need advice if feasible, distinguish sound input using max 4466 and elec mic.

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need advice if feasible, distinguish sound input using max4466/elec mic.

First of all, my english is not so good. so there might be some problems in my questions. Also, i am new to teensy. But I already am familiar with arduino, so I figured it might just be easy to adapt.

So, I finally am not busy, and ready to build my first project. couple a months ago, I asked about the feasibility of my project. and i was elated that it seemed so.
This was answered by oddson:

Basically, what im trying to accomplish is build a project that can distinguish two different sounds: the tok tok tok and tik tik tik in this video:

not necessarily accurate sounds but the range of the sound (I hope im making sense).

my plans are

1. to test a sample of 3 Tiles for now.
2. To use the electret mic with max4466 as audio input.. (I am using the teensy 3.5)
3. Using audioanalyze fft256 to convert the input to frequency domain.
4. Use read(binNumber) to get the bin values of the input..
for example: for tok tok tok sound, values in bin 71,72,73, ranges from 100-120, 80-90,60-70 respectively.
and for tik tik tik sound, values in bin 71, 72, 73, ranges from 90-99, 70-79, 50-59 respectively.

Am i doing this right? can i just use the values from the data bins in 'if else statement'.. say, if read(71) >100, then.. pin 13 == high.

what about the noise? how do i make sure that the mic only picks up the tapping sound? or reduce unwanted noise? fwiw, I will put the mic infront of the tiles, facing towards it.. near the tapping.

Also, should i still follow this modification if i use the adafruit's max4466 mic?:

and.. I do not have the audio adapter board as it is not available from where i live, nor it is sold from our local online ElecShop. is the project still feasible without this?
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