SD card audio library to scan SD card for valid files and make a list?

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In my project, I'd like to play WAV files from the SD card, but first I would like to scan the SD card filesystem and find all the valid sound files on there and return a dynamically allocated list of strings with the valid file names, and then later on I might sort them alpha-numerically so i can play them in sequence based on name.

Is this kind of functionality possible? I see from some older threads that it's not possible to use the audio SD lib at the same time without some modifications (which were never explicitly listed/mentioned, only vague indications of this issue).

Is there an easier way to do what i'm trying to do?

Thanks for any pointers..

If there's no easy way around this, i'll just have to get my users to hard-code their sound files more strictly, and i'll have to iterate through each potential named file (lets say, "SOUNDx.WAV" where x is 1->500) and make an array to indicate if that file is valid/present.

Is there a way to check that a sound file exists without actually playing it directly?
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Oh it looks like the SD.h example library programs show how to print the contents of files/directories from Root of the SD card. that doesn't use the sdFat.h include? I am just about to test it, it seems like it should work. I'm already using SD.begin() and SD.exists() so I'm sure i can also look through the filesystem and find files with .WAV extension and add them to my list to play with the wavplayer object later on :)
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