Three broken Teensy 3.2s

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Two of the Teensies have the same problem. The black chip located at the upper left (USB port on the left) gets extremely hot and neither of them respond when plugged into a Windows 10 machine.

The third also gets hot, but it's the main processor and only when an external 5V PSU is plugged in. When the USB is plugged into a Windows machine, it's recognized and the chip doesn't get hot.

Is there any hope of resuscitating any of them?
Yikes, check that power supply! Something is very wrong here.

USB power is 5 volts. If you have the USB unplugged and you connect 5V to VIN, that should do the same thing.
The PSU is actually a buck down converter with 12V input and 5V out. I have one working Teensy that works with this setup. The voltage measured at Vin and Gnd on the Teensy is 5V on both the good and bad.
Any chance the power supply is creating a higher voltage spike when it turns on or shuts off? Some of them do stuff like that.

Of course I'm just guessing here. That's all I can do on a thread like this where there's almost no info available.

But one thing I can tell you for sure is USB cables deliver 5 volt power. If your Teensy works with 5V power from a USB cable, but then doesn't work with 5V power from some other power supply, something is likely very wrong. The fact that the boards are being destroyed should further confirm suspicion that something may be very wrong with that power supply.
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