status request
14:49:44.050 (loader): remote cmd from 10: "status"
14:49:44.050 (reboot): Receive status dir = /var/folders/c8/jzlb4l7j6lb513z19lj2rclr0000gp/T/arduino_build_841870/
14:49:44.050 (reboot): Receive status file = Blink.ino.hex
14:49:44.050 (reboot): Receive status readable = 1
14:49:44.050 (reboot): Receive status auto = 1
14:49:44.050 (reboot): Receive status online = 0
14:49:44.050 (reboot): Receive status online_count = 0
14:49:44.050 (reboot): Receive status offline_count = 0
14:49:44.050 (reboot): Receive status state = 0
14:49:44.050 (reboot): Receive status EOT
14:49:44.050 (loader): status data sent
14:49:44.050 (reboot): do_reset (serial) [no_device]
14:49:44.050 (reboot): Sending status request
14:49:44.051 (loader): remote cmd from 10: "status"
14:49:44.051 (reboot): Receive status dir = /var/folders/c8/jzlb4l7j6lb513z19lj2rclr0000gp/T/arduino_build_841870/
14:49:44.051 (reboot): Receive status file = Blink.ino.hex
14:49:44.051 (reboot): Receive status readable = 1
14:49:44.051 (reboot): Receive status auto = 1
14:49:44.051 (reboot): Receive status online = 0
14:49:44.051 (reboot): Receive status online_count = 0
14:49:44.051 (reboot): Receive status offline_count = 0
14:49:44.051 (reboot): Receive status state = 0
14:49:44.051 (reboot): status read, retry 0
14:49:44.051 (reboot): Receive status EOT
14:49:44.051 (reboot): status read, retry 0
14:49:44.051 (loader): status data sent
14:49:44.155 (reboot): Sending status request
14:49:44.156 (loader): remote cmd from 10: "status"
14:49:44.157 (reboot): Receive status dir = /var/folders/c8/jzlb4l7j6lb513z19lj2rclr0000gp/T/arduino_build_841870/
14:49:44.157 (reboot): Receive status file = Blink.ino.hex
14:49:44.157 (reboot): Receive status readable = 1
14:49:44.157 (reboot): Receive status auto = 1
14:49:44.157 (reboot): Receive status online = 0
14:49:44.157 (reboot): Receive status online_count = 0
14:49:44.157 (reboot): Receive status offline_count = 0
14:49:44.157 (reboot): Receive status state = 0
14:49:44.157 (loader): status data sent
14:49:44.157 (reboot): Receive status EOT
14:49:44.157 (reboot): status read, retry 1
14:49:44.157 (reboot): status read, retry 1
14:49:44.262 (reboot): Sending status request
14:49:44.262 (loader): remote cmd from 10: "status"
14:49:44.262 (reboot): Receive status dir = /var/folders/c8/jzlb4l7j6lb513z19lj2rclr0000gp/T/arduino_build_841870/
14:49:44.262 (reboot): Receive status file = Blink.ino.hex
14:49:44.262 (reboot): Receive status readable = 1
14:49:44.262 (reboot): Receive status auto = 1
14:49:44.262 (reboot): Receive status online = 0
14:49:44.262 (reboot): Receive status online_count = 0
14:49:44.262 (reboot): Receive status offline_count = 0
14:49:44.262 (reboot): Receive status state = 0
14:49:44.262 (reboot): Receive status EOT
14:49:44.262 (reboot): status read, retry 2
14:49:44.262 (reboot): status read, retry 2
14:49:44.262 (loader): status data sent
14:49:44.365 (reboot): Sending status request
14:49:44.366 (loader): remote cmd from 10: "status"
14:49:44.366 (reboot): Receive status dir = /var/folders/c8/jzlb4l7j6lb513z19lj2rclr0000gp/T/arduino_build_841870/
14:49:44.366 (reboot): Receive status file = Blink.ino.hex
14:49:44.366 (reboot): Receive status readable = 1
14:49:44.366 (reboot): Receive status online = 0
14:49:44.366 (reboot): Receive status auto = 1
14:49:44.366 (reboot): Receive status online_count = 0
14:49:44.366 (reboot): Receive status offline_count = 0
14:49:44.366 (reboot): Receive status state = 0
14:49:44.366 (reboot): Receive status EOT
14:49:44.366 (reboot): status read, retry 3
14:49:44.366 (reboot): status read, retry 3
14:49:44.366 (loader): status data sent
14:49:44.469 (reboot): Sending status request
14:49:44.470 (loader): remote cmd from 10: "status"
14:49:44.470 (reboot): Receive status dir = /var/folders/c8/jzlb4l7j6lb513z19lj2rclr0000gp/T/arduino_build_841870/
14:49:44.470 (reboot): Receive status file = Blink.ino.hex
14:49:44.470 (reboot): Receive status readable = 1
14:49:44.470 (reboot): Receive status auto = 1
14:49:44.470 (reboot): Receive status online = 0
14:49:44.470 (reboot): Receive status online_count = 0
14:49:44.470 (reboot): Receive status offline_count = 0
14:49:44.470 (reboot): Receive status state = 0
14:49:44.470 (reboot): Receive status EOT
14:49:44.470 (loader): status data sent
14:49:44.470 (reboot): status read, retry 4
14:49:44.470 (reboot): status read, retry 4
14:49:44.573 (reboot): Sending status request
14:49:44.574 (loader): remote cmd from 10: "status"
14:49:44.574 (reboot): Receive status dir = /var/folders/c8/jzlb4l7j6lb513z19lj2rclr0000gp/T/arduino_build_841870/
14:49:44.574 (reboot): Receive status file = Blink.ino.hex
14:49:44.575 (reboot): Receive status readable = 1
14:49:44.575 (reboot): Receive status auto = 1
14:49:44.575 (reboot): Receive status online = 0
14:49:44.575 (reboot): Receive status online_count = 0
14:49:44.575 (reboot): Receive status offline_count = 0
14:49:44.575 (loader): status data sent
14:49:44.575 (reboot): Receive status state = 0
14:49:44.575 (reboot): Receive status EOT
14:49:44.575 (reboot): status read, retry 5
14:49:44.575 (reboot): status read, retry 5
14:49:44.680 (reboot): Sending status request
14:49:44.680 (loader): remote cmd from 10: "status"
14:49:44.681 (reboot): Receive status dir = /var/folders/c8/jzlb4l7j6lb513z19lj2rclr0000gp/T/arduino_build_841870/
14:49:44.681 (reboot): Receive status file = Blink.ino.hex
14:49:44.681 (reboot): Receive status readable = 1
14:49:44.681 (reboot): Receive status auto = 1
14:49:44.681 (reboot): Receive status online = 0
14:49:44.681 (reboot): Receive status online_count = 0
14:49:44.681 (reboot): Receive status offline_count = 0
14:49:44.681 (reboot): Receive status state = 0
14:49:44.681 (loader): status data sent
14:49:44.681 (reboot): Receive status EOT
14:49:44.681 (reboot): status read, retry 6
14:49:44.681 (reboot): status read, retry 6
14:49:44.783 (reboot): Sending status request
14:49:44.784 (loader): remote cmd from 10: "status"
14:49:44.784 (reboot): Receive status dir = /var/folders/c8/jzlb4l7j6lb513z19lj2rclr0000gp/T/arduino_build_841870/
14:49:44.784 (reboot): Receive status file = Blink.ino.hex
14:49:44.784 (reboot): Receive status readable = 1
14:49:44.784 (reboot): Receive status auto = 1
14:49:44.784 (reboot): Receive status online = 0
14:49:44.784 (reboot): Receive status online_count = 0
14:49:44.784 (reboot): Receive status offline_count = 0
14:49:44.784 (reboot): Receive status state = 0
14:49:44.784 (loader): status data sent
14:49:44.784 (reboot): Receive status EOT
14:49:44.784 (reboot): status read, retry 7
14:49:44.784 (reboot): status read, retry 7
14:49:44.890 (reboot): Sending status request
14:49:44.890 (loader): remote cmd from 10: "status"
14:49:44.891 (reboot): Receive status dir = /var/folders/c8/jzlb4l7j6lb513z19lj2rclr0000gp/T/arduino_build_841870/
14:49:44.891 (reboot): Receive status file = Blink.ino.hex
14:49:44.891 (reboot): Receive status readable = 1
14:49:44.891 (reboot): Receive status auto = 1
14:49:44.891 (reboot): Receive status online = 0
14:49:44.891 (reboot): Receive status online_count = 0
14:49:44.891 (reboot): Receive status offline_count = 0
14:49:44.891 (reboot): Receive status state = 0
14:49:44.891 (loader): status data sent
14:49:44.891 (reboot): Receive status EOT
14:49:44.891 (reboot): status read, retry 8
14:49:44.891 (reboot): status read, retry 8
14:49:44.991 (reboot): Sending status request
14:49:44.992 (loader): remote cmd from 10: "status"
14:49:44.993 (reboot): Receive status dir = /var/folders/c8/jzlb4l7j6lb513z19lj2rclr0000gp/T/arduino_build_841870/
14:49:44.993 (reboot): Receive status file = Blink.ino.hex
14:49:44.993 (reboot): Receive status readable = 1
14:49:44.993 (reboot): Receive status auto = 1
14:49:44.993 (reboot): Receive status online = 0
14:49:44.993 (reboot): Receive status online_count = 0
14:49:44.993 (reboot): Receive status offline_count = 0
14:49:44.993 (loader): status data sent
14:49:44.993 (reboot): Receive status state = 0
14:49:44.993 (reboot): Receive status EOT
14:49:44.993 (reboot): status read, retry 9
14:49:44.993 (reboot): status read, retry 9
14:49:45.093 (reboot): Sending status request
14:49:45.094 (loader): remote cmd from 10: "status"
14:49:45.094 (reboot): Receive status dir = /var/folders/c8/jzlb4l7j6lb513z19lj2rclr0000gp/T/arduino_build_841870/
14:49:45.094 (reboot): Receive status file = Blink.ino.hex
14:49:45.094 (reboot): Receive status readable = 1
14:49:45.094 (reboot): Receive status auto = 1
14:49:45.094 (reboot): Receive status online = 0
14:49:45.094 (reboot): Receive status online_count = 0
14:49:45.094 (reboot): Receive status offline_count = 0
14:49:45.094 (reboot): Receive status state = 0
14:49:45.094 (loader): status data sent
14:49:45.094 (reboot): Receive status EOT
14:49:45.094 (reboot): status read, retry 10
14:49:45.094 (reboot): status read, retry 10
14:49:45.195 (reboot): Sending status request
14:49:45.196 (loader): remote cmd from 10: "status"
14:49:45.196 (reboot): Receive status dir = /var/folders/c8/jzlb4l7j6lb513z19lj2rclr0000gp/T/arduino_build_841870/
14:49:45.196 (reboot): Receive status file = Blink.ino.hex
14:49:45.196 (reboot): Receive status readable = 1
14:49:45.196 (reboot): Receive status auto = 1
14:49:45.196 (reboot): Receive status online = 0
14:49:45.196 (reboot): Receive status online_count = 0
14:49:45.196 (reboot): Receive status offline_count = 0
14:49:45.196 (reboot): Receive status state = 0
14:49:45.196 (reboot): Receive status EOT
14:49:45.196 (reboot): status read, retry 11
14:49:45.196 (reboot): status read, retry 11
14:49:45.196 (loader): status data sent
14:49:45.301 (reboot): Sending status request
14:49:45.302 (loader): remote cmd from 10: "status"
14:49:45.302 (reboot): Receive status dir = /var/folders/c8/jzlb4l7j6lb513z19lj2rclr0000gp/T/arduino_build_841870/
14:49:45.302 (reboot): Receive status file = Blink.ino.hex
14:49:45.302 (reboot): Receive status readable = 1
14:49:45.302 (reboot): Receive status auto = 1
14:49:45.302 (reboot): Receive status online = 0
14:49:45.302 (reboot): Receive status online_count = 0
14:49:45.302 (reboot): Receive status offline_count = 0
14:49:45.302 (reboot): Receive status state = 0
14:49:45.302 (reboot): Receive status EOT
14:49:45.302 (reboot): status read, retry 12
14:49:45.302 (reboot): status read, retry 12
14:49:45.302 (loader): status data sent
14:49:45.407 (reboot): Sending status request
14:49:45.408 (loader): remote cmd from 10: "status"
14:49:45.409 (reboot): Receive status dir = /var/folders/c8/jzlb4l7j6lb513z19lj2rclr0000gp/T/arduino_build_841870/
14:49:45.409 (reboot): Receive status file = Blink.ino.hex
14:49:45.409 (reboot): Receive status readable = 1
14:49:45.409 (reboot): Receive status auto = 1
14:49:45.409 (reboot): Receive status online = 0
14:49:45.409 (reboot): Receive status online_count = 0
14:49:45.409 (reboot): Receive status offline_count = 0
14:49:45.409 (reboot): Receive status state = 0
14:49:45.409 (reboot): Receive status EOT
14:49:45.409 (reboot): status read, retry 13
14:49:45.409 (reboot): status read, retry 13
14:49:45.409 (loader): status data sent
14:49:45.511 (reboot): Sending status request
14:49:45.512 (loader): remote cmd from 10: "status"
14:49:45.512 (reboot): Receive status dir = /var/folders/c8/jzlb4l7j6lb513z19lj2rclr0000gp/T/arduino_build_841870/
14:49:45.512 (reboot): Receive status file = Blink.ino.hex
14:49:45.512 (reboot): Receive status readable = 1
14:49:45.512 (reboot): Receive status auto = 1
14:49:45.512 (reboot): Receive status online = 0
14:49:45.512 (reboot): Receive status online_count = 0
14:49:45.512 (reboot): Receive status offline_count = 0
14:49:45.512 (reboot): Receive status state = 0
14:49:45.512 (loader): status data sent
14:49:45.512 (reboot): Receive status EOT
14:49:45.512 (reboot): status read, retry 14
14:49:45.512 (reboot): status read, retry 14
14:49:45.615 (reboot): Sending status request
14:49:45.616 (loader): remote cmd from 10: "status"
14:49:45.616 (reboot): Receive status dir = /var/folders/c8/jzlb4l7j6lb513z19lj2rclr0000gp/T/arduino_build_841870/
14:49:45.616 (reboot): Receive status file = Blink.ino.hex
14:49:45.616 (reboot): Receive status readable = 1
14:49:45.616 (reboot): Receive status auto = 1
14:49:45.616 (reboot): Receive status online = 0
14:49:45.616 (reboot): Receive status online_count = 0
14:49:45.616 (reboot): Receive status offline_count = 0
14:49:45.617 (loader): status data sent
14:49:45.617 (reboot): Receive status state = 0
14:49:45.617 (reboot): Receive status EOT
14:49:45.617 (reboot): status read, retry 15
14:49:45.617 (reboot): status read, retry 15
14:49:45.720 (reboot): Sending status request
14:49:45.720 (loader): remote cmd from 10: "status"
14:49:45.720 (reboot): Receive status dir = /var/folders/c8/jzlb4l7j6lb513z19lj2rclr0000gp/T/arduino_build_841870/
14:49:45.720 (reboot): Receive status file = Blink.ino.hex
14:49:45.720 (reboot): Receive status readable = 1
14:49:45.720 (reboot): Receive status auto = 1
14:49:45.721 (reboot): Receive status online = 0
14:49:45.721 (reboot): Receive status online_count = 0
14:49:45.721 (reboot): Receive status offline_count = 0
14:49:45.721 (reboot): Receive status state = 0
14:49:45.721 (reboot): Receive status EOT
14:49:45.721 (reboot): status read, retry 16
14:49:45.721 (reboot): status read, retry 16
14:49:45.721 (loader): status data sent
14:49:45.826 (reboot): Sending status request
14:49:45.826 (loader): remote cmd from 10: "status"
14:49:45.827 (reboot): Receive status dir = /var/folders/c8/jzlb4l7j6lb513z19lj2rclr0000gp/T/arduino_build_841870/
14:49:45.827 (reboot): Receive status file = Blink.ino.hex
14:49:45.827 (reboot): Receive status readable = 1
14:49:45.827 (reboot): Receive status auto = 1
14:49:45.827 (reboot): Receive status online = 0
14:49:45.827 (reboot): Receive status online_count = 0
14:49:45.827 (reboot): Receive status offline_count = 0
14:49:45.827 (loader): status data sent
14:49:45.827 (reboot): Receive status state = 0
14:49:45.827 (reboot): status read, retry 17
14:49:45.827 (reboot): Receive status EOT
14:49:45.827 (reboot): status read, retry 17
14:49:45.928 (reboot): Sending status request
14:49:45.928 (loader): remote cmd from 10: "status"
14:49:45.929 (loader): status data sent
14:49:45.929 (reboot): Receive status dir = /var/folders/c8/jzlb4l7j6lb513z19lj2rclr0000gp/T/arduino_build_841870/
14:49:45.929 (reboot): Receive status file = Blink.ino.hex
14:49:45.929 (reboot): Receive status readable = 1
14:49:45.929 (reboot): Receive status online = 0
14:49:45.929 (reboot): Receive status auto = 1
14:49:45.929 (reboot): Receive status offline_count = 0
14:49:45.929 (reboot): Receive status online_count = 0
14:49:45.929 (reboot): Receive status state = 0
14:49:45.929 (reboot): Receive status EOT
14:49:45.929 (reboot): status read, retry 18
14:49:45.929 (reboot): status read, retry 18
14:49:46.029 (reboot): Sending status request
14:49:46.029 (loader): remote cmd from 10: "status"
14:49:46.030 (reboot): Receive status dir = /var/folders/c8/jzlb4l7j6lb513z19lj2rclr0000gp/T/arduino_build_841870/
14:49:46.030 (reboot): Receive status file = Blink.ino.hex
14:49:46.030 (reboot): Receive status readable = 1
14:49:46.030 (reboot): Receive status auto = 1
14:49:46.030 (reboot): Receive status online = 0
14:49:46.030 (reboot): Receive status online_count = 0
14:49:46.030 (reboot): Receive status offline_count = 0
14:49:46.030 (loader): status data sent
14:49:46.030 (reboot): Receive status state = 0
14:49:46.030 (reboot): Receive status EOT
14:49:46.030 (reboot): status read, retry 19
14:49:46.030 (reboot): status read, retry 19
14:49:46.132 (reboot): Sending status request
14:49:46.133 (loader): remote cmd from 10: "status"
14:49:46.133 (reboot): Receive status dir = /var/folders/c8/jzlb4l7j6lb513z19lj2rclr0000gp/T/arduino_build_841870/
14:49:46.133 (reboot): Receive status file = Blink.ino.hex
14:49:46.133 (reboot): Receive status readable = 1
14:49:46.133 (reboot): Receive status auto = 1
14:49:46.133 (reboot): Receive status online = 0
14:49:46.133 (reboot): Receive status online_count = 0
14:49:46.133 (reboot): Receive status offline_count = 0
14:49:46.133 (reboot): Receive status state = 0
14:49:46.133 (loader): status data sent
14:49:46.133 (reboot): Receive status EOT
14:49:46.133 (reboot): status read, retry 20
14:49:46.133 (reboot): status read, retry 20
14:49:46.238 (reboot): Sending status request
14:49:46.239 (loader): remote cmd from 10: "status"
14:49:46.239 (reboot): Receive status dir = /var/folders/c8/jzlb4l7j6lb513z19lj2rclr0000gp/T/arduino_build_841870/
14:49:46.239 (reboot): Receive status file = Blink.ino.hex
14:49:46.239 (reboot): Receive status readable = 1
14:49:46.239 (reboot): Receive status auto = 1
14:49:46.239 (reboot): Receive status online = 0
14:49:46.239 (reboot): Receive status online_count = 0
14:49:46.239 (reboot): Receive status offline_count = 0
14:49:46.239 (reboot): Receive status state = 0
14:49:46.239 (reboot): Receive status EOT
14:49:46.239 (reboot): status read, retry 21
14:49:46.239 (reboot): status read, retry 21
14:49:46.239 (loader): status data sent
14:49:46.344 (reboot): Sending status request
14:49:46.345 (loader): remote cmd from 10: "status"
14:49:46.345 (reboot): Receive status dir = /var/folders/c8/jzlb4l7j6lb513z19lj2rclr0000gp/T/arduino_build_841870/
14:49:46.345 (reboot): Receive status file = Blink.ino.hex
14:49:46.345 (reboot): Receive status readable = 1
14:49:46.345 (reboot): Receive status auto = 1
14:49:46.345 (reboot): Receive status online = 0
14:49:46.345 (reboot): Receive status online_count = 0
14:49:46.345 (reboot): Receive status offline_count = 0
14:49:46.345 (reboot): Receive status state = 0
14:49:46.345 (reboot): Receive status EOT
14:49:46.345 (reboot): status read, retry 22
14:49:46.345 (loader): status data sent
14:49:46.345 (reboot): status read, retry 22
14:49:46.446 (reboot): Sending status request
14:49:46.447 (loader): remote cmd from 10: "status"
14:49:46.447 (reboot): Receive status dir = /var/folders/c8/jzlb4l7j6lb513z19lj2rclr0000gp/T/arduino_build_841870/
14:49:46.447 (reboot): Receive status file = Blink.ino.hex
14:49:46.447 (reboot): Receive status readable = 1
14:49:46.447 (reboot): Receive status auto = 1
14:49:46.447 (reboot): Receive status online = 0
14:49:46.447 (reboot): Receive status online_count = 0
14:49:46.447 (reboot): Receive status offline_count = 0
14:49:46.447 (loader): status data sent
14:49:46.447 (reboot): Receive status state = 0
14:49:46.447 (reboot): Receive status EOT
14:49:46.447 (reboot): status read, retry 23
14:49:46.447 (reboot): status read, retry 23
14:49:46.552 (reboot): Sending status request
14:49:46.553 (loader): remote cmd from 10: "status"
14:49:46.553 (reboot): Receive status dir = /var/folders/c8/jzlb4l7j6lb513z19lj2rclr0000gp/T/arduino_build_841870/
14:49:46.553 (reboot): Receive status file = Blink.ino.hex
14:49:46.553 (reboot): Receive status readable = 1
14:49:46.553 (reboot): Receive status auto = 1
14:49:46.553 (reboot): Receive status online = 0
14:49:46.553 (reboot): Receive status online_count = 0
14:49:46.553 (reboot): Receive status offline_count = 0
14:49:46.554 (reboot): Receive status state = 0
14:49:46.554 (reboot): Receive status EOT
14:49:46.554 (reboot): status read, retry 24
14:49:46.554 (reboot): status read, retry 24
14:49:46.554 (loader): status data sent
14:49:46.656 (reboot): Sending status request
14:49:46.657 (loader): remote cmd from 10: "status"
14:49:46.657 (reboot): Receive status dir = /var/folders/c8/jzlb4l7j6lb513z19lj2rclr0000gp/T/arduino_build_841870/
14:49:46.657 (reboot): Receive status file = Blink.ino.hex
14:49:46.657 (reboot): Receive status readable = 1
14:49:46.657 (reboot): Receive status auto = 1
14:49:46.657 (reboot): Receive status online = 0
14:49:46.657 (reboot): Receive status online_count = 0
14:49:46.657 (reboot): Receive status offline_count = 0
14:49:46.657 (reboot): Receive status state = 0
14:49:46.657 (loader): status data sent
14:49:46.657 (reboot): Receive status EOT
14:49:46.657 (reboot): status read, retry 25
14:49:46.657 (reboot): status read, retry 25
14:49:46.762 (reboot): Sending status request
14:49:46.762 (loader): remote cmd from 10: "status"
14:49:46.762 (reboot): Receive status dir = /var/folders/c8/jzlb4l7j6lb513z19lj2rclr0000gp/T/arduino_build_841870/
14:49:46.762 (reboot): Receive status file = Blink.ino.hex
14:49:46.762 (reboot): Receive status readable = 1
14:49:46.762 (reboot): Receive status auto = 1
14:49:46.762 (reboot): Receive status online = 0
14:49:46.762 (reboot): Receive status online_count = 0
14:49:46.762 (loader): status data sent
14:49:46.762 (reboot): Receive status offline_count = 0
14:49:46.763 (reboot): Receive status state = 0
14:49:46.763 (reboot): Receive status EOT
14:49:46.763 (reboot): status read, retry 26
14:49:46.763 (reboot): status read, retry 26
14:49:46.864 (reboot): Sending status request
14:49:46.865 (loader): remote cmd from 10: "status"
14:49:46.865 (reboot): Receive status dir = /var/folders/c8/jzlb4l7j6lb513z19lj2rclr0000gp/T/arduino_build_841870/
14:49:46.865 (reboot): Receive status file = Blink.ino.hex
14:49:46.865 (reboot): Receive status readable = 1
14:49:46.865 (reboot): Receive status auto = 1
14:49:46.865 (reboot): Receive status online = 0
14:49:46.865 (reboot): Receive status online_count = 0
14:49:46.865 (reboot): Receive status offline_count = 0
14:49:46.865 (loader): status data sent
14:49:46.865 (reboot): Receive status state = 0
14:49:46.865 (reboot): Receive status EOT
14:49:46.865 (reboot): status read, retry 27
14:49:46.865 (reboot): status read, retry 27
14:49:46.970 (reboot): Sending status request
14:49:46.971 (loader): remote cmd from 10: "status"
14:49:46.971 (reboot): Receive status dir = /var/folders/c8/jzlb4l7j6lb513z19lj2rclr0000gp/T/arduino_build_841870/
14:49:46.971 (reboot): Receive status file = Blink.ino.hex
14:49:46.971 (reboot): Receive status readable = 1
14:49:46.971 (reboot): Receive status auto = 1
14:49:46.971 (reboot): Receive status online = 0
14:49:46.971 (reboot): Receive status online_count = 0
14:49:46.971 (reboot): Receive status offline_count = 0
14:49:46.971 (loader): status data sent
14:49:46.971 (reboot): Receive status state = 0
14:49:46.971 (reboot): Receive status EOT
14:49:46.971 (reboot): status read, retry 28
14:49:46.971 (reboot): status read, retry 28
14:49:47.074 (reboot): Sending status request
14:49:47.075 (loader): remote cmd from 10: "status"
14:49:47.075 (reboot): Receive status dir = /var/folders/c8/jzlb4l7j6lb513z19lj2rclr0000gp/T/arduino_build_841870/
14:49:47.075 (reboot): Receive status file = Blink.ino.hex
14:49:47.075 (reboot): Receive status readable = 1
14:49:47.075 (reboot): Receive status auto = 1
14:49:47.075 (reboot): Receive status online = 0
14:49:47.075 (reboot): Receive status online_count = 0
14:49:47.075 (reboot): Receive status offline_count = 0
14:49:47.075 (reboot): Receive status state = 0
14:49:47.075 (reboot): status read, retry 29
14:49:47.075 (reboot): Receive status EOT
14:49:47.075 (reboot): status read, retry 29
14:49:47.075 (loader): status data sent
14:49:47.178 (reboot): Sending status request
14:49:47.178 (loader): remote cmd from 10: "status"
14:49:47.179 (reboot): Receive status dir = /var/folders/c8/jzlb4l7j6lb513z19lj2rclr0000gp/T/arduino_build_841870/
14:49:47.179 (reboot): Receive status file = Blink.ino.hex
14:49:47.179 (reboot): Receive status readable = 1
14:49:47.179 (reboot): Receive status auto = 1
14:49:47.179 (reboot): Receive status online = 0
14:49:47.179 (reboot): Receive status online_count = 0
14:49:47.179 (reboot): Receive status offline_count = 0
14:49:47.179 (reboot): Receive status state = 0
14:49:47.179 (loader): status data sent
14:49:47.179 (reboot): Receive status EOT
14:49:47.179 (reboot): status read, retry 30
14:49:47.179 (reboot): status read, retry 30
14:49:47.282 (reboot): Sending status request
14:49:47.283 (loader): remote cmd from 10: "status"
14:49:47.283 (reboot): Receive status dir = /var/folders/c8/jzlb4l7j6lb513z19lj2rclr0000gp/T/arduino_build_841870/
14:49:47.283 (reboot): Receive status file = Blink.ino.hex
14:49:47.283 (reboot): Receive status readable = 1
14:49:47.283 (reboot): Receive status auto = 1
14:49:47.283 (reboot): Receive status online = 0
14:49:47.283 (reboot): Receive status online_count = 0
14:49:47.283 (reboot): Receive status offline_count = 0
14:49:47.283 (reboot): Receive status state = 0
14:49:47.283 (reboot): Receive status EOT
14:49:47.283 (reboot): status read, retry 31
14:49:47.283 (reboot): status read, retry 31
14:49:47.283 (loader): status data sent
14:49:47.388 (reboot): Sending status request
14:49:47.389 (loader): remote cmd from 10: "status"
14:49:47.389 (reboot): Receive status dir = /var/folders/c8/jzlb4l7j6lb513z19lj2rclr0000gp/T/arduino_build_841870/
14:49:47.389 (reboot): Receive status file = Blink.ino.hex
14:49:47.389 (reboot): Receive status readable = 1
14:49:47.389 (reboot): Receive status auto = 1
14:49:47.389 (reboot): Receive status online = 0
14:49:47.389 (reboot): Receive status online_count = 0
14:49:47.389 (reboot): Receive status offline_count = 0
14:49:47.389 (reboot): Receive status state = 0
14:49:47.389 (loader): status data sent
14:49:47.389 (reboot): Receive status EOT
14:49:47.389 (reboot): status read, retry 32
14:49:47.389 (reboot): status read, retry 32
14:49:47.492 (reboot): Sending status request
14:49:47.493 (loader): remote cmd from 10: "status"
14:49:47.493 (reboot): Receive status dir = /var/folders/c8/jzlb4l7j6lb513z19lj2rclr0000gp/T/arduino_build_841870/
14:49:47.493 (reboot): Receive status file = Blink.ino.hex
14:49:47.493 (reboot): Receive status readable = 1
14:49:47.493 (reboot): Receive status auto = 1
14:49:47.493 (reboot): Receive status online = 0
14:49:47.493 (reboot): Receive status online_count = 0
14:49:47.493 (reboot): Receive status offline_count = 0
14:49:47.493 (reboot): Receive status state = 0
14:49:47.493 (reboot): Receive status EOT
14:49:47.493 (reboot): status read, retry 33
14:49:47.493 (reboot): status read, retry 33
14:49:47.493 (loader): status data sent
14:49:47.598 (reboot): Sending status request
14:49:47.599 (loader): remote cmd from 10: "status"
14:49:47.599 (reboot): Receive status dir = /var/folders/c8/jzlb4l7j6lb513z19lj2rclr0000gp/T/arduino_build_841870/
14:49:47.599 (reboot): Receive status file = Blink.ino.hex
14:49:47.599 (reboot): Receive status readable = 1
14:49:47.599 (reboot): Receive status auto = 1
14:49:47.599 (reboot): Receive status online = 0
14:49:47.599 (reboot): Receive status online_count = 0
14:49:47.599 (reboot): Receive status offline_count = 0
14:49:47.599 (reboot): Receive status state = 0
14:49:47.599 (reboot): Receive status EOT
14:49:47.599 (reboot): status read, retry 34
14:49:47.599 (reboot): status read, retry 34
14:49:47.599 (loader): status data sent
14:49:47.703 (reboot): Sending status request
14:49:47.704 (loader): remote cmd from 10: "status"
14:49:47.705 (reboot): Receive status dir = /var/folders/c8/jzlb4l7j6lb513z19lj2rclr0000gp/T/arduino_build_841870/
14:49:47.705 (reboot): Receive status file = Blink.ino.hex
14:49:47.705 (reboot): Receive status readable = 1
14:49:47.705 (reboot): Receive status auto = 1
14:49:47.705 (reboot): Receive status online = 0
14:49:47.705 (reboot): Receive status online_count = 0
14:49:47.705 (loader): status data sent
14:49:47.705 (reboot): Receive status offline_count = 0
14:49:47.705 (reboot): Receive status state = 0
14:49:47.705 (reboot): status read, retry 35
14:49:47.705 (reboot): Receive status EOT
14:49:47.705 (reboot): status read, retry 35
14:49:47.810 (reboot): Sending status request
14:49:47.810 (loader): remote cmd from 10: "status"
14:49:47.811 (reboot): Receive status dir = /var/folders/c8/jzlb4l7j6lb513z19lj2rclr0000gp/T/arduino_build_841870/
14:49:47.811 (reboot): Receive status file = Blink.ino.hex
14:49:47.811 (reboot): Receive status readable = 1
14:49:47.811 (reboot): Receive status auto = 1
14:49:47.811 (reboot): Receive status online = 0
14:49:47.811 (loader): status data sent
14:49:47.811 (reboot): Receive status online_count = 0
14:49:47.811 (reboot): Receive status offline_count = 0
14:49:47.811 (reboot): Receive status state = 0
14:49:47.811 (reboot): status read, retry 36
14:49:47.811 (reboot): Receive status EOT
14:49:47.811 (reboot): status read, retry 36
14:49:47.916 (reboot): Sending status request
14:49:47.917 (loader): remote cmd from 10: "status"
14:49:47.917 (reboot): Receive status dir = /var/folders/c8/jzlb4l7j6lb513z19lj2rclr0000gp/T/arduino_build_841870/
14:49:47.917 (reboot): Receive status file = Blink.ino.hex
14:49:47.917 (reboot): Receive status readable = 1
14:49:47.917 (reboot): Receive status auto = 1
14:49:47.917 (reboot): Receive status online = 0
14:49:47.917 (reboot): Receive status online_count = 0
14:49:47.917 (loader): status data sent
14:49:47.917 (reboot): Receive status offline_count = 0
14:49:47.917 (reboot): Receive status state = 0
14:49:47.917 (reboot): Receive status EOT
14:49:47.917 (reboot): status read, retry 37
14:49:47.917 (reboot): status read, retry 37
14:49:48.018 (reboot): Sending status request
14:49:48.019 (loader): remote cmd from 10: "status"
14:49:48.019 (reboot): Receive status dir = /var/folders/c8/jzlb4l7j6lb513z19lj2rclr0000gp/T/arduino_build_841870/
14:49:48.019 (reboot): Receive status file = Blink.ino.hex
14:49:48.019 (reboot): Receive status readable = 1
14:49:48.019 (reboot): Receive status auto = 1
14:49:48.019 (reboot): Receive status online = 0
14:49:48.019 (reboot): Receive status online_count = 0
14:49:48.019 (reboot): Receive status offline_count = 0
14:49:48.019 (reboot): Receive status state = 0
14:49:48.019 (reboot): status read, retry 38
14:49:48.019 (reboot): Receive status EOT
14:49:48.019 (reboot): status read, retry 38
14:49:48.019 (loader): status data sent
14:49:48.119 (reboot): Sending status request
14:49:48.120 (loader): remote cmd from 10: "status"
14:49:48.121 (reboot): Receive status dir = /var/folders/c8/jzlb4l7j6lb513z19lj2rclr0000gp/T/arduino_build_841870/
14:49:48.121 (reboot): Receive status file = Blink.ino.hex
14:49:48.121 (reboot): Receive status readable = 1
14:49:48.121 (reboot): Receive status auto = 1
14:49:48.121 (reboot): Receive status online = 0
14:49:48.121 (reboot): Receive status online_count = 0
14:49:48.121 (reboot): Receive status offline_count = 0
14:49:48.121 (reboot): Receive status state = 0
14:49:48.121 (loader): status data sent
14:49:48.121 (reboot): Receive status EOT
14:49:48.121 (reboot): status read, retry 39
14:49:48.121 (reboot): status read, retry 39
14:49:48.222 (reboot): Sending status request
14:49:48.223 (loader): remote cmd from 10: "status"
14:49:48.223 (reboot): Receive status dir = /var/folders/c8/jzlb4l7j6lb513z19lj2rclr0000gp/T/arduino_build_841870/
14:49:48.223 (reboot): Receive status file = Blink.ino.hex
14:49:48.223 (reboot): Receive status readable = 1
14:49:48.223 (reboot): Receive status auto = 1
14:49:48.223 (reboot): Receive status online = 0
14:49:48.223 (reboot): Receive status online_count = 0
14:49:48.223 (reboot): Receive status offline_count = 0
14:49:48.223 (reboot): Receive status state = 0
14:49:48.223 (loader): status data sent
14:49:48.223 (reboot): Receive status EOT
14:49:48.223 (reboot): status read, retry 40
14:49:48.223 (reboot): status read, retry 40
14:49:48.328 (reboot): Sending status request
14:49:48.329 (loader): remote cmd from 10: "status"
14:49:48.329 (reboot): Receive status dir = /var/folders/c8/jzlb4l7j6lb513z19lj2rclr0000gp/T/arduino_build_841870/
14:49:48.329 (reboot): Receive status file = Blink.ino.hex
14:49:48.329 (reboot): Receive status readable = 1
14:49:48.329 (reboot): Receive status auto = 1
14:49:48.329 (reboot): Receive status online = 0
14:49:48.329 (reboot): Receive status online_count = 0
14:49:48.329 (reboot): Receive status offline_count = 0
14:49:48.329 (reboot): Receive status state = 0
14:49:48.329 (reboot): Receive status EOT
14:49:48.329 (reboot): status read, retry 41
14:49:48.329 (reboot): status read, retry 41
14:49:48.329 (loader): status data sent
14:49:48.434 (reboot): Sending status request
14:49:48.435 (loader): remote cmd from 10: "status"
14:49:48.435 (reboot): Receive status dir = /var/folders/c8/jzlb4l7j6lb513z19lj2rclr0000gp/T/arduino_build_841870/
14:49:48.435 (reboot): Receive status file = Blink.ino.hex
14:49:48.435 (reboot): Receive status readable = 1
14:49:48.435 (reboot): Receive status auto = 1
14:49:48.435 (reboot): Receive status online = 0
14:49:48.435 (reboot): Receive status online_count = 0
14:49:48.435 (reboot): Receive status offline_count = 0
14:49:48.435 (reboot): Receive status state = 0
14:49:48.435 (reboot): Receive status EOT
14:49:48.435 (reboot): status read, retry 42
14:49:48.435 (reboot): status read, retry 42
14:49:48.435 (loader): status data sent
14:49:48.536 (reboot): Sending status request
14:49:48.537 (loader): remote cmd from 10: "status"
14:49:48.537 (reboot): Receive status dir = /var/folders/c8/jzlb4l7j6lb513z19lj2rclr0000gp/T/arduino_build_841870/
14:49:48.537 (reboot): Receive status file = Blink.ino.hex
14:49:48.537 (reboot): Receive status readable = 1
14:49:48.537 (reboot): Receive status auto = 1
14:49:48.537 (reboot): Receive status online = 0
14:49:48.537 (reboot): Receive status online_count = 0
14:49:48.537 (reboot): Receive status offline_count = 0
14:49:48.537 (reboot): Receive status state = 0
14:49:48.537 (loader): status data sent
14:49:48.538 (reboot): Receive status EOT
14:49:48.538 (reboot): status read, retry 43
14:49:48.538 (reboot): status read, retry 43
14:49:48.640 (reboot): Sending status request
14:49:48.640 (loader): remote cmd from 10: "status"
14:49:48.641 (reboot): Receive status dir = /var/folders/c8/jzlb4l7j6lb513z19lj2rclr0000gp/T/arduino_build_841870/
14:49:48.641 (reboot): Receive status file = Blink.ino.hex
14:49:48.641 (reboot): Receive status readable = 1
14:49:48.641 (reboot): Receive status auto = 1
14:49:48.641 (reboot): Receive status online = 0
14:49:48.641 (reboot): Receive status online_count = 0
14:49:48.641 (reboot): Receive status offline_count = 0
14:49:48.641 (reboot): Receive status state = 0
14:49:48.641 (reboot): status read, retry 44
14:49:48.641 (reboot): Receive status EOT
14:49:48.641 (reboot): status read, retry 44
14:49:48.641 (loader): status data sent
14:49:48.746 (reboot): Sending status request
14:49:48.747 (loader): remote cmd from 10: "status"
14:49:48.747 (reboot): Receive status dir = /var/folders/c8/jzlb4l7j6lb513z19lj2rclr0000gp/T/arduino_build_841870/
14:49:48.747 (reboot): Receive status file = Blink.ino.hex
14:49:48.747 (reboot): Receive status readable = 1
14:49:48.747 (reboot): Receive status auto = 1
14:49:48.747 (reboot): Receive status online = 0
14:49:48.747 (reboot): Receive status online_count = 0
14:49:48.747 (reboot): Receive status offline_count = 0
14:49:48.747 (reboot): Receive status state = 0
14:49:48.747 (reboot): Receive status EOT
14:49:48.747 (reboot): status read, retry 45
14:49:48.747 (reboot): status read, retry 45
14:49:48.747 (loader): status data sent
14:49:48.850 (reboot): Sending status request
14:49:48.850 (loader): remote cmd from 10: "status"
14:49:48.850 (reboot): Receive status dir = /var/folders/c8/jzlb4l7j6lb513z19lj2rclr0000gp/T/arduino_build_841870/
14:49:48.850 (reboot): Receive status file = Blink.ino.hex
14:49:48.850 (reboot): Receive status readable = 1
14:49:48.850 (reboot): Receive status auto = 1
14:49:48.850 (reboot): Receive status online = 0
14:49:48.850 (reboot): Receive status online_count = 0
14:49:48.850 (loader): status data sent
14:49:48.851 (reboot): Receive status offline_count = 0
14:49:48.851 (reboot): Receive status state = 0
14:49:48.851 (reboot): Receive status EOT
14:49:48.851 (reboot): status read, retry 46
14:49:48.851 (reboot): status read, retry 46
14:49:48.954 (reboot): Sending status request
14:49:48.955 (loader): remote cmd from 10: "status"
14:49:48.955 (reboot): Receive status dir = /var/folders/c8/jzlb4l7j6lb513z19lj2rclr0000gp/T/arduino_build_841870/
14:49:48.955 (reboot): Receive status file = Blink.ino.hex
14:49:48.955 (reboot): Receive status readable = 1
14:49:48.955 (reboot): Receive status auto = 1
14:49:48.955 (reboot): Receive status online = 0
14:49:48.955 (reboot): Receive status online_count = 0
14:49:48.956 (loader): status data sent
14:49:48.956 (reboot): Receive status offline_count = 0
14:49:48.956 (reboot): Receive status state = 0
14:49:48.956 (reboot): status read, retry 47
14:49:48.956 (reboot): Receive status EOT
14:49:48.956 (reboot): status read, retry 47
14:49:49.056 (reboot): Sending status request
14:49:49.057 (loader): remote cmd from 10: "status"
14:49:49.057 (reboot): Receive status dir = /var/folders/c8/jzlb4l7j6lb513z19lj2rclr0000gp/T/arduino_build_841870/
14:49:49.057 (reboot): Receive status file = Blink.ino.hex
14:49:49.057 (reboot): Receive status readable = 1
14:49:49.057 (reboot): Receive status auto = 1
14:49:49.057 (reboot): Receive status online = 0
14:49:49.057 (reboot): Receive status online_count = 0
14:49:49.057 (reboot): Receive status offline_count = 0
14:49:49.057 (reboot): Receive status state = 0
14:49:49.057 (reboot): Receive status EOT
14:49:49.057 (reboot): status read, retry 48
14:49:49.057 (reboot): status read, retry 48
14:49:49.057 (loader): status data sent
14:49:49.158 (reboot): Sending status request
14:49:49.159 (loader): remote cmd from 10: "status"
14:49:49.159 (reboot): Receive status dir = /var/folders/c8/jzlb4l7j6lb513z19lj2rclr0000gp/T/arduino_build_841870/
14:49:49.159 (reboot): Receive status file = Blink.ino.hex
14:49:49.159 (reboot): Receive status readable = 1
14:49:49.159 (reboot): Receive status auto = 1
14:49:49.159 (reboot): Receive status online = 0
14:49:49.159 (reboot): Receive status online_count = 0
14:49:49.159 (reboot): Receive status offline_count = 0
14:49:49.159 (loader): status data sent
14:49:49.159 (reboot): Receive status state = 0
14:49:49.159 (reboot): status read, retry 49
14:49:49.159 (reboot): Receive status EOT
14:49:49.159 (reboot): status read, retry 49
14:49:49.262 (reboot): Teensy did not respond to a USB-based request to automatically reboot.
14:49:49.262 (loader): remote cmd from 10: "log:615"
14:49:49.268 (loader): remote connection 10 closed
14:49:49.270 (ports): got command: "list"
14:49:49.271 (ports): got command: "list"
14:50:36.326 (ports): USB remove callback
14:50:36.326 (ports): remove, loc=14200000
14:50:36.326 (ports): usb_remove: 14200000
14:50:36.326 (ports): del device: location=14200000
14:50:36.329 (loader): remote connection 13 opened
14:50:36.330 (loader): remote cmd from 13: "log:21"
14:50:39.899 (ports): USB add callback
14:50:39.900 (ports): add device: loc=14200000, vid=16C0, pid=0483, ver=0200
14:50:39.900 (ports):   devpath=[no_device]
14:50:39.900 (ports):     name: [no_device] (Teensy) Serial
14:50:39.902 (loader): remote cmd from 13: "log:4"
14:50:48.764 (ports): USB remove callback
14:50:48.764 (ports): remove, loc=14200000
14:50:48.764 (ports): usb_remove: 14200000
14:50:48.764 (ports): del device: location=14200000
14:50:48.766 (loader): remote cmd from 13: "log:4"
14:51:06.120 (ports): purge, name=[no_device] (Teensy) Serial, loc=14200000, age=17.356 sec
14:51:06.120 (ports): got command: "list"
14:51:26.968 (ports): USB add callback
14:51:26.968 (ports): add device: loc=14200000, vid=16C0, pid=0483, ver=0200
14:51:26.968 (ports):   devpath=[no_device]
14:51:26.968 (ports):     name: [no_device] (Teensy) Serial
14:51:26.970 (loader): remote cmd from 13: "log:6"
14:51:58.762 (loader): file changed
14:51:59.179 (post_compile): Begin
14:51:59.179 (loader): remote connection 16 opened
14:51:59.179 (post_compile): Sending command: comment: Teensyduino 1.42-beta2 - MACOSX (teensy_post_compile)
14:51:59.180 (loader): remote cmd from 16: "comment: Teensyduino 1.42-beta2 - MACOSX (teensy_post_compile)"
14:51:59.180 (post_compile): Sending status request
14:51:59.180 (loader): remote cmd from 16: "status"
14:51:59.180 (loader): file changed
14:51:59.183 (loader): File "Blink.ino.hex". 9776 bytes, 2% used
14:51:59.187 (post_compile): Receive status dir = /var/folders/c8/jzlb4l7j6lb513z19lj2rclr0000gp/T/arduino_build_841870/
14:51:59.187 (post_compile): Receive status file = Blink.ino.hex
14:51:59.187 (post_compile): Receive status readable = 1
14:51:59.187 (post_compile): Receive status auto = 1
14:51:59.187 (post_compile): Receive status online = 0
14:51:59.187 (post_compile): Receive status online_count = 0
14:51:59.187 (post_compile): Receive status offline_count = 0
14:51:59.187 (post_compile): Receive status state = 0
14:51:59.187 (post_compile): Receive status EOT
14:51:59.187 (loader): status data sent
14:51:59.187 (post_compile): Disconnect
14:51:59.187 (loader): remote cmd from 16: "log:13"
14:51:59.198 (loader): remote connection 16 closed
14:51:59.319 (post_compile): Begin
14:51:59.320 (loader): remote connection 16 opened
14:51:59.320 (post_compile): Sending command: comment: Teensyduino 1.42-beta2 - MACOSX (teensy_post_compile)
14:51:59.320 (loader): remote cmd from 16: "comment: Teensyduino 1.42-beta2 - MACOSX (teensy_post_compile)"
14:51:59.320 (post_compile): Sending status request
14:51:59.320 (loader): remote cmd from 16: "status"
14:51:59.321 (post_compile): Receive status dir = /var/folders/c8/jzlb4l7j6lb513z19lj2rclr0000gp/T/arduino_build_841870/
14:51:59.321 (post_compile): Receive status file = Blink.ino.hex
14:51:59.321 (post_compile): Receive status readable = 1
14:51:59.321 (post_compile): Receive status auto = 1
14:51:59.321 (post_compile): Receive status online = 0
14:51:59.321 (post_compile): Receive status online_count = 0
14:51:59.321 (post_compile): Receive status offline_count = 0
14:51:59.321 (post_compile): Receive status state = 0
14:51:59.321 (post_compile): Receive status EOT
14:51:59.321 (post_compile): Disconnect
14:51:59.321 (loader): status data sent
14:51:59.321 (loader): remote cmd from 16: "log:13"
14:51:59.332 (post_compile): Running teensy_reboot: /Applications/Arduino.app/Contents/Java/hardware/teensy/../tools/teensy_reboot
14:51:59.333 (loader): remote connection 16 closed
14:51:59.333 (loader): remote connection 16 opened
14:51:59.333 (loader): remote cmd from 16: "log:1"
14:51:59.334 (loader): remote connection 16 closed
14:51:59.338 (reboot): Begin
14:51:59.338 (reboot): location = /dev/cu.usbmodem2277921
14:51:59.338 (reboot): portlabel = /dev/cu.usbmodem2277921 (Teensy)
14:51:59.338 (reboot): portprotocol = serial
14:51:59.338 (reboot): Serial device /dev/cu.usbmodem2277921 will be tried first
14:51:59.339 (reboot): USB add callback
14:51:59.339 (reboot): add device: loc=14200000, vid=16C0, pid=0483, ver=0200
14:51:59.339 (reboot):   devpath=[no_device]
14:51:59.341 (loader): remote connection 16 opened
14:51:59.341 (reboot): USB remove callback
14:51:59.341 (reboot): found Teensy Loader, version 1.42
14:51:59.341 (reboot): Sending command: show:arduino_attempt_reboot
14:51:59.341 (loader): remote cmd from 16: "log:8"
14:51:59.341 (loader): remote cmd from 16: "log:1"
14:51:59.341 (loader): remote cmd from 16: "show:arduino_attempt_reboot"
14:51:59.341 (loader): got request to show arduino rebooting message
14:51:59.343 (reboot): Sending command: comment: Teensyduino 1.42-beta2 - MACOSX (teensy_reboot)
14:51:59.345 (loader): remote cmd from 16: "comment: Teensyduino 1.42-beta2 - MACOSX (teensy_reboot)"
14:51:59.345 (reboot): Sending status request
14:51:59.345 (loader): remote cmd from 16: "status"
14:51:59.345 (reboot): Receive status dir = /var/folders/c8/jzlb4l7j6lb513z19lj2rclr0000gp/T/arduino_build_841870/
14:51:59.345 (reboot): Receive status file = Blink.ino.hex
14:51:59.345 (reboot): Receive status readable = 1
14:51:59.345 (reboot): Receive status auto = 1
14:51:59.345 (reboot): Receive status online = 0
14:51:59.345 (reboot): Receive status online_count = 0
14:51:59.345 (reboot): Receive status offline_count = 0
14:51:59.345 (reboot): Receive status state = 0
14:51:59.345 (reboot): Receive status EOT
14:51:59.345 (reboot): do_reset (serial) [no_device]
14:51:59.345 (loader): status data sent
14:51:59.345 (reboot): Sending status request
14:51:59.345 (loader): remote cmd from 16: "status"
14:51:59.346 (reboot): Receive status dir = /var/folders/c8/jzlb4l7j6lb513z19lj2rclr0000gp/T/arduino_build_841870/
14:51:59.346 (reboot): Receive status file = Blink.ino.hex
14:51:59.346 (reboot): Receive status readable = 1
14:51:59.346 (reboot): Receive status auto = 1
14:51:59.346 (reboot): Receive status online = 0
14:51:59.346 (loader): status data sent
14:51:59.346 (reboot): Receive status online_count = 0
14:51:59.346 (reboot): Receive status offline_count = 0
14:51:59.346 (reboot): Receive status state = 0
14:51:59.346 (reboot): Receive status EOT
14:51:59.346 (reboot): status read, retry 0
14:51:59.346 (reboot): status read, retry 0
14:51:59.450 (reboot): Sending status request
14:51:59.451 (loader): remote cmd from 16: "status"
14:51:59.451 (loader): status data sent
14:51:59.451 (reboot): Receive status dir = /var/folders/c8/jzlb4l7j6lb513z19lj2rclr0000gp/T/arduino_build_841870/
14:51:59.451 (reboot): Receive status file = Blink.ino.hex
14:51:59.451 (reboot): Receive status readable = 1
14:51:59.451 (reboot): Receive status auto = 1
14:51:59.451 (reboot): Receive status online = 0
14:51:59.451 (reboot): Receive status online_count = 0
14:51:59.451 (reboot): Receive status offline_count = 0
14:51:59.451 (reboot): Receive status state = 0
14:51:59.451 (reboot): Receive status EOT
14:51:59.451 (reboot): status read, retry 1
14:51:59.451 (reboot): status read, retry 1
14:51:59.554 (reboot): Sending status request
14:51:59.555 (loader): remote cmd from 16: "status"
14:51:59.555 (reboot): Receive status dir = /var/folders/c8/jzlb4l7j6lb513z19lj2rclr0000gp/T/arduino_build_841870/
14:51:59.555 (reboot): Receive status file = Blink.ino.hex
14:51:59.555 (reboot): Receive status readable = 1
14:51:59.555 (reboot): Receive status auto = 1
14:51:59.555 (reboot): Receive status online = 0
14:51:59.555 (reboot): Receive status online_count = 0
14:51:59.555 (reboot): Receive status offline_count = 0
14:51:59.555 (reboot): Receive status state = 0
14:51:59.556 (reboot): Receive status EOT
14:51:59.556 (reboot): status read, retry 2
14:51:59.556 (reboot): status read, retry 2
14:51:59.556 (loader): status data sent
14:51:59.656 (reboot): Sending status request
14:51:59.656 (loader): remote cmd from 16: "status"
14:51:59.656 (reboot): Receive status dir = /var/folders/c8/jzlb4l7j6lb513z19lj2rclr0000gp/T/arduino_build_841870/
14:51:59.656 (reboot): Receive status file = Blink.ino.hex
14:51:59.656 (reboot): Receive status readable = 1
14:51:59.656 (reboot): Receive status auto = 1
14:51:59.656 (reboot): Receive status online = 0
14:51:59.656 (reboot): Receive status online_count = 0
14:51:59.656 (reboot): Receive status offline_count = 0
14:51:59.657 (reboot): Receive status state = 0
14:51:59.657 (loader): status data sent
14:51:59.657 (reboot): Receive status EOT
14:51:59.657 (reboot): status read, retry 3
14:51:59.657 (reboot): status read, retry 3
14:51:59.759 (reboot): Sending status request
14:51:59.759 (loader): remote cmd from 16: "status"
14:51:59.760 (reboot): Receive status dir = /var/folders/c8/jzlb4l7j6lb513z19lj2rclr0000gp/T/arduino_build_841870/
14:51:59.760 (reboot): Receive status file = Blink.ino.hex
14:51:59.760 (reboot): Receive status readable = 1
14:51:59.760 (reboot): Receive status auto = 1
14:51:59.760 (reboot): Receive status online = 0
14:51:59.760 (reboot): Receive status online_count = 0
14:51:59.760 (reboot): Receive status offline_count = 0
14:51:59.760 (reboot): Receive status state = 0
14:51:59.760 (reboot): Receive status EOT
14:51:59.760 (reboot): status read, retry 4
14:51:59.760 (reboot): status read, retry 4
14:51:59.760 (loader): status data sent
14:51:59.863 (reboot): Sending status request
14:51:59.863 (loader): remote cmd from 16: "status"
14:51:59.864 (reboot): Receive status dir = /var/folders/c8/jzlb4l7j6lb513z19lj2rclr0000gp/T/arduino_build_841870/
14:51:59.864 (reboot): Receive status file = Blink.ino.hex
14:51:59.864 (reboot): Receive status readable = 1
14:51:59.864 (reboot): Receive status auto = 1
14:51:59.864 (reboot): Receive status online = 0
14:51:59.864 (reboot): Receive status online_count = 0
14:51:59.864 (reboot): Receive status offline_count = 0
14:51:59.864 (reboot): Receive status state = 0
14:51:59.864 (loader): status data sent
14:51:59.864 (reboot): Receive status EOT
14:51:59.864 (reboot): status read, retry 5
14:51:59.864 (reboot): status read, retry 5
14:51:59.964 (reboot): Sending status request
14:51:59.965 (loader): remote cmd from 16: "status"
14:51:59.965 (reboot): Receive status dir = /var/folders/c8/jzlb4l7j6lb513z19lj2rclr0000gp/T/arduino_build_841870/
14:51:59.965 (reboot): Receive status file = Blink.ino.hex
14:51:59.965 (reboot): Receive status readable = 1
14:51:59.965 (reboot): Receive status auto = 1
14:51:59.965 (reboot): Receive status online = 0
14:51:59.965 (reboot): Receive status online_count = 0
14:51:59.965 (reboot): Receive status offline_count = 0
14:51:59.965 (reboot): Receive status state = 0
14:51:59.965 (loader): status data sent
14:51:59.965 (reboot): Receive status EOT
14:51:59.965 (reboot): status read, retry 6
14:51:59.965 (reboot): status read, retry 6
14:52:00.066 (reboot): Sending status request
14:52:00.067 (loader): remote cmd from 16: "status"
14:52:00.067 (reboot): Receive status dir = /var/folders/c8/jzlb4l7j6lb513z19lj2rclr0000gp/T/arduino_build_841870/
14:52:00.067 (reboot): Receive status file = Blink.ino.hex
14:52:00.067 (reboot): Receive status readable = 1
14:52:00.067 (reboot): Receive status auto = 1
14:52:00.067 (reboot): Receive status online = 0
14:52:00.067 (reboot): Receive status online_count = 0
14:52:00.067 (reboot): Receive status offline_count = 0
14:52:00.068 (reboot): Receive status state = 0
14:52:00.068 (loader): status data sent
14:52:00.068 (reboot): Receive status EOT
14:52:00.068 (reboot): status read, retry 7
14:52:00.068 (reboot): status read, retry 7
14:52:00.173 (reboot): Sending status request
14:52:00.173 (loader): remote cmd from 16: "status"
14:52:00.174 (reboot): Receive status dir = /var/folders/c8/jzlb4l7j6lb513z19lj2rclr0000gp/T/arduino_build_841870/
14:52:00.174 (reboot): Receive status file = Blink.ino.hex
14:52:00.174 (reboot): Receive status readable = 1
14:52:00.174 (reboot): Receive status auto = 1
14:52:00.174 (reboot): Receive status online = 0
14:52:00.174 (reboot): Receive status online_count = 0
14:52:00.174 (reboot): Receive status offline_count = 0
14:52:00.174 (reboot): Receive status state = 0
14:52:00.174 (loader): status data sent
14:52:00.174 (reboot): Receive status EOT
14:52:00.174 (reboot): status read, retry 8
14:52:00.174 (reboot): status read, retry 8
14:52:00.279 (reboot): Sending status request
14:52:00.280 (loader): remote cmd from 16: "status"
14:52:00.280 (reboot): Receive status dir = /var/folders/c8/jzlb4l7j6lb513z19lj2rclr0000gp/T/arduino_build_841870/
14:52:00.280 (reboot): Receive status file = Blink.ino.hex
14:52:00.280 (reboot): Receive status readable = 1
14:52:00.280 (reboot): Receive status auto = 1
14:52:00.280 (reboot): Receive status online = 0
14:52:00.280 (reboot): Receive status online_count = 0
14:52:00.280 (reboot): Receive status offline_count = 0
14:52:00.280 (reboot): Receive status state = 0
14:52:00.280 (reboot): Receive status EOT
14:52:00.280 (reboot): status read, retry 9
14:52:00.280 (loader): status data sent
14:52:00.280 (reboot): status read, retry 9
14:52:00.381 (reboot): Sending status request
14:52:00.382 (loader): remote cmd from 16: "status"
14:52:00.382 (reboot): Receive status dir = /var/folders/c8/jzlb4l7j6lb513z19lj2rclr0000gp/T/arduino_build_841870/
14:52:00.382 (reboot): Receive status file = Blink.ino.hex
14:52:00.382 (reboot): Receive status readable = 1
14:52:00.382 (reboot): Receive status auto = 1
14:52:00.382 (reboot): Receive status online = 0
14:52:00.382 (reboot): Receive status online_count = 0
14:52:00.382 (reboot): Receive status offline_count = 0
14:52:00.382 (loader): status data sent
14:52:00.382 (reboot): Receive status state = 0
14:52:00.382 (reboot): Receive status EOT
14:52:00.382 (reboot): status read, retry 10
14:52:00.382 (reboot): status read, retry 10
14:52:00.483 (reboot): Sending status request
14:52:00.483 (loader): remote cmd from 16: "status"
14:52:00.484 (reboot): Receive status dir = /var/folders/c8/jzlb4l7j6lb513z19lj2rclr0000gp/T/arduino_build_841870/
14:52:00.484 (reboot): Receive status file = Blink.ino.hex
14:52:00.484 (reboot): Receive status readable = 1
14:52:00.484 (reboot): Receive status auto = 1
14:52:00.484 (reboot): Receive status online = 0
14:52:00.484 (reboot): Receive status online_count = 0
14:52:00.484 (reboot): Receive status offline_count = 0
14:52:00.484 (reboot): Receive status state = 0
14:52:00.484 (reboot): Receive status EOT
14:52:00.484 (reboot): status read, retry 11
14:52:00.484 (reboot): status read, retry 11
14:52:00.484 (loader): status data sent
14:52:00.587 (reboot): Sending status request
14:52:00.587 (loader): remote cmd from 16: "status"
14:52:00.588 (reboot): Receive status dir = /var/folders/c8/jzlb4l7j6lb513z19lj2rclr0000gp/T/arduino_build_841870/
14:52:00.588 (reboot): Receive status file = Blink.ino.hex
14:52:00.588 (reboot): Receive status readable = 1
14:52:00.588 (reboot): Receive status auto = 1
14:52:00.588 (reboot): Receive status online = 0
14:52:00.588 (reboot): Receive status online_count = 0
14:52:00.588 (reboot): Receive status offline_count = 0
14:52:00.588 (reboot): Receive status state = 0
14:52:00.588 (reboot): Receive status EOT
14:52:00.588 (reboot): status read, retry 12
14:52:00.588 (reboot): status read, retry 12
14:52:00.588 (loader): status data sent
14:52:00.691 (reboot): Sending status request
14:52:00.692 (loader): remote cmd from 16: "status"
14:52:00.692 (reboot): Receive status dir = /var/folders/c8/jzlb4l7j6lb513z19lj2rclr0000gp/T/arduino_build_841870/
14:52:00.692 (reboot): Receive status file = Blink.ino.hex
14:52:00.692 (reboot): Receive status readable = 1
14:52:00.692 (reboot): Receive status auto = 1
14:52:00.692 (reboot): Receive status online = 0
14:52:00.692 (reboot): Receive status online_count = 0
14:52:00.692 (reboot): Receive status offline_count = 0
14:52:00.692 (reboot): Receive status state = 0
14:52:00.692 (loader): status data sent
14:52:00.692 (reboot): Receive status EOT
14:52:00.692 (reboot): status read, retry 13
14:52:00.692 (reboot): status read, retry 13
14:52:00.796 (reboot): Sending status request
14:52:00.797 (loader): remote cmd from 16: "status"
14:52:00.797 (reboot): Receive status dir = /var/folders/c8/jzlb4l7j6lb513z19lj2rclr0000gp/T/arduino_build_841870/
14:52:00.797 (reboot): Receive status file = Blink.ino.hex
14:52:00.797 (reboot): Receive status readable = 1
14:52:00.797 (loader): status data sent
14:52:00.797 (reboot): Receive status auto = 1
14:52:00.797 (reboot): Receive status online = 0
14:52:00.797 (reboot): Receive status online_count = 0
14:52:00.797 (reboot): Receive status offline_count = 0
14:52:00.797 (reboot): Receive status state = 0
14:52:00.797 (reboot): Receive status EOT
14:52:00.797 (reboot): status read, retry 14
14:52:00.797 (reboot): status read, retry 14
14:52:00.899 (reboot): Sending status request
14:52:00.900 (loader): remote cmd from 16: "status"
14:52:00.900 (reboot): Receive status dir = /var/folders/c8/jzlb4l7j6lb513z19lj2rclr0000gp/T/arduino_build_841870/
14:52:00.900 (reboot): Receive status file = Blink.ino.hex
14:52:00.900 (reboot): Receive status readable = 1
14:52:00.900 (reboot): Receive status auto = 1
14:52:00.900 (reboot): Receive status online = 0
14:52:00.900 (reboot): Receive status online_count = 0
14:52:00.900 (reboot): Receive status offline_count = 0
14:52:00.900 (reboot): Receive status state = 0
14:52:00.901 (loader): status data sent
14:52:00.901 (reboot): Receive status EOT
14:52:00.901 (reboot): status read, retry 15
14:52:00.901 (reboot): status read, retry 15
14:52:01.001 (reboot): Sending status request
14:52:01.002 (loader): remote cmd from 16: "status"
14:52:01.002 (reboot): Receive status dir = /var/folders/c8/jzlb4l7j6lb513z19lj2rclr0000gp/T/arduino_build_841870/
14:52:01.002 (reboot): Receive status file = Blink.ino.hex
14:52:01.002 (reboot): Receive status readable = 1
14:52:01.002 (reboot): Receive status auto = 1
14:52:01.002 (reboot): Receive status online = 0
14:52:01.002 (reboot): Receive status online_count = 0
14:52:01.002 (reboot): Receive status offline_count = 0
14:52:01.002 (reboot): Receive status state = 0
14:52:01.002 (reboot): Receive status EOT
14:52:01.002 (reboot): status read, retry 16
14:52:01.002 (reboot): status read, retry 16
14:52:01.002 (loader): status data sent
14:52:01.107 (reboot): Sending status request
14:52:01.108 (loader): remote cmd from 16: "status"
14:52:01.108 (reboot): Receive status dir = /var/folders/c8/jzlb4l7j6lb513z19lj2rclr0000gp/T/arduino_build_841870/
14:52:01.108 (reboot): Receive status file = Blink.ino.hex
14:52:01.108 (reboot): Receive status readable = 1
14:52:01.108 (reboot): Receive status auto = 1
14:52:01.108 (reboot): Receive status online = 0
14:52:01.108 (reboot): Receive status online_count = 0
14:52:01.108 (reboot): Receive status offline_count = 0
14:52:01.108 (reboot): Receive status state = 0
14:52:01.108 (loader): status data sent
14:52:01.108 (reboot): Receive status EOT
14:52:01.108 (reboot): status read, retry 17
14:52:01.108 (reboot): status read, retry 17
14:52:01.210 (reboot): Sending status request
14:52:01.210 (loader): remote cmd from 16: "status"
14:52:01.210 (reboot): Receive status dir = /var/folders/c8/jzlb4l7j6lb513z19lj2rclr0000gp/T/arduino_build_841870/
14:52:01.210 (reboot): Receive status file = Blink.ino.hex
14:52:01.210 (reboot): Receive status readable = 1
14:52:01.210 (reboot): Receive status auto = 1
14:52:01.210 (reboot): Receive status online = 0
14:52:01.210 (reboot): Receive status offline_count = 0
14:52:01.210 (reboot): Receive status online_count = 0
14:52:01.211 (loader): status data sent
14:52:01.211 (reboot): Receive status state = 0
14:52:01.211 (reboot): Receive status EOT
14:52:01.211 (reboot): status read, retry 18
14:52:01.211 (reboot): status read, retry 18
14:52:01.316 (reboot): Sending status request
14:52:01.316 (loader): remote cmd from 16: "status"
14:52:01.317 (reboot): Receive status dir = /var/folders/c8/jzlb4l7j6lb513z19lj2rclr0000gp/T/arduino_build_841870/
14:52:01.317 (reboot): Receive status file = Blink.ino.hex
14:52:01.317 (reboot): Receive status readable = 1
14:52:01.317 (reboot): Receive status auto = 1
14:52:01.317 (reboot): Receive status online = 0
14:52:01.317 (reboot): Receive status online_count = 0
14:52:01.317 (reboot): Receive status offline_count = 0
14:52:01.317 (loader): status data sent
14:52:01.317 (reboot): Receive status state = 0
14:52:01.317 (reboot): Receive status EOT
14:52:01.317 (reboot): status read, retry 19
14:52:01.317 (reboot): status read, retry 19
14:52:01.419 (reboot): Sending status request
14:52:01.419 (loader): remote cmd from 16: "status"
14:52:01.420 (reboot): Receive status dir = /var/folders/c8/jzlb4l7j6lb513z19lj2rclr0000gp/T/arduino_build_841870/
14:52:01.420 (reboot): Receive status file = Blink.ino.hex
14:52:01.420 (reboot): Receive status readable = 1
14:52:01.420 (reboot): Receive status auto = 1
14:52:01.420 (reboot): Receive status online = 0
14:52:01.420 (reboot): Receive status online_count = 0
14:52:01.420 (reboot): Receive status offline_count = 0
14:52:01.420 (reboot): Receive status state = 0
14:52:01.420 (loader): status data sent
14:52:01.420 (reboot): Receive status EOT
14:52:01.420 (reboot): status read, retry 20
14:52:01.420 (reboot): status read, retry 20
14:52:01.521 (reboot): Sending status request
14:52:01.522 (loader): remote cmd from 16: "status"
14:52:01.522 (reboot): Receive status dir = /var/folders/c8/jzlb4l7j6lb513z19lj2rclr0000gp/T/arduino_build_841870/
14:52:01.522 (reboot): Receive status file = Blink.ino.hex
14:52:01.522 (reboot): Receive status readable = 1
14:52:01.522 (reboot): Receive status auto = 1
14:52:01.522 (reboot): Receive status online = 0
14:52:01.522 (reboot): Receive status online_count = 0
14:52:01.522 (reboot): Receive status state = 0
14:52:01.522 (reboot): Receive status offline_count = 0
14:52:01.522 (reboot): Receive status EOT
14:52:01.522 (reboot): status read, retry 21
14:52:01.522 (reboot): status read, retry 21
14:52:01.522 (loader): status data sent
14:52:01.627 (reboot): Sending status request
14:52:01.628 (loader): remote cmd from 16: "status"
14:52:01.628 (reboot): Receive status dir = /var/folders/c8/jzlb4l7j6lb513z19lj2rclr0000gp/T/arduino_build_841870/
14:52:01.628 (reboot): Receive status file = Blink.ino.hex
14:52:01.628 (reboot): Receive status readable = 1
14:52:01.628 (reboot): Receive status auto = 1
14:52:01.628 (reboot): Receive status online = 0
14:52:01.628 (reboot): Receive status online_count = 0
14:52:01.628 (reboot): Receive status offline_count = 0
14:52:01.628 (reboot): Receive status state = 0
14:52:01.628 (reboot): Receive status EOT
14:52:01.628 (reboot): status read, retry 22
14:52:01.628 (reboot): status read, retry 22
14:52:01.628 (loader): status data sent
14:52:01.732 (reboot): Sending status request
14:52:01.733 (loader): remote cmd from 16: "status"
14:52:01.733 (reboot): Receive status dir = /var/folders/c8/jzlb4l7j6lb513z19lj2rclr0000gp/T/arduino_build_841870/
14:52:01.733 (reboot): Receive status file = Blink.ino.hex
14:52:01.733 (reboot): Receive status readable = 1
14:52:01.733 (reboot): Receive status auto = 1
14:52:01.733 (reboot): Receive status online = 0
14:52:01.733 (reboot): Receive status online_count = 0
14:52:01.733 (reboot): Receive status offline_count = 0
14:52:01.733 (reboot): Receive status state = 0
14:52:01.733 (reboot): Receive status EOT
14:52:01.733 (reboot): status read, retry 23
14:52:01.733 (reboot): status read, retry 23
14:52:01.733 (loader): status data sent
14:52:01.836 (reboot): Sending status request
14:52:01.836 (loader): remote cmd from 16: "status"
14:52:01.837 (reboot): Receive status dir = /var/folders/c8/jzlb4l7j6lb513z19lj2rclr0000gp/T/arduino_build_841870/
14:52:01.837 (reboot): Receive status file = Blink.ino.hex
14:52:01.837 (reboot): Receive status readable = 1
14:52:01.837 (reboot): Receive status auto = 1
14:52:01.837 (reboot): Receive status online = 0
14:52:01.837 (reboot): Receive status online_count = 0
14:52:01.837 (reboot): Receive status offline_count = 0
14:52:01.837 (reboot): Receive status state = 0
14:52:01.837 (reboot): Receive status EOT
14:52:01.837 (reboot): status read, retry 24
14:52:01.837 (reboot): status read, retry 24
14:52:01.837 (loader): status data sent
14:52:01.937 (reboot): Sending status request
14:52:01.938 (loader): remote cmd from 16: "status"
14:52:01.938 (reboot): Receive status dir = /var/folders/c8/jzlb4l7j6lb513z19lj2rclr0000gp/T/arduino_build_841870/
14:52:01.938 (reboot): Receive status file = Blink.ino.hex
14:52:01.938 (reboot): Receive status readable = 1
14:52:01.938 (reboot): Receive status auto = 1
14:52:01.938 (reboot): Receive status online = 0
14:52:01.938 (reboot): Receive status online_count = 0
14:52:01.938 (reboot): Receive status offline_count = 0
14:52:01.938 (reboot): Receive status state = 0
14:52:01.938 (reboot): Receive status EOT
14:52:01.938 (reboot): status read, retry 25
14:52:01.938 (reboot): status read, retry 25
14:52:01.938 (loader): status data sent
14:52:02.043 (reboot): Sending status request
14:52:02.044 (loader): remote cmd from 16: "status"
14:52:02.044 (reboot): Receive status dir = /var/folders/c8/jzlb4l7j6lb513z19lj2rclr0000gp/T/arduino_build_841870/
14:52:02.044 (reboot): Receive status file = Blink.ino.hex
14:52:02.044 (reboot): Receive status readable = 1
14:52:02.044 (reboot): Receive status auto = 1
14:52:02.044 (reboot): Receive status online = 0
14:52:02.044 (reboot): Receive status offline_count = 0
14:52:02.044 (reboot): Receive status online_count = 0
14:52:02.044 (reboot): Receive status state = 0
14:52:02.044 (loader): status data sent
14:52:02.044 (reboot): Receive status EOT
14:52:02.044 (reboot): status read, retry 26
14:52:02.044 (reboot): status read, retry 26
14:52:02.146 (reboot): Sending status request
14:52:02.147 (loader): remote cmd from 16: "status"
14:52:02.147 (reboot): Receive status dir = /var/folders/c8/jzlb4l7j6lb513z19lj2rclr0000gp/T/arduino_build_841870/
14:52:02.147 (reboot): Receive status file = Blink.ino.hex
14:52:02.147 (reboot): Receive status readable = 1
14:52:02.147 (reboot): Receive status auto = 1
14:52:02.147 (reboot): Receive status online = 0
14:52:02.147 (reboot): Receive status online_count = 0
14:52:02.147 (reboot): Receive status offline_count = 0
14:52:02.147 (reboot): Receive status state = 0
14:52:02.147 (loader): status data sent
14:52:02.147 (reboot): Receive status EOT
14:52:02.147 (reboot): status read, retry 27
14:52:02.147 (reboot): status read, retry 27
14:52:02.250 (reboot): Sending status request
14:52:02.251 (loader): remote cmd from 16: "status"
14:52:02.251 (reboot): Receive status dir = /var/folders/c8/jzlb4l7j6lb513z19lj2rclr0000gp/T/arduino_build_841870/
14:52:02.251 (reboot): Receive status file = Blink.ino.hex
14:52:02.251 (reboot): Receive status readable = 1
14:52:02.251 (reboot): Receive status auto = 1
14:52:02.251 (reboot): Receive status online = 0
14:52:02.251 (reboot): Receive status online_count = 0
14:52:02.251 (reboot): Receive status offline_count = 0
14:52:02.251 (reboot): Receive status state = 0
14:52:02.251 (reboot): Receive status EOT
14:52:02.251 (reboot): status read, retry 28
14:52:02.251 (reboot): status read, retry 28
14:52:02.251 (loader): status data sent
14:52:02.354 (reboot): Sending status request
14:52:02.355 (loader): remote cmd from 16: "status"
14:52:02.355 (reboot): Receive status dir = /var/folders/c8/jzlb4l7j6lb513z19lj2rclr0000gp/T/arduino_build_841870/
14:52:02.355 (reboot): Receive status file = Blink.ino.hex
14:52:02.355 (reboot): Receive status readable = 1
14:52:02.355 (reboot): Receive status auto = 1
14:52:02.355 (reboot): Receive status online = 0
14:52:02.355 (reboot): Receive status online_count = 0
14:52:02.355 (reboot): Receive status offline_count = 0
14:52:02.355 (loader): status data sent
14:52:02.355 (reboot): Receive status state = 0
14:52:02.355 (reboot): Receive status EOT
14:52:02.355 (reboot): status read, retry 29
14:52:02.355 (reboot): status read, retry 29
14:52:02.456 (reboot): Sending status request
14:52:02.456 (loader): remote cmd from 16: "status"
14:52:02.456 (reboot): Receive status dir = /var/folders/c8/jzlb4l7j6lb513z19lj2rclr0000gp/T/arduino_build_841870/
14:52:02.456 (reboot): Receive status file = Blink.ino.hex
14:52:02.456 (reboot): Receive status readable = 1
14:52:02.456 (reboot): Receive status auto = 1
14:52:02.456 (reboot): Receive status online = 0
14:52:02.456 (reboot): Receive status online_count = 0
14:52:02.456 (reboot): Receive status offline_count = 0
14:52:02.456 (reboot): Receive status state = 0
14:52:02.456 (reboot): Receive status EOT
14:52:02.456 (reboot): status read, retry 30
14:52:02.456 (reboot): status read, retry 30
14:52:02.456 (loader): status data sent
14:52:02.558 (reboot): Sending status request
14:52:02.558 (loader): remote cmd from 16: "status"
14:52:02.559 (reboot): Receive status dir = /var/folders/c8/jzlb4l7j6lb513z19lj2rclr0000gp/T/arduino_build_841870/
14:52:02.559 (reboot): Receive status file = Blink.ino.hex
14:52:02.559 (reboot): Receive status readable = 1
14:52:02.559 (reboot): Receive status auto = 1
14:52:02.559 (reboot): Receive status online = 0
14:52:02.559 (reboot): Receive status online_count = 0
14:52:02.559 (reboot): Receive status offline_count = 0
14:52:02.559 (reboot): Receive status state = 0
14:52:02.559 (loader): status data sent
14:52:02.559 (reboot): Receive status EOT
14:52:02.559 (reboot): status read, retry 31
14:52:02.559 (reboot): status read, retry 31
14:52:02.663 (reboot): Sending status request
14:52:02.663 (loader): remote cmd from 16: "status"
14:52:02.664 (reboot): Receive status dir = /var/folders/c8/jzlb4l7j6lb513z19lj2rclr0000gp/T/arduino_build_841870/
14:52:02.664 (reboot): Receive status file = Blink.ino.hex
14:52:02.664 (reboot): Receive status readable = 1
14:52:02.664 (reboot): Receive status auto = 1
14:52:02.664 (reboot): Receive status online = 0
14:52:02.664 (reboot): Receive status online_count = 0
14:52:02.664 (reboot): Receive status offline_count = 0
14:52:02.664 (reboot): Receive status state = 0
14:52:02.664 (loader): status data sent
14:52:02.664 (reboot): Receive status EOT
14:52:02.664 (reboot): status read, retry 32
14:52:02.664 (reboot): status read, retry 32
14:52:02.765 (reboot): Sending status request
14:52:02.765 (loader): remote cmd from 16: "status"
14:52:02.765 (reboot): Receive status dir = /var/folders/c8/jzlb4l7j6lb513z19lj2rclr0000gp/T/arduino_build_841870/
14:52:02.765 (reboot): Receive status file = Blink.ino.hex
14:52:02.765 (reboot): Receive status readable = 1
14:52:02.765 (reboot): Receive status auto = 1
14:52:02.765 (reboot): Receive status online = 0
14:52:02.765 (reboot): Receive status online_count = 0
14:52:02.766 (reboot): Receive status offline_count = 0
14:52:02.766 (loader): status data sent
14:52:02.766 (reboot): Receive status state = 0
14:52:02.766 (reboot): Receive status EOT
14:52:02.766 (reboot): status read, retry 33
14:52:02.766 (reboot): status read, retry 33
14:52:02.871 (reboot): Sending status request
14:52:02.871 (loader): remote cmd from 16: "status"
14:52:02.872 (reboot): Receive status dir = /var/folders/c8/jzlb4l7j6lb513z19lj2rclr0000gp/T/arduino_build_841870/
14:52:02.872 (reboot): Receive status file = Blink.ino.hex
14:52:02.872 (reboot): Receive status readable = 1
14:52:02.872 (reboot): Receive status auto = 1
14:52:02.872 (reboot): Receive status online = 0
14:52:02.872 (reboot): Receive status online_count = 0
14:52:02.872 (reboot): Receive status offline_count = 0
14:52:02.872 (reboot): Receive status state = 0
14:52:02.872 (reboot): Receive status EOT
14:52:02.872 (reboot): status read, retry 34
14:52:02.872 (reboot): status read, retry 34
14:52:02.872 (loader): status data sent
14:52:02.973 (reboot): Sending status request
14:52:02.973 (loader): remote cmd from 16: "status"
14:52:02.974 (reboot): Receive status dir = /var/folders/c8/jzlb4l7j6lb513z19lj2rclr0000gp/T/arduino_build_841870/
14:52:02.974 (reboot): Receive status file = Blink.ino.hex
14:52:02.974 (reboot): Receive status readable = 1
14:52:02.974 (reboot): Receive status auto = 1
14:52:02.974 (reboot): Receive status online = 0
14:52:02.974 (reboot): Receive status online_count = 0
14:52:02.974 (reboot): Receive status offline_count = 0
14:52:02.974 (loader): status data sent
14:52:02.974 (reboot): Receive status state = 0
14:52:02.974 (reboot): Receive status EOT
14:52:02.974 (reboot): status read, retry 35
14:52:02.974 (reboot): status read, retry 35
14:52:03.074 (reboot): Sending status request
14:52:03.075 (loader): remote cmd from 16: "status"
14:52:03.075 (reboot): Receive status dir = /var/folders/c8/jzlb4l7j6lb513z19lj2rclr0000gp/T/arduino_build_841870/
14:52:03.075 (reboot): Receive status file = Blink.ino.hex
14:52:03.075 (reboot): Receive status readable = 1
14:52:03.075 (reboot): Receive status auto = 1
14:52:03.075 (reboot): Receive status online = 0
14:52:03.075 (reboot): Receive status online_count = 0
14:52:03.075 (reboot): Receive status offline_count = 0
14:52:03.075 (reboot): Receive status state = 0
14:52:03.075 (reboot): Receive status EOT
14:52:03.075 (reboot): status read, retry 36
14:52:03.075 (loader): status data sent
14:52:03.075 (reboot): status read, retry 36
14:52:03.180 (reboot): Sending status request
14:52:03.181 (loader): remote cmd from 16: "status"
14:52:03.181 (reboot): Receive status dir = /var/folders/c8/jzlb4l7j6lb513z19lj2rclr0000gp/T/arduino_build_841870/
14:52:03.181 (reboot): Receive status file = Blink.ino.hex
14:52:03.181 (reboot): Receive status readable = 1
14:52:03.181 (reboot): Receive status auto = 1
14:52:03.181 (reboot): Receive status online = 0
14:52:03.181 (reboot): Receive status online_count = 0
14:52:03.181 (reboot): Receive status offline_count = 0
14:52:03.181 (reboot): Receive status state = 0
14:52:03.181 (loader): status data sent
14:52:03.181 (reboot): Receive status EOT
14:52:03.181 (reboot): status read, retry 37
14:52:03.181 (reboot): status read, retry 37
14:52:03.283 (reboot): Sending status request
14:52:03.283 (loader): remote cmd from 16: "status"
14:52:03.284 (reboot): Receive status dir = /var/folders/c8/jzlb4l7j6lb513z19lj2rclr0000gp/T/arduino_build_841870/
14:52:03.284 (reboot): Receive status file = Blink.ino.hex
14:52:03.284 (reboot): Receive status readable = 1
14:52:03.284 (reboot): Receive status auto = 1
14:52:03.284 (reboot): Receive status online = 0
14:52:03.284 (reboot): Receive status online_count = 0
14:52:03.284 (reboot): Receive status offline_count = 0
14:52:03.284 (reboot): Receive status state = 0
14:52:03.284 (reboot): Receive status EOT
14:52:03.284 (reboot): status read, retry 38
14:52:03.284 (reboot): status read, retry 38
14:52:03.284 (loader): status data sent
14:52:03.389 (reboot): Sending status request
14:52:03.390 (loader): remote cmd from 16: "status"
14:52:03.390 (reboot): Receive status dir = /var/folders/c8/jzlb4l7j6lb513z19lj2rclr0000gp/T/arduino_build_841870/
14:52:03.390 (reboot): Receive status file = Blink.ino.hex
14:52:03.390 (reboot): Receive status readable = 1
14:52:03.390 (reboot): Receive status auto = 1
14:52:03.390 (reboot): Receive status online = 0
14:52:03.390 (reboot): Receive status online_count = 0
14:52:03.390 (reboot): Receive status offline_count = 0
14:52:03.390 (reboot): Receive status state = 0
14:52:03.390 (loader): status data sent
14:52:03.390 (reboot): Receive status EOT
14:52:03.390 (reboot): status read, retry 39
14:52:03.390 (reboot): status read, retry 39
14:52:03.492 (reboot): Sending status request
14:52:03.493 (loader): remote cmd from 16: "status"
14:52:03.493 (reboot): Receive status dir = /var/folders/c8/jzlb4l7j6lb513z19lj2rclr0000gp/T/arduino_build_841870/
14:52:03.493 (reboot): Receive status file = Blink.ino.hex
14:52:03.493 (reboot): Receive status readable = 1
14:52:03.493 (reboot): Receive status auto = 1
14:52:03.493 (reboot): Receive status online = 0
14:52:03.493 (reboot): Receive status online_count = 0
14:52:03.493 (reboot): Receive status offline_count = 0
14:52:03.493 (reboot): Receive status state = 0
14:52:03.493 (loader): status data sent
14:52:03.493 (reboot): Receive status EOT
14:52:03.493 (reboot): status read, retry 40
14:52:03.493 (reboot): status read, retry 40
14:52:03.594 (reboot): Sending status request
14:52:03.594 (loader): remote cmd from 16: "status"
14:52:03.594 (reboot): Receive status dir = /var/folders/c8/jzlb4l7j6lb513z19lj2rclr0000gp/T/arduino_build_841870/
14:52:03.594 (reboot): Receive status file = Blink.ino.hex
14:52:03.594 (reboot): Receive status readable = 1
14:52:03.594 (reboot): Receive status auto = 1
14:52:03.594 (reboot): Receive status online = 0
14:52:03.594 (reboot): Receive status online_count = 0
14:52:03.594 (reboot): Receive status offline_count = 0
14:52:03.594 (reboot): Receive status state = 0
14:52:03.594 (loader): status data sent
14:52:03.594 (reboot): Receive status EOT
14:52:03.594 (reboot): status read, retry 41
14:52:03.594 (reboot): status read, retry 41
14:52:03.696 (reboot): Sending status request
14:52:03.696 (loader): remote cmd from 16: "status"
14:52:03.697 (reboot): Receive status dir = /var/folders/c8/jzlb4l7j6lb513z19lj2rclr0000gp/T/arduino_build_841870/
14:52:03.697 (reboot): Receive status file = Blink.ino.hex
14:52:03.697 (reboot): Receive status readable = 1
14:52:03.697 (reboot): Receive status auto = 1
14:52:03.697 (reboot): Receive status online = 0
14:52:03.697 (reboot): Receive status online_count = 0
14:52:03.697 (reboot): Receive status offline_count = 0
14:52:03.697 (reboot): Receive status state = 0
14:52:03.697 (reboot): Receive status EOT
14:52:03.697 (reboot): status read, retry 42
14:52:03.697 (reboot): status read, retry 42
14:52:03.697 (loader): status data sent
14:52:03.802 (reboot): Sending status request
14:52:03.802 (loader): remote cmd from 16: "status"
14:52:03.802 (reboot): Receive status dir = /var/folders/c8/jzlb4l7j6lb513z19lj2rclr0000gp/T/arduino_build_841870/
14:52:03.803 (reboot): Receive status file = Blink.ino.hex
14:52:03.803 (reboot): Receive status readable = 1
14:52:03.803 (reboot): Receive status auto = 1
14:52:03.803 (reboot): Receive status online = 0
14:52:03.803 (reboot): Receive status online_count = 0
14:52:03.803 (reboot): Receive status offline_count = 0
14:52:03.803 (reboot): Receive status state = 0
14:52:03.803 (reboot): Receive status EOT
14:52:03.803 (reboot): status read, retry 43
14:52:03.803 (reboot): status read, retry 43
14:52:03.803 (loader): status data sent
14:52:03.907 (reboot): Sending status request
14:52:03.908 (loader): remote cmd from 16: "status"
14:52:03.908 (reboot): Receive status dir = /var/folders/c8/jzlb4l7j6lb513z19lj2rclr0000gp/T/arduino_build_841870/
14:52:03.908 (reboot): Receive status file = Blink.ino.hex
14:52:03.908 (reboot): Receive status readable = 1
14:52:03.908 (reboot): Receive status auto = 1
14:52:03.908 (reboot): Receive status online = 0
14:52:03.908 (reboot): Receive status online_count = 0
14:52:03.908 (reboot): Receive status offline_count = 0
14:52:03.908 (reboot): Receive status state = 0
14:52:03.908 (reboot): Receive status EOT
14:52:03.908 (reboot): status read, retry 44
14:52:03.908 (reboot): status read, retry 44
14:52:03.908 (loader): status data sent
14:52:04.013 (reboot): Sending status request
14:52:04.013 (loader): remote cmd from 16: "status"
14:52:04.013 (reboot): Receive status dir = /var/folders/c8/jzlb4l7j6lb513z19lj2rclr0000gp/T/arduino_build_841870/
14:52:04.013 (reboot): Receive status file = Blink.ino.hex
14:52:04.013 (reboot): Receive status readable = 1
14:52:04.013 (reboot): Receive status auto = 1
14:52:04.013 (reboot): Receive status online = 0
14:52:04.013 (reboot): Receive status online_count = 0
14:52:04.013 (reboot): Receive status offline_count = 0
14:52:04.013 (reboot): Receive status state = 0
14:52:04.013 (reboot): Receive status EOT
14:52:04.013 (reboot): status read, retry 45
14:52:04.013 (reboot): status read, retry 45
14:52:04.013 (loader): status data sent
14:52:04.118 (reboot): Sending status request
14:52:04.119 (loader): remote cmd from 16: "status"
14:52:04.119 (reboot): Receive status dir = /var/folders/c8/jzlb4l7j6lb513z19lj2rclr0000gp/T/arduino_build_841870/
14:52:04.119 (reboot): Receive status file = Blink.ino.hex
14:52:04.119 (reboot): Receive status readable = 1
14:52:04.119 (reboot): Receive status auto = 1
14:52:04.119 (reboot): Receive status online = 0
14:52:04.120 (loader): status data sent
14:52:04.120 (reboot): Receive status online_count = 0
14:52:04.120 (reboot): Receive status offline_count = 0
14:52:04.120 (reboot): Receive status state = 0
14:52:04.120 (reboot): status read, retry 46
14:52:04.120 (reboot): Receive status EOT
14:52:04.120 (reboot): status read, retry 46
14:52:04.220 (reboot): Sending status request
14:52:04.220 (loader): remote cmd from 16: "status"
14:52:04.221 (reboot): Receive status dir = /var/folders/c8/jzlb4l7j6lb513z19lj2rclr0000gp/T/arduino_build_841870/
14:52:04.221 (reboot): Receive status file = Blink.ino.hex
14:52:04.221 (reboot): Receive status readable = 1
14:52:04.221 (reboot): Receive status auto = 1
14:52:04.221 (reboot): Receive status online = 0
14:52:04.221 (reboot): Receive status online_count = 0
14:52:04.221 (reboot): Receive status offline_count = 0
14:52:04.221 (reboot): Receive status state = 0
14:52:04.221 (reboot): Receive status EOT
14:52:04.221 (reboot): status read, retry 47
14:52:04.221 (reboot): status read, retry 47
14:52:04.221 (loader): status data sent
14:52:04.326 (reboot): Sending status request
14:52:04.326 (loader): remote cmd from 16: "status"
14:52:04.327 (reboot): Receive status dir = /var/folders/c8/jzlb4l7j6lb513z19lj2rclr0000gp/T/arduino_build_841870/
14:52:04.327 (reboot): Receive status file = Blink.ino.hex
14:52:04.327 (reboot): Receive status readable = 1
14:52:04.327 (reboot): Receive status auto = 1
14:52:04.327 (reboot): Receive status online = 0
14:52:04.327 (reboot): Receive status online_count = 0
14:52:04.327 (reboot): Receive status offline_count = 0
14:52:04.327 (reboot): Receive status state = 0
14:52:04.327 (reboot): Receive status EOT
14:52:04.327 (reboot): status read, retry 48
14:52:04.327 (reboot): status read, retry 48
14:52:04.327 (loader): status data sent
14:52:04.429 (reboot): Sending status request
14:52:04.429 (loader): remote cmd from 16: "status"
14:52:04.430 (reboot): Receive status dir = /var/folders/c8/jzlb4l7j6lb513z19lj2rclr0000gp/T/arduino_build_841870/
14:52:04.430 (reboot): Receive status file = Blink.ino.hex
14:52:04.430 (reboot): Receive status readable = 1
14:52:04.430 (reboot): Receive status auto = 1
14:52:04.430 (reboot): Receive status online = 0
14:52:04.430 (reboot): Receive status online_count = 0
14:52:04.430 (reboot): Receive status offline_count = 0
14:52:04.430 (reboot): Receive status state = 0
14:52:04.430 (reboot): Receive status EOT
14:52:04.430 (reboot): status read, retry 49
14:52:04.430 (reboot): status read, retry 49
14:52:04.430 (loader): status data sent
14:52:04.531 (reboot): Teensy did not respond to a USB-based request to automatically reboot.
14:52:04.532 (loader): remote cmd from 16: "log:615"
14:52:04.537 (loader): remote connection 16 closed
15:19:12.190 (loader): Verbose Info event

Main window:
Linking everything together...
"/Applications/Arduino.app/Contents/Java/hardware/teensy/../tools/arm/bin/arm-none-eabi-gcc" -O2 -Wl,--gc-sections,--relax,--defsym=__rtc_localtime=1519743109 "-T/Applications/Arduino.app/Contents/Java/hardware/teensy/avr/cores/teensy3/mk64fx512.ld" -lstdc++  -mthumb -mcpu=cortex-m4 -mfloat-abi=hard -mfpu=fpv4-sp-d16 -fsingle-precision-constant -o "/var/folders/c8/jzlb4l7j6lb513z19lj2rclr0000gp/T/arduino_build_841870/Blink.ino.elf" "/var/folders/c8/jzlb4l7j6lb513z19lj2rclr0000gp/T/arduino_build_841870/sketch/Blink.ino.cpp.o" "/var/folders/c8/jzlb4l7j6lb513z19lj2rclr0000gp/T/arduino_build_841870/core/core.a" "-L/var/folders/c8/jzlb4l7j6lb513z19lj2rclr0000gp/T/arduino_build_841870" -larm_cortexM4lf_math -lm
"/Applications/Arduino.app/Contents/Java/hardware/teensy/../tools/arm/bin/arm-none-eabi-objcopy" -O ihex -j .eeprom --set-section-flags=.eeprom=alloc,load --no-change-warnings --change-section-lma .eeprom=0 "/var/folders/c8/jzlb4l7j6lb513z19lj2rclr0000gp/T/arduino_build_841870/Blink.ino.elf" "/var/folders/c8/jzlb4l7j6lb513z19lj2rclr0000gp/T/arduino_build_841870/Blink.ino.eep"
"/Applications/Arduino.app/Contents/Java/hardware/teensy/../tools/arm/bin/arm-none-eabi-objcopy" -O ihex -R .eeprom "/var/folders/c8/jzlb4l7j6lb513z19lj2rclr0000gp/T/arduino_build_841870/Blink.ino.elf" "/var/folders/c8/jzlb4l7j6lb513z19lj2rclr0000gp/T/arduino_build_841870/Blink.ino.hex"
"/Applications/Arduino.app/Contents/Java/hardware/teensy/../tools/stdout_redirect" "/var/folders/c8/jzlb4l7j6lb513z19lj2rclr0000gp/T/arduino_build_841870/Blink.ino.lst" "/Applications/Arduino.app/Contents/Java/hardware/teensy/../tools/arm/bin/arm-none-eabi-objdump" -d -S -C "/var/folders/c8/jzlb4l7j6lb513z19lj2rclr0000gp/T/arduino_build_841870/Blink.ino.elf"
"/Applications/Arduino.app/Contents/Java/hardware/teensy/../tools/stdout_redirect" "/var/folders/c8/jzlb4l7j6lb513z19lj2rclr0000gp/T/arduino_build_841870/Blink.ino.sym" "/Applications/Arduino.app/Contents/Java/hardware/teensy/../tools/arm/bin/arm-none-eabi-objdump" -t -C "/var/folders/c8/jzlb4l7j6lb513z19lj2rclr0000gp/T/arduino_build_841870/Blink.ino.elf"
"/Applications/Arduino.app/Contents/Java/hardware/teensy/../tools/teensy_post_compile" "-file=Blink.ino" "-path=/var/folders/c8/jzlb4l7j6lb513z19lj2rclr0000gp/T/arduino_build_841870" "-tools=/Applications/Arduino.app/Contents/Java/hardware/teensy/../tools/" "-board=TEENSY35"
Sketch uses 9772 bytes (1%) of program storage space. Maximum is 524288 bytes.
Global variables use 3768 bytes (1%) of dynamic memory, leaving 192840 bytes for local variables. Maximum is 196608 bytes.
Unable to open [no_device] for reboot request
Teensy did not respond to a USB-based request to enter program mode.
Please press the PROGRAM MODE BUTTON on your Teensy to upload your sketch.
An error occurred while uploading the sketch

Teensy did program after hitting the program button:Screen Shot 2018-02-27 at 4.28.03 PM.jpg
@Defragster - Are you seeing the slow serial reconnect problem?

Please test with the Tools > Port selected from the "Teensy" section. If you select the port from the "Serial" section of the menu, it uses the old serial monitor where all the communication goes through Arduino's JSSC Java library. When you select the port from the "Teensy" section, a new serial monitor is used which communicates with the "teensy_serialmon" program.

Then again, I'm concerned about this windows event delivery problem. A "beta3" might be coming soon....
opps - Indeed I had picked the wrong one ...

Switching to T_3.5 sketch ... next post

T_3.0 is online in 400 ms - that is at the end of this other feedback - first run shows the 127 byte test:
usb_add: usb:0/140000/0/2
usb_add: usb:0/140000/0/3/1
translate "COM5" -> "\\.\COM5"
update_usb_device, devinst list change
update_usb_device, devinst list change
update_usb_device, devinst list change
found something COM port, devinst=00000002
found something COM port, devinst=00000007
found something COM port, devinst=00000008
usb_add: usb:0/140000/0/1
usb_add: usb:0/140000/0/2
usb_add: usb:0/140000/0/3/1
Teensy Online @ millis=400

T:\tCode\_GPSimuDK\uBLOX_PROXY0\uBLOX_PROXY0.ino Feb 27 2018 18:30:15

update_usb_device, devinst list change
update_usb_device, devinst list change
found something COM port, devinst=0000001C
found something COM port, devinst=00000006
found something COM port, devinst=00000007
usb_add: usb:0/140000/0/1
usb_add: usb:0/140000/0/2
0000001C, class=Ports, addr=1
0000001D, class=USB, addr=3
00000008, class=USB, addr=0
00000009, class=USB, addr=140000
0000000A, class=System, addr=0
0000000B, class=System, R=37
0000000C, class=Computer, R=37
0000000D, R=37, R=37
found_usb_device, id=\\?\usb#vid_16c0&pid_0483#359630#{a5dcbf10-6530-11d2-901f-00c04fb951ed}
found_usb_device, loc=usb:0/140000/0/3/1 Port_#0001.Hub_#0003
found_usb_device, hwid=USB\VID_16C0&PID_0483&REV_0200
found_usb_device, devinst=0000001c
add: loc=usb:0/140000/0/3/1, class=Ports, vid=16C0, pid=0483, ver=0200, serial=359, dev=\\?\usb#vid_16c0&pid_0483#359630#{a5dcbf10-6530-11d2-901f-00c04fb951ed}
0000001C, class=Ports, portname=COM5, id=USB\VID_16C0&PID_0483\359630
comport_from_devinst_list attempt
found Ports in classguid_list at index=0
port COM5 found from devnode

update_usb_device, devinst list change
update_usb_device, devinst list change
found something COM port, devinst=0000001C
found something COM port, devinst=00000006
found something COM port, devinst=00000007
usb_add: usb:0/140000/0/3/1
translate "COM5" -> "\\.\COM5"
usb_add: usb:0/140000/0/1
usb_add: usb:0/140000/0/2
update_usb_device, devinst list change
update_usb_device, devinst list change
update_usb_device, devinst list change
found something COM port, devinst=0000001C
found something COM port, devinst=00000006
found something COM port, devinst=00000007
usb_add: usb:0/140000/0/3/1
usb_add: usb:0/140000/0/1
usb_add: usb:0/140000/0/2
update_usb_device, devinst list change
update_usb_device, devinst list change
update_usb_device, devinst list change
found something COM port, devinst=0000001C
found something COM port, devinst=00000006
found something COM port, devinst=00000007
usb_add: usb:0/140000/0/3/1
usb_add: usb:0/140000/0/1
usb_add: usb:0/140000/0/2
Teensy Online @ millis=400

T:\tCode\_GPSimuDK\uBLOX_PROXY0\uBLOX_PROXY0.ino Feb 27 2018 18:13:58
Okay opened the sketch for my T_3.5 IDE 1.8.5 and TD 1.42b2 on Win 10. Changed the CPU to T_3.5 - didn't change the port until AFTER compile started - but it shows failure on the COM12 of T_3.5:

Unable to open COM12 for reboot request
Windows Error Info: The system cannot find the file specified.
more ideas... https://forum.pjrc.com/threads/40632?p=126667&viewfull=1#post126667
Teensy did not respond to a USB-based request to enter program mode.
Please press the PROGRAM MODE BUTTON on your Teensy to upload your sketch.

TyComm was removed from Serial - this repeated again ? TyComm closed and it It is very busy printing USB?

Something is horribly wrong - Port set properly - and connected with IDE teensy_serialmon before pressing UPLOAD - it fails.

About 8 tries and it will not program the T_3.5? This shows from the teensy_serialmon that was closed by IDE on compile start - Cleared - opened to debug notes - and picked up with the T_3.5 running uninterrupted and not programmed with new code.

Pushed the button - finally reprogrammed? There were error notes streaming on the teensy_serialmon - but cannot 'Select All' to copy - and they have scrolled off - it did finally reprogram the new code.

Here is TLoader Verbose: View attachment 142b2_T3.5Tsermon.zip { had to ZIP it ended up at 1+ MB }
Cleared Verbose of multiple attempts above and did it again - and it again failed with this in Verbose: View attachment 142b2_T3.5Tsermon_B.txt

teensy_serialmon, cmdline='T:\arduino_1.8.5_142\hardware\tools\teensy_serialmon -v usb:0/140000/0/1'
listening for location: usb:0/140000/0/1
LoadLibrary cfgmgr32 ok
LoadLibrary ntdll ok
hWnd = 5903114
loop stdin, ready=2097151
00000002, class=Ports, addr=1
00000009, class=USB, addr=3
0000000A, class=USB, addr=0
0000000B, class=USB, addr=140000
0000000C, class=System, addr=0
0000000D, class=System, R=37
0000000E, class=Computer, R=37
0000000F, R=37, R=37
found_usb_device, id=\\?\usb#vid_16c0&pid_0483#359630#{a5dcbf10-6530-11d2-901f-00c04fb951ed}
found_usb_device, loc=usb:0/140000/0/3/1 Port_#0001.Hub_#0003
found_usb_device, hwid=USB\VID_16C0&PID_0483&REV_0200
found_usb_device, devinst=00000002
add: loc=usb:0/140000/0/3/1, class=Ports, vid=16C0, pid=0483, ver=0200, serial=359, dev=\\?\usb#vid_16c0&pid_0483#359630#{a5dcbf10-6530-11d2-901f-00c04fb951ed}
00000002, class=Ports, portname=COM5, id=USB\VID_16C0&PID_0483\359630
comport_from_devinst_list attempt
found Ports in classguid_list at index=0
port COM5 found from devnode

00000007, class=Ports, addr=2
0000000A, class=USB, addr=0
0000000B, class=USB, addr=140000
0000000C, class=System, addr=0
0000000D, class=System, R=37
0000000E, class=Computer, R=37
0000000F, R=37, R=37
found_usb_device, id=\\?\usb#vid_16c0&pid_0483#2273070#{a5dcbf10-6530-11d2-901f-00c04fb951ed}
found_usb_device, loc=usb:0/140000/0/2 Port_#0002.Hub_#0001
found_usb_device, hwid=USB\VID_16C0&PID_0483&REV_0200
found_usb_device, devinst=00000007
add: loc=usb:0/140000/0/2, class=Ports, vid=16C0, pid=0483, ver=0200, serial=227, dev=\\?\usb#vid_16c0&pid_0483#2273070#{a5dcbf10-6530-11d2-901f-00c04fb951ed}
00000007, class=Ports, portname=COM10, id=USB\VID_16C0&PID_0483\2273070
comport_from_devinst_list attempt
found Ports in classguid_list at index=0
port COM10 found from devnode

00000008, class=Ports, addr=1
0000000A, class=USB, addr=0
0000000B, class=USB, addr=140000
0000000C, class=System, addr=0
0000000D, class=System, R=37
0000000E, class=Computer, R=37
0000000F, R=37, R=37
found_usb_device, id=\\?\usb#vid_16c0&pid_0483#2114150#{a5dcbf10-6530-11d2-901f-00c04fb951ed}
found_usb_device, loc=usb:0/140000/0/1 Port_#0001.Hub_#0001
found_usb_device, hwid=USB\VID_16C0&PID_0483&REV_0200
found_usb_device, devinst=00000008
add: loc=usb:0/140000/0/1, class=Ports, vid=16C0, pid=0483, ver=0200, serial=211, dev=\\?\usb#vid_16c0&pid_0483#2114150#{a5dcbf10-6530-11d2-901f-00c04fb951ed}
00000008, class=Ports, portname=COM12, id=USB\VID_16C0&PID_0483\2114150
comport_from_devinst_list attempt
found Ports in classguid_list at index=0
port COM12 found from devnode

found something COM port, devinst=00000002
found something COM port, devinst=00000007
found something COM port, devinst=00000008
usb_add: usb:0/140000/0/1
translate "COM12" -> "\\.\COM12"
usb_add: usb:0/140000/0/2
usb_add: usb:0/140000/0/3/1

C1F4 __ 49652 | C1F5 __ 49653 | C1F6 __ 49654 | C1F7 __ 49655 | C1F8 __ 49656 | C1F9 __ 49657 | C1FA __ 49658 | C1FB __ 49659 | C1FC __ 49660 | C1FD __ 49661 | C1FE __ 49662 | C1FF __ 49663 | 55

C200 __ 49664 | C201 __ 49665 | C202 __ 49666 | C203 __ 49667 | C204 __ 49668 | C205 __ 49669 | C206 __ 49670 | C207 __ 49671 | C208 __ 49672 | C209 __ 49673 | C20A __ 49674 | C20B __ 49675 | 55

C20C __ 49676 | C20D __ 49677 | C20E __ 49678 | C20F __ 49679 | 5B0C __ 23308 | 5B0D __ 23309 | 5B0E __ 23310 | 5B0F __ 23311 | 5B10 __ 23312 | 5B11 __ 23313 | 5B12 __ 23314 | 5B13 __ 23315 | 5B14 __ 23316 | 5B15 __ 23317 | 5B16 __ 23318 | 5B17 __ 23319 | 55
Also having issue on Mac this time to T3.5... High Sierra 10.13.2

I'm testing now on High Sierra 10.13.3. I can reproduce the problem, but so far I don't understand why it's not able to find the device info. Hope to know more soon....
Oh, I think I see what happened. Looks like Apple changed their ioreg hierarchy at some point. Previously all the stuff from a USB device used to be child nodes from the io_service_t node representing the whole device. High Sierra is creating at least 2 separate hierarchies, and sadly it seems IOServiceMatching(kIOUSBDeviceClassName) now find the one without child nodes representing anything beyond the USB interface nodes. :(

I'm adding code now to fall back to IOServiceMatching(kIOSerialBSDServiceValue) and then traverse up parent nodes to find the location info. Hopefully that will be able to cover all versions of MacOS?

FWIW, I believe this is the first time I've ever had to set up both of my mac test machines on the bench at the same time!

Paul - was there any useful info in my post? T_3.5 still fails upload - fresh data below.

With the T_3.6 running tonton81's SPI to the T_3.5 and just shared, I can move from the trusted TD 1.41 and commit to the TD 1.42 for testing without TyCommander.

I made the CORE edits I need in 1.42Beta2 [Serial2 Rx buffer = 128 and T_3.6 F_BUS=120 at F_CPU==240 ]- and compiling now.

<EDIT> :: NOT A PROBLEM >> // First thing it seems a unique instance of the IDE now shares 'Tools' settings?

I programmed the Master T_3.6 no problem! It is online COM_10.

Then in what was to be a second IDE instance I loaded SLAVE T_3.5 ( online as COM_12 ) - pointed to the correct port - and it fails to program like noted above?

Unable to open COM12 for reboot request 
  Windows Error Info: The system cannot find the file specified. 
  more ideas... https://forum.pjrc.com/threads/40632?p=126667&viewfull=1#post126667 
Teensy did not respond to a USB-based request to enter program mode. 
Please press the PROGRAM MODE BUTTON on your Teensy to upload your sketch.

If failed to 'Upload' on a second attempt - then a button push worked - then IDE Upload failed again. Attached is first notes in teensy_serialmon, followed by TLoader Verbose with two fails and the button press success.

View attachment td142_T35fail.zip

<edit>: attached text may not have the successful button push upload at the end? May not have resaved the txt file before zipping. Let me know if not and you want to see it.

<edit 2>: BTW I have to IDE TEENSY_SerMon open - T_3.6 and T_3.5 and both are running very well.

Paul: I pulled my T_3.6 to see if Upload would work to T_3.5 as only Teensy online.

>> When I pulled the USB on T_3.6 BOTH teensy_sermon windows went offline - even though T_3.5 was still active.

>> Attempt to program the T_3.5 when replugged and open in Teensy_sermon still failed to program as above?

IDE and Teensy closed for now. Let me know if you have Repro request directions/questions or an update.

The T_3.6 IDE had this fault in it after pulling the T_3.6:
Exception in thread "AWT-EventQueue-0" java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: Java heap space
	at javax.swing.text.GapContent.allocateArray(GapContent.java:94)
	at javax.swing.text.GapVector.resize(GapVector.java:214)
	at javax.swing.text.GapVector.shiftEnd(GapVector.java:229)
	at javax.swing.text.GapContent.shiftEnd(GapContent.java:345)
	at javax.swing.text.GapVector.open(GapVector.java:201)
	at javax.swing.text.GapVector.replace(GapVector.java:142)
	at javax.swing.text.GapContent.insertString(GapContent.java:132)
	at javax.swing.text.AbstractDocument.handleInsertString(AbstractDocument.java:723)
	at javax.swing.text.AbstractDocument.insertString(AbstractDocument.java:707)
	at javax.swing.text.PlainDocument.insertString(PlainDocument.java:130)
	at javax.swing.JTextArea.append(JTextArea.java:477)
	at processing.app.AbstractTextMonitor$3.run(AbstractTextMonitor.java:161)
	at java.awt.event.InvocationEvent.dispatch(InvocationEvent.java:311)
	at java.awt.EventQueue.dispatchEventImpl(EventQueue.java:756)
	at java.awt.EventQueue.access$500(EventQueue.java:97)
	at java.awt.EventQueue$3.run(EventQueue.java:709)
	at java.awt.EventQueue$3.run(EventQueue.java:703)
	at java.security.AccessController.doPrivileged(Native Method)
	at java.security.ProtectionDomain$JavaSecurityAccessImpl.doIntersectionPrivilege(ProtectionDomain.java:80)
	at java.awt.EventQueue.dispatchEvent(EventQueue.java:726)
	at java.awt.EventDispatchThread.pumpOneEventForFilters(EventDispatchThread.java:201)
	at java.awt.EventDispatchThread.pumpEventsForFilter(EventDispatchThread.java:116)
	at java.awt.EventDispatchThread.pumpEventsForHierarchy(EventDispatchThread.java:105)
	at java.awt.EventDispatchThread.pumpEvents(EventDispatchThread.java:101)
	at java.awt.EventDispatchThread.pumpEvents(EventDispatchThread.java:93)
	at java.awt.EventDispatchThread.run(EventDispatchThread.java:82)
Exception in thread "AWT-EventQueue-0" java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: Java heap space
	at javax.swing.text.GapContent.allocateArray(GapContent.java:94)
	at javax.swing.text.GapVector.resize(GapVector.java:214)
	at javax.swing.text.GapVector.shiftEnd(GapVector.java:229)
	at javax.swing.text.GapContent.shiftEnd(GapContent.java:345)
	at javax.swing.text.GapVector.open(GapVector.java:201)
	at javax.swing.text.GapVector.replace(GapVector.java:142)
	at javax.swing.text.GapContent.insertString(GapContent.java:132)
	at javax.swing.text.AbstractDocument.handleInsertString(AbstractDocument.java:723)
	at javax.swing.text.AbstractDocument.insertString(AbstractDocument.java:707)
	at javax.swing.text.PlainDocument.insertString(PlainDocument.java:130)
	at javax.swing.JTextArea.append(JTextArea.java:477)
	at processing.app.AbstractTextMonitor$3.run(AbstractTextMonitor.java:161)
	at java.awt.event.InvocationEvent.dispatch(InvocationEvent.java:311)
	at java.awt.EventQueue.dispatchEventImpl(EventQueue.java:756)
	at java.awt.EventQueue.access$500(EventQueue.java:97)
	at java.awt.EventQueue$3.run(EventQueue.java:709)
	at java.awt.EventQueue$3.run(EventQueue.java:703)
	at java.security.AccessController.doPrivileged(Native Method)
	at java.security.ProtectionDomain$JavaSecurityAccessImpl.doIntersectionPrivilege(ProtectionDomain.java:80)
	at java.awt.EventQueue.dispatchEvent(EventQueue.java:726)
	at java.awt.EventDispatchThread.pumpOneEventForFilters(EventDispatchThread.java:201)
	at java.awt.EventDispatchThread.pumpEventsForFilter(EventDispatchThread.java:116)
	at java.awt.EventDispatchThread.pumpEventsForHierarchy(EventDispatchThread.java:105)
	at java.awt.EventDispatchThread.pumpEvents(EventDispatchThread.java:101)
	at java.awt.EventDispatchThread.pumpEvents(EventDispatchThread.java:93)
	at java.awt.EventDispatchThread.run(EventDispatchThread.java:82)
Exception in thread "AWT-EventQueue-0" java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: Java heap space
	at javax.swing.text.GapContent.allocateArray(GapContent.java:94)
	at javax.swing.text.GapVector.resize(GapVector.java:214)
	at javax.swing.text.GapVector.shiftEnd(GapVector.java:229)
	at javax.swing.text.GapContent.shiftEnd(GapContent.java:345)
	at javax.swing.text.GapVector.open(GapVector.java:201)
	at javax.swing.text.GapVector.replace(GapVector.java:142)
	at javax.swing.text.GapContent.insertString(GapContent.java:132)
	at javax.swing.text.AbstractDocument.handleInsertString(AbstractDocument.java:723)
	at javax.swing.text.AbstractDocument.insertString(AbstractDocument.java:707)
	at javax.swing.text.PlainDocument.insertString(PlainDocument.java:130)
	at javax.swing.JTextArea.append(JTextArea.java:477)
	at processing.app.AbstractTextMonitor$3.run(AbstractTextMonitor.java:161)
	at java.awt.event.InvocationEvent.dispatch(InvocationEvent.java:311)
	at java.awt.EventQueue.dispatchEventImpl(EventQueue.java:756)
	at java.awt.EventQueue.access$500(EventQueue.java:97)
	at java.awt.EventQueue$3.run(EventQueue.java:709)
	at java.awt.EventQueue$3.run(EventQueue.java:703)
	at java.security.AccessController.doPrivileged(Native Method)
	at java.security.ProtectionDomain$JavaSecurityAccessImpl.doIntersectionPrivilege(ProtectionDomain.java:80)
	at java.awt.EventQueue.dispatchEvent(EventQueue.java:726)
	at java.awt.EventDispatchThread.pumpOneEventForFilters(EventDispatchThread.java:201)
	at java.awt.EventDispatchThread.pumpEventsForFilter(EventDispatchThread.java:116)
	at java.awt.EventDispatchThread.pumpEventsForHierarchy(EventDispatchThread.java:105)
	at java.awt.EventDispatchThread.pumpEvents(EventDispatchThread.java:101)
	at java.awt.EventDispatchThread.pumpEvents(EventDispatchThread.java:93)
	at java.awt.EventDispatchThread.run(EventDispatchThread.java:82)
Exception in thread "AWT-EventQueue-0" java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: Java heap space
	at javax.swing.text.GapContent.allocateArray(GapContent.java:94)
	at javax.swing.text.GapVector.resize(GapVector.java:214)
	at javax.swing.text.GapVector.shiftEnd(GapVector.java:229)
	at javax.swing.text.GapContent.shiftEnd(GapContent.java:345)
	at javax.swing.text.GapVector.open(GapVector.java:201)
	at javax.swing.text.GapVector.replace(GapVector.java:142)
	at javax.swing.text.GapContent.insertString(GapContent.java:132)
	at javax.swing.text.AbstractDocument.handleInsertString(AbstractDocument.java:723)
	at javax.swing.text.AbstractDocument.insertString(AbstractDocument.java:707)
	at javax.swing.text.PlainDocument.insertString(PlainDocument.java:130)
	at javax.swing.JTextArea.append(JTextArea.java:477)
	at processing.app.AbstractTextMonitor$3.run(AbstractTextMonitor.java:161)
	at java.awt.event.InvocationEvent.dispatch(InvocationEvent.java:311)
	at java.awt.EventQueue.dispatchEventImpl(EventQueue.java:756)
	at java.awt.EventQueue.access$500(EventQueue.java:97)
	at java.awt.EventQueue$3.run(EventQueue.java:709)
	at java.awt.EventQueue$3.run(EventQueue.java:703)
	at java.security.AccessController.doPrivileged(Native Method)
	at java.security.ProtectionDomain$JavaSecurityAccessImpl.doIntersectionPrivilege(ProtectionDomain.java:80)
	at java.awt.EventQueue.dispatchEvent(EventQueue.java:726)
	at java.awt.EventDispatchThread.pumpOneEventForFilters(EventDispatchThread.java:201)
	at java.awt.EventDispatchThread.pumpEventsForFilter(EventDispatchThread.java:116)
	at java.awt.EventDispatchThread.pumpEventsForHierarchy(EventDispatchThread.java:105)
	at java.awt.EventDispatchThread.pumpEvents(EventDispatchThread.java:101)
	at java.awt.EventDispatchThread.pumpEvents(EventDispatchThread.java:93)
	at java.awt.EventDispatchThread.run(EventDispatchThread.java:82)
Exception in thread "AWT-EventQueue-0" java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: Java heap space
Exception in thread "AWT-EventQueue-0" java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: Java heap space
Exception in thread "AWT-EventQueue-0" java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: Java heap space
Exception in thread "AWT-EventQueue-0" java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: Java heap space

// ad infinitum
Not sure yet. Working on Macintosh right now. Will get back to the Windows stuff soon...

Okay, starting with p#16/17 when you get there might be more clear - and is where I can test/repro from. With IDE closed - I'll work at closing down my other dozen windows and 26 browser pages and restarting to see if it shows up the same.

<edit>: restarted machine and saw same failure to 'Upload' program the T_3.5 as lone Teensy connected until button push. Did a simpler blink program with Button and 'Upload' failed again after that so it wasn't the nature of the running sketch.
Last edited:
Here are fixes for Macintosh High Sierra. To install, extract the 3 utils from this zip. Control-click Arduino and "Show Package Contents", then put them into Contents/Java/hardware/tools. You'll need to restart Arduino to get it to run the new teensy_ports.


  • mac_util_142b2_fixes.zip
    54.9 KB · Views: 151
Today unable to program my T_3.6 without Button press - same fail message I was getting on T_3.5.
Unable to open COM10 for reboot request 
  Windows Error Info: The system cannot find the file specified. 
  more ideas... https://forum.pjrc.com/threads/40632?p=126667&viewfull=1#post126667 
Teensy did not respond to a USB-based request to enter program mode. 
Please press the PROGRAM MODE BUTTON on your Teensy to upload your sketch.

Note: T_3.5 also online at this time using TyComm as SerMon
Note: teensy_sermon does reconnect when USB unplugged.replugged
Here are fixes for Macintosh High Sierra. To install, extract the 3 utils from this zip. Control-click Arduino and "Show Package Contents", then put them into Contents/Java/hardware/tools. You'll need to restart Arduino to get it to run the new teensy_ports.

Worked on my MAC, at least it worked enough to do blink... Also did the hello world test, and it also reflashed and restarted the terminal...
@Defragster - Looking at the log from message #16. Wow, your heavily loaded Windows system sure can bring out my bugs! Looks like there's some sort of problem with the logging itself, especially lots of blank lines starting at 15:52:13.001. :(

Clearly I have a lot more work to do here. This project has been a ton of work over the last few weeks. I think I'm going to take the weekend off, and start fresh next week on the Windows side.
@Defragster - Looking at the log from message #16. Wow, your heavily loaded Windows system sure can bring out my bugs! ...

You are Welcome :) Wouldn't want you to have a false sense of completeness ...

Heavily loaded? - that's just 'normal' ... Have a good weekend. I'll be here and can make adjustments, or a special case on this or a second machine if it helps. Hopefully you can see what is missing on those blank lines to fill in the picture as you need it to guide you.
Oh, I see at least 2 problems causing those blank lines. My code isn't printing full lines in a few places. That's easy to fix.

The harder part is lack of precision in Windows timestamps. Looks like system time from gettimeofday() increments with 1, 10 or 16 ms resolution, rather than microseconds like we get on Mac and Linux. Lots of stuff is getting identical timestamps, then everything with the same timestamp gets put in random order when the list gets sorted.

Looks like Microsoft finally did add a function called GetSystemTimePreciseAsFileTime in Windows 8, which does pretty much the same thing as gettimeofday() on Linux and Mac. I might use that, but there needs to be a fallback so things can at least still work on Windows 7 & XP.

All versions of Windows do have QueryPerformanceCounter. I'm already using that check how long a Teensy has been offline (using using clock_gettime CLOCK_MONOTONIC on Linux and mach_absolute_time() on Macintosh - both provide nanoseconds). But QueryPerformanceCounter doesn't match up to system time. I've seen some sites talking about doing complicated calibration tests, to use it to extend system time. Kinda want to avoid that.

I've seen a mention that using timeBeginPeriod forces Windows to run its time service with higher resolution, up at 1 millisecond. But it comes with caveats of thwarting power management, according to that page. Maybe this would be worth doing at least for now, while trying to get a better handle on what's going wrong? Not sure if I want to ship a non-beta release using this...

For now, I'll probably add a little hack to check if the system time is the same as the previous line printed. I'll just increment by 1 microsecond. That won't let lines from different programs be shown in the proper chronological order, but at least it'll keep all the stuff from 1 program lined up correctly. Might just have to live with poor logging results on Windows 7 & XP.
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