Teensy Octo Glediator

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New member
I have a Teensy 3.5 with the octo 74HCT245 buffer chip and the x4 screens each 20w x 15h. 300px each screen, pins 2, 14, 7, 8 and using the new h file for teensy 3.5 glitch

There are 2 issues, the 1st was one of the screens was starting with wrong led colour, this i resolved with manipulation of matrix size in glediator and the 2 screens play as one screen, then i tried to add 2 more screens... 3rd and 4th screens just play as separate but same graphics... hope that makes sence, been trying to work this out for 1mth and now finally plucked up courage to post!

Kind regards
I personally haven't used Glediator, so can't help much with the part.

But as a first step, perhaps try running some of the stand-alone examples that come with OctoWS2811. If the problem is on the Teensy side, you'll probably see it with those. At least this can help narrow down whether to focus on Teensy or Glediator.
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