Using a Raspberry Pi Zero W to program a Teensy 3.1/3.2

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Thanks for the detailed reply! This is defenetily the best documentation of this kind of setup I could found.
But I think I have to except, that I wont be able to do something like that. Thats pretty far out of my ballpark. If nobody with the needed know how will make a step by step documentation or Paul will support some kind of OTA over UART like for other Arduino boards, OTA-Teensy programming will stay a sweat sweat dream for me...
Even when I would try to follow your already given discription of the setup, I would probablly run into some Issues, where I had no idea how to takle them, cause it was mostly blind flying to get to this point anyway ;)
Feel free to look into the topic again if you like, but I think that is a lot to ask for... But there would be deffenently more people interesseted than me, tho. It seems to be a lot asked question for years now and there is still no convenient solution to it, even though it would be technical definitely possible with the accessible consumer hardware...

Anyway, have a nice evening and thanks for your help! :)
I apologize for reviving this old thread, but I wanted to note for others that turn up the thread through searching that Arduino 1.8.12 with Teensyduino 1.52 (both current at the time of this post) running under Raspbain 8 (Jessie) can be used to program a Teensy 3.2 from the Pi Zero and Pi Zero W.

Under Raspbain 10 (Buster) the same combination displays blank Teensy loader window described in post #22.

A number of years ago I had a similar situation as the OP. We had a Teensy on the garage roof running our holiday lights, and I got tired for getting the ladder out to change it's programming so I threw a Pi Zero with a USB wifi dongle at it, and then VNCed in to it to change the programming and update the Teensy.

This week I had the need to do something similar again on a new Pi Zero W. I loaded that latest Raspberry Pi OS on it, along with Arduino and Teensyduino, and I just could not get it working, mostly related to the blank Teensy loader window documented in post #22. It would work occasionally, but the times it worked always involved physically pressing the button on the Teensy.

After coming across this thread, but knowing that I had had it working in the past I decided to start over with the older OS. I loaded up the 2017-03-02 Raspbian Jessie image that I already had laying around. This, conveniently, happens to be the first version that supports the Pi Zero W. I downloaded the current Arduino, Teensyduino and udev rules to it, and it works like a champ. Continued working after apt-get update/upgrade. Verified on both a Pi Zero and Pi Zero W.

I didn't test any other hardware, so I don't know if this is a Pi Zero thing or an issue with newer Raspberry Pi OS versions.
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