Teensy boards "Seeing" COM Ports

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Well-known member
My teensy boards (3.2 and 3.5) do not seem to be registering a com port when I connect my USB cable to my PC.

When I start up my Ardunio IDE and connect an Ardunio Uno or Nano or Mega, I see the com port such as COM3 or COM4 in the Tools->Ports menu. If I connect my Teensy 3.2 or 3.5, no com port shows up in the Tools->Ports menu.

Do I have to do something else before I can get the Teensy boards to successfully connect to a com port and register as such?
Thanks Paul...I did install 1.42 the other day...I verified in the Ardunio IDE About window: Teensyduino 1.42.

I think the problem was cables...I finally found one that was a data cable vs a charge-only cable.
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