need more information on sethandleStop, sethandleStart, setHandleContinue for usbMIDI

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I've created a device that accepts player input and generates the musical tones internally. I have added an option to receive MIDI input from my PC and play it through the note generation code I wrote for the Teensy 3.2. That works fine except I'd like a way to signal to the midi sender on my pc that the teensy won't be accepting more midi input. I'm thinking of a software midi power off. Where would I find more details on how the setHandle start, stop, continue work so I can see if they will work.

I need to allow the player to switch back to direct play mode but not causing a lock up in the midi sender.
Those functions are meant to run your functions when the PC sends MIDI messages. They're not about sending anything to the PC, unless of course you put code in your functions to do so.

You could try calling usbMIDI.sendRealTime(usbMIDI.Stop); But whether the PC actually stops sending you note on/off messages is completely up to the software on the PC. You don't really have any control over what it does. You'll probably also need to add code to just ignore incoming note-on messages when you want to be "off".
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