How to use cpp code as a "black box" with the Audio System Design Tool?

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Well-known member
I would like to do some experiments with some audio compressor / limiter code I found here:
I have the Teensy 3.6 and the Audio board as well as the small mic up and running.

Is there a straight forward way to use the effect_dynamics.cpp code as a black box while I use the Audio System Design Tool to connect the blocks?

I have some C and C++ experience but not much with Teensy Audio library.
On the audio library website, there is a design guide and rules how to create new audio objects which will seamlessly integrate with the audio lib. Just wrap your code into that.
OK thanks. Got it running it seems.

It seems that I have to use:
// Get data
block = receiveWritable(0);

// Code for processing here
// {
// }

// Now send

// and release
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