Looking for the Eagle/Kicad source files for ILI9341 "purple test board"

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Hi Paul, et all!

Hey, I purchased a few 2.8" Touch Screens to use as the display/user interface for a recent hobby project.. (My first exploration of using a touchscreen device for input! Fun, fun!)

IMG_3275.jpg IMG_3276.jpg

I also poked at OSH Park and ordered a few of the Purple Test Boards, and while they work great for my prototype, I'd like to spin my own version, or at least try..

So, "the question": Can I have access to the KiCAD or Eagle files for the Purple Test Board as a starting point to add in my own bit of fun? I couldn't find any obvious link to source files for this board.. Uh, I suppose I should sift Paul's GIThub page? (DOH!!)

I want to alter the power input, add a header for an Adafruit Power Boost 500C and a SPI FRAM memory chip as well as another header for the encoder input.. Currently I'm hacking a "go between" protoboard along with too many custom wires, and while that all works just fine, it's simply too labor intensive to produce more than the initial concept prototype - seems like a custom "mother board" for my project would be simpler and easier, especially if I end up making more than one or two..

Anyway, I suppose I could start from scratch, but perhaps easier to leverage off of others work? (like most of my "creative work") ;-)

Thanks so much for your time - no hurry..


Eric Timberlake

(a pseudo nerd of weak C++-foo, or eagle-foo, for that matter.. No kiCAD-foo at all!! No time like the present to learn something new!)

I wanted to know if the kicad files (footprint) for audio board are available

I can't answer that, Kavyashree - I did find time to look around on Paul's GIThub page, but didn't see any boards..

Oh, and, as for MY original request, please disregard at this point! I've taken the opportunity to learn at least a LITTLE bit about driving KiCAD and managed to produce this board over at OSHPark using the original test board as a layout example... It is actually my second spin, and boy, did I learn to pay attention to packaging details! (As I'm sure many of us have!)

While I have not ACTUALLY created a footprint beyond a silk screen graphic, the few youtube videos I've watched are really helpful and it' doesn't LOOK horribly difficult to create a "module" like thing. In my case, where I mounted a series of pre-made modules; a Teensy 3.2, the TFT header and the Adafruit Power Boost 500C.. I just carefully measured the relationships from the standard header footprint of the powerboost, thew down some silkscreen pin labels and called it good.. The KiCAD teensy footprint library was out there someplace - I've lost the reference now that it's in my library collection.. The display was just another standard header.

This is a clip of the KiCAD view... Just a standard foot print header on the left, and two "mounting holes", again, from the standard footprint library. Seems to work like a charm..

And this is how it looks in real life....

Don't mind that spider lurking over there.. Check your package details, right? ;-)

Good luck!

What you really want is the gerber files. Eagle has a ULP that can be used to import into Eagle format. KiCad may have a similar conversion program available.
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