Hard real time in Teensy 3.5

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Well-known member
Hi everybody,

I am developing a software on Teensy 3.5 in which I have implemented three different timers at 1 kHz.
One of the timers should save data on a SD card. If I save the millis() at each iteration, the data are not saved at 1 kHz but there are some delays of 5-6 ms (instead of each 1ms).

My question is: if a timer does not respect the time interval, why does the execution of the software on Teensy 3.5 keep going?
I was wandering if there is any option to stop the execution of the software if the timing is not respected.

Thank you very much!
Posting your actual code will make this clearer, but SD cards can have a mind of their own when it comes to how long a given write will take due load sharing and other activities by the SD card CPU. If this is the problem writing to a buffer in RAM and then clearing that buffer in sensibly sized chunks as a separate function that the timers can interupt may improve matters. If need deterministic writing of data you will need to use a flash IC and control it from the Teensy directly.
Posting your actual code will make this clearer, but SD cards can have a mind of their own when it comes to how long a given write will take due load sharing and other activities by the SD card CPU. If this is the problem writing to a buffer in RAM and then clearing that buffer in sensibly sized chunks as a separate function that the timers can interupt may improve matters. If need deterministic writing of data you will need to use a flash IC and control it from the Teensy directly.

Thank you very much GremlinWrangler. I need deterministic writing in my code (1 kHz).
If there is a way to easily write at 1 kHz in binary on the SD I would be grateful. Otherwise, could you give me more suggestions about the writing on a flash IC from Teensy?

You can find the critical part of my code in the following.

I have organized the code in this way:

- SerialINCOMINGTimer is the timer in which I receive a data packet from a Teensy 3.2 via Serial communication at 1 kHz. Then I extract the data and extend the packet (that I would like to save on the SD card).

- SDcardTimer() is the timer in which I would like to save the data on the SD card. I fill a 512 bytes buffer and then I write the whole buffer in binary.

There are two more timers for other purposes (control of two motors at 1 kHz and send other data on another Serial port at a lower frequency).

I am pretty new to Teensy world so please let me know if you have any suggestions to improve the code and easily optimize the writing at 1 kHz.
Thank you very much again.

#include <math.h>

#define SERIAL_IN Serial1
#define LABVIEW_SERIAL Serial3 

uint8_t dataPacket[BYTE_DATA_PACKET];

IntervalTimer SerialINCOMINGTimer;

volatile unsigned long TIMER;
volatile unsigned long CYCLES;

volatile int16_t ENC_1_pos_raw;
volatile int16_t ENC_2_pos_raw;
volatile int16_t ENC_1_omega_raw;
volatile int16_t ENC_2_omega_raw;
volatile int16_t LC_1_raw;
volatile int16_t LC_2_raw;
volatile int16_t POT_pos_raw;
volatile int16_t POT_punto_raw;

volatile float ENC_1_pos;
volatile float ENC_2_pos;
volatile float ENC_1_omega;
volatile float ENC_2_omega;
volatile float LC_1;
volatile float LC_2;
volatile float POT_pos;
volatile float POT_punto;

struct structPacket
  uint8_t Start_bytes[3];
  uint8_t timestamp[4];
  uint8_t cycles[4];
  uint8_t encoder_1_pos[2];
  uint8_t encoder_2_pos[2];
  uint8_t encoder_1_omega[2];
  uint8_t encoder_2_omega[2];
  uint8_t load_cell_1[2];
  uint8_t load_cell_2[2];
  uint8_t pot_pos[2];
  uint8_t pot_punto[2];
  uint8_t Stop_bytes[3];

union unionIncoming
  structPacket Raw;

// SD card

#define BYTE_SD_PACKET 512
uint8_t SDPacket[BYTE_SD_PACKET];

#define packets_number 15
uint8_t packets_counter = 0;
uint16_t close_file_counter = 0;

#include "SdFat.h"
SdFatSdioEX SD;
File myFile;

char LogFileName[] = "test001.bin";

IntervalTimer SDcardTimer;


// other variables and stuff..
// ...


void setup()




  // START
  dataPacket[0] = 0x01;
  dataPacket[1] = 0x02;
  dataPacket[2] = 0x03;
  // DATA
  for (uint i = 3; i < sizeof(dataPacket); i++) dataPacket[i - 3] = 0x00;
  // STOP
  dataPacket[31] = 0x04;
  dataPacket[32] = 0x05;
  dataPacket[33] = 0x06;

// other variables and stuff..
// ...
  //  SD CARD
  for(uint i=0;i<sizeof(SDPacket);i++) SDPacket[i]=0x00;

  if (!(SD.begin()))
    // stop here if no SD card, but print a message
    while (1) {
      Serial.println("Unable to access the SD card");
    Serial.println("SD card ready");

  SDcardTimer.begin(functionSDcardTimer, SD_CARD_TIMER_INTERVAL);

  // other two timers and stuff..
  // ...


void loop()
  // some computations here...
  // ...


boolean checkPacket(uint8_t *buffer)
  return (buffer[0] == 0x01 && buffer[1] == 0x02 && buffer[2] == 0x03 && buffer[BYTE_SERIAL_INCOMING_PACKET - 3] == 0x4
          && buffer[BYTE_SERIAL_INCOMING_PACKET - 2] == 0x5 && buffer[BYTE_SERIAL_INCOMING_PACKET - 1] == 0x6);


void extractData(structPacket Raw)
  TIMER = *(unsigned long *)&Raw.timestamp;
  CYCLES = *(unsigned long *)&Raw.cycles;

  ENC_1_pos_raw = *(int16_t *)&Raw.encoder_1_pos;
  ENC_2_pos_raw = *(int16_t *)&Raw.encoder_2_pos;
  ENC_1_omega_raw = *(int16_t *)&Raw.encoder_1_omega;
  ENC_2_omega_raw = *(int16_t *)&Raw.encoder_2_omega;
  LC_1_raw = *(int16_t *)&Raw.load_cell_1;
  LC_2_raw = *(int16_t *)&Raw.load_cell_2;
  POT_pos_raw = *(int16_t *)&Raw.pot_pos;
  POT_punto_raw = *(int16_t *)&Raw.pot_punto;

  ENC_1_pos = ((float)(ENC_1_pos_raw / 100.0f));
  ENC_2_pos = ((float)(ENC_2_pos_raw / 100.0f));
  ENC_1_omega = ((float)(ENC_1_omega_raw / 100.0f));
  ENC_2_omega = ((float)(ENC_2_omega_raw / 100.0f));
  LC_1 = ((float)(LC_1_raw / 100.0f));
  LC_2 = ((float)(LC_2_raw / 100.0f));
  POT_pos = ((float)(POT_pos_raw / 100.0f));
  POT_punto = ((float)(POT_punto_raw / 100.0f));


void functionSerialINCOMINGTimer()

  uint8_t bSERIAL_IN;
  if (SERIAL_IN.available() > 0)
    bSERIAL_IN = 0;
      if ((SERIAL_IN.available() > 0) && (bSERIAL_IN < BYTE_SERIAL_INCOMING_PACKET))
        SERIAL_Incoming_Data.vData[bSERIAL_IN] = SERIAL_IN.read();

    if (checkPacket(SERIAL_Incoming_Data.vData))
      for (uint8_t idx = 3; idx < BYTE_SERIAL_INCOMING_PACKET - 3; idx++)
        dataPacket[idx] = SERIAL_Incoming_Data.vData[idx];

      uint16_t channel_1_local = channel_1;
      uint16_t channel_2_local = channel_2;

      uint8_t* pointer;
      int16_t val;

      val = int16_t(channel_1_local);
      pointer = (uint8_t*)&val;
      dataPacket[27] = pointer[0];
      dataPacket[28] = pointer[1];

      val = int16_t(channel_2_local);
      pointer = (uint8_t*)&val;
      dataPacket[29] = pointer[0];
      dataPacket[30] = pointer[1];


void functionSDcardTimer()
  if (packets_counter < packets_number - 1)

    for (uint8_t idx = 0; idx < BYTE_DATA_PACKET; idx++)
      SDPacket[packets_counter * BYTE_DATA_PACKET + idx] = dataPacket[idx];

  else //if (packets_counter==packets_number)
    for (uint8_t idx = 0; idx < BYTE_DATA_PACKET; idx++)
      SDPacket[packets_counter * BYTE_DATA_PACKET + idx] = dataPacket[idx];

    packets_counter = 0;

    if (close_file_counter < 1)
      myFile = SD.open(LogFileName, O_CREAT | O_WRITE | O_APPEND);
      myFile.write(SDPacket, BYTE_SD_PACKET);
    else if (close_file_counter == 199 ) 
      myFile.write(SDPacket, BYTE_SD_PACKET);
    else if (close_file_counter == 200 ) 
      close_file_counter = 1;
      myFile = SD.open(LogFileName, O_CREAT | O_WRITE | O_APPEND);
      myFile.write(SDPacket, BYTE_SD_PACKET);
      myFile.write(SDPacket, BYTE_SD_PACKET);


void functionTimer3()
    // some computations here 
    // ...



void functionTimer4()
    // some computations here 
    // ...

A google suggests plenty of commentary on SD card latency such as
Experimenting with other cards may help a bit but you will always have a controller in the middle so sooner or later it will block while it moves things around

Using dedicated flash chips
used with things like
or Teensy prop shield + https://forum.pjrc.com/threads/33859-TeensyTransfer

Or keep the SD card and buffer to one of a pair of arrays. Every 1000 writes swap the array being written to and write the old array out to the SD card in the background.
A google suggests plenty of commentary on SD card latency such as
Experimenting with other cards may help a bit but you will always have a controller in the middle so sooner or later it will block while it moves things around

Using dedicated flash chips
used with things like
or Teensy prop shield + https://forum.pjrc.com/threads/33859-TeensyTransfer

Or keep the SD card and buffer to one of a pair of arrays. Every 1000 writes swap the array being written to and write the old array out to the SD card in the background.

Thank you GremlinWrangler. I will try for sure to swap the array being written and write the old one.

If I do not consider the SD card, is there a way to understand if my timers are really working at my defined frequency?
Is there a way to block the execution of the software if the timers are not executed in hard real time?
I think it is really strange that the software keeps running if a timer is not able to finish its task within its time limits.
I would like to be sure that, if I run a timer at 1 kHz, all the processes are executed within 1ms.
Re your last statement, you can't, short of having something like a parrallex propeller with dedicated CPUs. What you can do is have a look at how the interupts are interacting. Have not looked at the timer code myself but looking at the description it is setting a hardware time that is firing an interrupt and heading off to do your code(but only if a higher priority is not already doing stuff). Since you have the same rate for both, I think this means both will be trying to fire at the same time, so at the very least the second one will be delayed while the first one wrangles the serial data. That time to manage serial data will be somewhat variable. There will also be interrupts firing for things like serial data arriving.

Can see what you are trying to do but getting this all to work will involve minimising time in interrupts, and especially with interrupts disabled to keep the key timeing functions ticking away without loosing track of anything else.
Thank you for the suggestions. I have already implemented a timer priority (highest priority for the "small" timer that control the motor and default priority for the timer reading data from serial port) and now the code seems to work properly at 500 Hz. I think it will be hard to make it work at 1000 Hz.
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