Fir Filter Coefficients

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Hello guys, I'm using the FIR filter object but I would like to input a filter that I generated (via matlab). How can I make the convertion of the coefficients to the hex format that the object uses? The built in fuctions in matlab do not accept negative numbers and are not working well. Is there another practical tool?

And will the Fir object work with any filter size? 512 taps for exemple?
The max supported is 200 taps. Details here (right side panel)

Thank you Paul, I missed that part, Im sorry about that.

About the filter, I have to use one based on a measurement. I can't design it on the "TFilter Design Tool ". I have designed the filter I need in matlab, but is not in the right format. Negative values and values less then one. How can I put the coefficients in the right format so I can just oaste them in the code?

Thank you
The array values don't have to be specified in hexadecimal. The array itself is declared to be 'short' which is signed, 16-bit integers.

Paste a piece of your matlab output here.

Agreed, we could advise you much better if we could see the numbers you currently have.

Maybe (guessing) they're all between -1.0 to +1.0. Or perhaps all much less, but everything normalized to the signal of +/- 1.0 range? If so, you'd just multiply them all by 32767 and put them into the array. Easy stuff. Just multiply the matrix by 32767 in matlab, or if you're stuck and don't see any way to do it, roll up your sleeves and just do it the "hard way" with a calculator.
Or, if you have ram to spare, you could store the matlab output coefficients in your program in an array of floats. Then write a wee bit of code in the setup function which transfers them to an array of 'short' with whatever arithmetic is required to convert the float range (e.g. +/- 1.0) to a short.

Agreed, we could advise you much better if we could see the numbers you currently have.

Maybe (guessing) they're all between -1.0 to +1.0. Or perhaps all much less, but everything normalized to the signal of +/- 1.0 range? If so, you'd just multiply them all by 32767 and put them into the array. Easy stuff. Just multiply the matrix by 32767 in matlab, or if you're stuck and don't see any way to do it, roll up your sleeves and just do it the "hard way" with a calculator.

Yes, thats it. The signals are all normalized from -1.0 to +1.0. Thank you very much, I'll try that :)

The filter is this one for now, but I'll have to redo some measurements and I think the filter will get bigger.

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The FIR convolution becomes computationally expensive with a large number of filter taps. A couple of weeks ago I posted a sketch that takes advantage of the floating point capability of the Cortex-M4 on the Teensy 3.6 that implements the overlap save algorithm using the FFT transforms included in the CMSIS 5.3 library. (See The example I posted uses a 200 point low pass filter. I include a copy of that code on this post. You can replace that impulse response with whatever filter you need. More recently I used that method to run an 801 point bandpass filter on data obtained using the Teensy 3.6 ADC running in real-time using sample rates up to 350 kHz. I output the result using the Teensy DAC. The calculation used 2048 point FFTs. The actual filter performance probably isn't as good as the chart because it was implemented in 32-bit floating point which consists of about 7 digits of precision (which gives a noise floor of around -70 dB). The only downside is, you will have to install the library on your platform since it is not compatible with the audio library. Good luck!

Filter a signal containing two frequencies using the overlap-save method.
Uses CMSIS Version 5.3.0 f32 routines on a Teensy 3.6


// Common libraries:
#include <arm_math.h>
#include <arm_const_structs.h>
//#include <ref.h>

#define bufSize 8192
#define numpts 512

#define impulse_length_minus_1 199

static arm_status status;
static arm_rfft_fast_instance_f32 fft_instance;

boolean out_pin; // Use for timing
float32_t input_waveform[bufSize];
float32_t output_waveform[bufSize];
float32_t fft_aray[numpts]; // Array used to store fft result
float32_t window[numpts]; // Array used to store fft of filter data
float32_t cmplx_product[numpts]; // Array used to store complex product of fft result and window
float32_t Ak[numpts]; // Used to store data being sent to the fft routines
float32_t fft_result[numpts]; // Output from inverse fft
float32_t filter[numpts]; // Will contain the impulse that is terminated with zero padding

float32_t impulse[impulse_length_minus_1 + 1] = { // Impulse response for low-pass filter beginning at frequency bin 20 out of 128. Stop band > -100 dB
9.4978700E-08, -1.0099240E-06, -3.9555098E-06, -8.1674212E-06, -1.2233856E-05, -1.4147944E-05, -1.1836013E-05, -3.8747080E-06, 
9.7844092E-06, 2.7311901E-05, 4.4937360E-05, 5.7465704E-05, 5.9374463E-05, 4.6323969E-05, 1.6752608E-05, -2.6873229E-05, 
-7.7589710E-05, -1.2456752E-04, -1.5493964E-04, -1.5661931E-04, -1.2159463E-04, -4.8950325E-05, 5.3220769E-05, 1.6774265E-04,
2.7052492E-04, 3.3489880E-04, 3.3748708E-04, 2.6447337E-04, 1.1682254E-04, -8.7008106E-05, -3.1198579E-04, -5.1149393E-04,
-6.3594928E-04, -6.4365675E-04, -5.1175053E-04, -2.4469101E-04, 1.2205630E-04, 5.2479704E-04, 8.8124334E-04, 1.1058973E-03,
1.1285844E-03, 9.1242952E-04, 4.6714264E-04, -1.4606171E-04, -8.2023298E-04, -1.4193952E-03, -1.8040441E-03, -1.8610211E-03,
-1.5317851E-03, -8.3265360E-04, 1.3849318E-04, 1.2123019E-03, 2.1748259E-03, 2.8075305E-03, 2.9334421E-03, 2.4602629E-03,
1.4107964E-03, -6.7401987E-05, -1.7177495E-03, -3.2154444E-03, -4.2276791E-03, -4.4827877E-03, -3.8347517E-03, -2.3089211E-03,
-1.1716140E-04, 2.3642611E-03, 4.6536868E-03, 6.2518534E-03, 6.7434843E-03, 5.8931952E-03, 3.7152958E-03, 5.0023185E-04,
-3.2125723E-03, -6.7158793E-03, -9.2593249E-03, -1.0197256E-02, -9.1325789E-03, -6.0274401E-03, -1.2551129E-03, 4.4236323E-03,
9.9633829E-03, 1.4204956E-02, 1.6088985E-02, 1.4876395E-02, 1.0335310E-02, 2.8564602E-03, -6.5310283E-03, -1.6255904E-02,
-2.4406433E-02, -2.9011491E-02, -2.8359337E-02, -2.1302867E-02, -7.4992025E-03, 1.2460427E-02, 3.7058422E-02, 6.4002438E-02,
9.0503604E-02, 1.1364256E-01, 1.3076897E-01, 1.3987339E-01, 1.3987339E-01, 1.3076897E-01, 1.1364256E-01, 9.0503604E-02,
6.4002438E-02, 3.7058422E-02, 1.2460427E-02, -7.4992025E-03, -2.1302867E-02, -2.8359337E-02, -2.9011491E-02, -2.4406433E-02,
-1.6255904E-02, -6.5310283E-03, 2.8564602E-03, 1.0335310E-02, 1.4876395E-02, 1.6088985E-02, 1.4204956E-02, 9.9633829E-03,
4.4236323E-03, -1.2551129E-03, -6.0274401E-03, -9.1325789E-03, -1.0197256E-02, -9.2593249E-03, -6.7158793E-03, -3.2125723E-03,
5.0023185E-04, 3.7152958E-03, 5.8931952E-03, 6.7434843E-03, 6.2518534E-03, 4.6536868E-03, 2.3642611E-03, -1.1716140E-04,
-2.3089211E-03, -3.8347517E-03, -4.4827877E-03, -4.2276791E-03, -3.2154444E-03, -1.7177495E-03, -6.7401987E-05, 1.4107964E-03,
2.4602629E-03, 2.9334421E-03, 2.8075305E-03, 2.1748259E-03, 1.2123019E-03, 1.3849318E-04, -8.3265360E-04, -1.5317851E-03,
-1.8610211E-03, -1.8040441E-03, -1.4193952E-03, -8.2023298E-04, -1.4606171E-04, 4.6714264E-04, 9.1242952E-04, 1.1285844E-03,
1.1058973E-03, 8.8124334E-04, 5.2479704E-04, 1.2205630E-04, -2.4469101E-04, -5.1175053E-04, -6.4365675E-04, -6.3594928E-04,
-5.1149393E-04, -3.1198579E-04, -8.7008106E-05, 1.1682254E-04, 2.6447337E-04, 3.3748708E-04, 3.3489880E-04, 2.7052492E-04,
1.6774265E-04, 5.3220769E-05, -4.8950325E-05, -1.2159463E-04, -1.5661931E-04, -1.5493964E-04, -1.2456752E-04, -7.7589710E-05,
-2.6873229E-05, 1.6752608E-05, 4.6323969E-05, 5.9374463E-05, 5.7465704E-05, 4.4937360E-05, 2.7311901E-05, 9.7844092E-06,
-3.8747080E-06, -1.1836013E-05, -1.4147944E-05, -1.2233856E-05, -8.1674212E-06, -3.9555098E-06, -1.0099240E-06, 9.4978700E-08
float pi = 3.1415926535897932f;
float freq1; // Want to keep freq1
float freq2; // Want to filter out freq2

void setup() 
Serial.begin (230400); 

// Set up output ports for timing purposes
PORTC_PCR4 = ( unsigned long ) 0x00000101; // Section 12.5.1, pg. 221 - 222, see Pin Mux Control
// Bit 0 -> Pull Select -> Internal pullup resistor is enabled
// Bit 8 -> ALT1 -> GPIO
PORTC_PCR5 = ( unsigned long ) 0x00000101; // Section 12.5.1, pg. 221 - 222, see Pin Mux Control
// Bit 0 -> Pull Select -> Internal pullup resistor is enabled
// Bit 8 -> ALT1 -> GPIO
GPIOC_PDDR = ( unsigned long ) 0x00000020; // Configure pin 13 as output. See Section 63.3.6. Pin 13 is PTC5 (on-board LED)

// Build waveform for processing
freq1 = 5. * (float)numpts/(float)(impulse_length_minus_1 + 1); //Want to keep freq1
freq2 = 4. * freq1; //Want to filter out freq2. For a 256 point FFT the 3 dB cutoff frequency is at about frequency bin #19

for (int i=0; i < (bufSize); i ++) // Calculate signal to filter over bufSize points
input_waveform[i] = sin(2. * pi * freq1 * (float)i/(float)numpts) + sin(2. * pi * freq2 * (float)i/(float)numpts);

// Build impulse filter array. Need to zero pad from the end of the impulse to numpts (end of the array).
arm_fill_f32(0.0, filter, numpts);
for (int i = 0; i < impulse_length_minus_1 + 1; i++) filter[i] = impulse[i];
status = arm_rfft_fast_init_f32(&fft_instance, numpts); // Initialize the fft routines
arm_rfft_fast_f32(&fft_instance, filter, window, 0); // Calculate the spectral response of the filter.
GPIOC_PSOR |= (1 << 5); // Section 63.3.2 - Set pin 13 HIGH
out_pin = true;
delay(5000); // Give plenty of time to trigger scope and to select either the Serial Monitor or Serial Plotter

void loop()
arm_fill_f32(0.0, output_waveform, bufSize);
arm_fill_f32(0.0, input_waveform, impulse_length_minus_1); //Need to zero pad the beginning of the signal so the circular convolution matches a linear convolution.

// This loop for processing input_waveform data completes in about 500 microseconds per pass for numpts = 512
// 900 microseconds per pass for numpts = 1024

for (int i = 0; i < bufSize/(numpts - impulse_length_minus_1); i++) { // Use for overlap to avoid circular convolution
if (out_pin) GPIOC_PCOR |= (1 << 5); // Section 63.3.1 - Set pin 13 LOW -- Use for scope timing
GPIOC_PSOR |= (1 << 5); // Section 63.3.2 - Set pin 13 HIGH
out_pin = !out_pin; 
arm_copy_f32(input_waveform + i * (numpts - impulse_length_minus_1), Ak, numpts);
arm_rfft_fast_f32(&fft_instance, Ak, fft_aray, 0);
arm_cmplx_mult_cmplx_f32(fft_aray, window, cmplx_product, numpts/2); // Multiplication in frequency domain is a convolution in the time domain
arm_rfft_fast_f32(&fft_instance, cmplx_product, fft_result, 1); // Inverse transform
arm_copy_f32(fft_result + impulse_length_minus_1, output_waveform + i * (numpts - impulse_length_minus_1), numpts - impulse_length_minus_1);

for (int i = 0; i < 1000; i++) Serial.println(output_waveform[i]); //Use to drive the serial plotter to display the second set of 500 points

while(1) {}
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