Teensy 3.2 as FTDI programmer for ESP12E

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New member
I am having trouble with something that I thought would be fairly simple. My project consists of a Teensy 3.2(Serial3) connected to an ESP12E(Serial) and would like to be able to update the ESP firmware using the Teensy USB connection. I have code running (USBtoSerial) on the Teensy that passes the data through to the ESP. While attempting this from the Arduino IDE, everything appears to work as expected. It shows that 100% of the data is transferred. Randomly, maybe 1 out of 5 times, the ESP is programmed correctly. The other times, the ESP seems corrupted and will not startup properly. I literally can try it several times in a row, with zero changes, and it will randomly work or not work. Banging my head against the wall because I cant figure out what the problem is.

Any suggestions?
Forum Rule: Always post complete source code & details to reproduce any issue!

Details means for example a wiring diagram and a picture of your setup. Sometimes, forum members have for example helped to discover bad solder points, only thanks to published pictures.
i posted an example on the teensquitto thread for programming esp over teensy, it should give u an idea of how i did it, and was able to reprogram at any IDE speed i chose, like 115200, or even 921600
The ESP8266 can be a pain to program, with a teensy in-between or not. My first step would be to ask what rate you're programming at and try reducing.
Sorry I did not post the source code. I didn't because it is included as an example file. Only thing I changed was Serial3 instead of Serial1.

Thanks for the teensquitto suggestion. I am reading through it now.
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