Library for USING HX711 Load Cell Amplifier with Teensy 3.5

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I have used HX711 Load Cell Amp with the Arduino in the past. I have recentl;y upgraded my project to a Teensy 3.5 and need some guidance on wht library to use. The standadrd HX711 library does not provide consistnet output. The raw values do not seem to be "put back together properly" by the HX711 library code> Has anyone been able to succsessfully use these amplifiers.
As the HX711 library is using bitbang to retrieve the data, my guess is that T3.5 is far too fast.
From datasheet I deduce that PD_SCK high/low times are 1 us I would add an appropriate delay to slowdown T3.5 bit-bang, (shiftin etc) but I personally do not help how to do that. Someone else may help.

Well, you can copy the shift_in routines and derivates from "core-pins.h" and "pins_teensy.c" of the core library and modify accordingly.
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