What does signed_saturate_rshift(val, 16, 0); do?

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What does the signed_saturate_rshift(val, 16, 0); ] in the mixer class do?
I assume the val variable cannot overflow so it is an overflow preventer... but what does the other 2 parameters (..,16,0) specify ?

More complete code:
static void applyGain(int16_t *data, int32_t mult)
	const int16_t *end = data + AUDIO_BLOCK_SAMPLES;

	do {
		int32_t val = *data * mult;
		*data++ = signed_saturate_rshift(val, 16, 0);
	} while (data < end);

The above is from @paul s mixer class https://github.com/PaulStoffregen/Audio/blob/master/mixer.cpp
What does the signed_saturate_rshift(val, 16, 0); ] in the mixer class do?
I assume the val variable cannot overflow so it is an overflow preventer... but what does the other 2 parameters (..,16,0) specify ?

More or less from audio/utility/dspinst.h:
int32_t signed_saturate_rshift(int32_t val, int bits, int rshift)
    int32_t out;
    asm volatile("ssat %0, %1, %2, asr %3" : "=r" (out) : "I" (bits), "r" (val), "I" (rshift));
    return out; 
That means, it translates directly to the assembler instruction SSAT (<- read there) , where "bits" specifies the bit position to saturate to, in the range 1 to 32 and rshift specifies the optional shift before saturation (to the right, in this case).
The saturation is - simplified - like "if (x >y) x= y" where y is a power of 2 (bits) -1 ( and taking into account the sign )

(Not sure if "volatile" is really needed here)
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@Frank B So we basically divide by 2^rshift first to scale down.
Then if the scaled down result is above 2^bits then the result returned is no larger than 2^bits ?
Then if the scaled down result is above 2^bits then the result returned is no larger than 2^bits ?

Yes, but done as a signed integer. So "above 2^bits" means both greater than positive 2^(n-1)-1 and less than negative -(2^(n-1)). Both "larger than 2^bits" cases are proper limited to those largest most positive and lowest most negative values.

It all happens with a just 1 instruction that executes in a single cycle. It's done without changing program flow for the condition tests, which would normally cause a 2-cycle pipeline refill in the case of a branch taken. It's done without using any extra registers for the intermediate computation, allowing the compiler's register allocater to more effectively optimize all the surrounding code.
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