Teensy 3.2 & Prop LC: Toy audio reconstruction

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A few weeks ago I posted this to the Arduino forum:

In a nutshell, I am trying to change the voice of toys to a different language.

There are many toys I am hoping to change, but I am looking to re-purpose the:
  • Battery pack (often 3x AA batteries)
  • Built-in speaker
  • Inputs (buttons, switches)

That forum led me to the Teensy and a Prop Shield LC. I now have them wired like this:


with the boxes in red showing the thru pins:

This is my attempt to utilize the LC shield memory/audio capabilities and maximize the other pins as inputs.

Right now, I am doing my best to find some example code to get to a point where I can begin to write code such as:

if (pin X)
  // play Audio File A from LC shield
else if (pinY & pinZ)
  // play Audio File B from LC shield
  // do Thing C

Eventually I would love to utilize a button matrix to absolutely maximize the inputs, however I am just trying to get this working with this setup.

Many of the examples I have viewed seem to utilize the Audio toolkit as shown here:

...and I believe I am meant to be converting the audio files to a raw data format for the teensy to read? but I cant find a specific example with the teensy and Prop board LC... and I would appreciate any help to point me in the right direction!
For simple sounds that are stored in the Teensy's memory, look at the example Audio -> SamplePlayer. It has 5 buttons and it will play different sounds depending on the button press.

If you need more memory, the LC shield has a 8MB flash area that you can use to record songs. Frank B wrote a tool called Teensy Transfer that will allow you to download files to the flash memory. You load up a Teensy sketch, and run a program on your host side that talks to the Teensy:

The example program SerialFlash -> MP3Player will play a single song from the flash memory. You will need Frank B's MP3 player code:
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