Teensy 3.2 Artnet with 8 Strings of a 100, works great except 8th string is slow

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New member
This is my first try at a big project and a newbie to the forum. I recently bought a couple teensy 3.2 and a 3.5 to run a mega tree project of 8 strands of a 100 WS2811. Everything tested great in xlights until i was at the 8th output when everything got really slow. I have an Octo also and tested different setting and the output just seems to be lagging a bit when writing to the LEDS. I have the 3.5 and it does the same thing. Basic Test example works OK except white isn't really white.Can somebody point out what I am missing,Thanks
Hi guys this is sangimanu.Now only ill joining here so please help me to clear my doubts and problems.I hope you are all support me well. Thank you so much.
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