MIDI over USB and 5pin using Altsoftserial Library

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Hi, I am using an Arduino UNO as a MIDI device using MOCOLUFA library, and at the same time send MIDI over the serial line (old school MIDI). Can I do this using AltSoftSerial ? Can I send MIDI OUT messages on the USB line and also the pin 9 ?
Any help would be great, thanks !

If you're asking about the AltSoftSerial library then this forum really isn't the best place as it's dedicated to Paul's commercial product - Teensy microcontroller development boards.

But if you are asking about Teensy... on any Teensy-3 series you can use Serial2 for pins 9 and 10 as Rx / Tx without any special libraries. (If you don't want to use Serial1's 0 and 1 pins for some reason.)

Teensy's built-in USB-MIDI and the regular MIDI library have always worked together but with the latest update it's super easy to patch data between them.

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if you need additional uarts you may upgrade to the 3.5 or 3.6, they have 6 uarts plus usbserial, 7 total
Get a Teensy LC or 3.2 and save that Arduino Uno for a smaller project.

With a Teensy you get real USB MIDI and you can use Serial.print, plus you get 3 real hardware serial ports. The 3.2 & higher can also do quite a lot of audio synthesis. Seriously, you're running out of steam with that limited AVR chip. Step up to a better board and all this stuff that's so very hard becomes really easy.
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