Teensy 1.0 (sob story :))

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New member
Hello all,
So the story goes~~
My friend dump his electronic junk box to me as he was not doing anything anymore. And guess what I found, several Teensy 1.0 (no documentation or code or anything)! Yes, I searched the support board here and other places too looking for build instructions etc to find that they are no longer supported etc. My friend has not done much in about 10 years! I am very active in electronic/software ham radio hobbies, so I took it from him.

So, I am taking a shot to see if I might get some help!

I found that Teensy 1.0 was dropped from Teensduino but I see many references through the core code. My assumptions is that I should be able to build an image using the Arduino IDE (I am using 1.8.7). But the Teensy/Arduino board.txt and platform.txt lack any Teensy 1.0 support (as expected). I created a board.txt adding Teensy 1.0 call based on other items in the file and made some obvious adjustments. When I build in the Arduino IDE, all seems to go well but then I get some "assembler messages: Error: illegal opcode or for mcu avr35." I stopped using assembly a long time ago.

Ok, now I am stuck. the ATS90USB162 is an avr35.

So like I said (sob story :)), I hope I might get some help here on how I can build using the Arduino IDE before I decide to throw all the items out, including a flash programmer and other toys from my friends junk box.

What do I need to do to build a Teensy 1.0 hex file in the Arduino IDE?

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