Mount pressure sensor on Teensy 3.6

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New member
Hi everyone :D

Before starting with my issue I would like to specify that I am a naive in this field so I am probably going to ask very basic questions that I wasn't able to solve online. My goal is to build a system that is able to measure pressure changes. For this reason I bought a differential pressure sensor (Honeywell RSCDJJI060MDSE3) and I'm going to use it with my Teensy 3.6.

Already trying to understand how to connect the sensor to the board was a nightmare. The circuit that I need to build is this:


Now, thanks to the pinout tables (both of the Teensy and of my sensor), I understood that SCLK is the external clock source and should be PIN #13 (but can also be #32, right?). DRDY is data ready and I don't know if there is a precise PIN that I should use or every RX pin is okay (0,7,9,21,27,31,34). Maybe only the ones in BOLD characters because they're SPI? DIN is serial data input. Since it's an input the question is the same as before. Is every RX pin okay? Generally the question is the same for every input pin on the sensor and RX pin on the board, and output pins on the sensor and TX pins on the board. For the ground should I use the digital or analog one? For the Vcc (positive supply voltage) should I use the pin between 12 and 24?

Thank you for your support :)
Looks like a pretty standard SPI interface.

I'd recommend these connections.

Honeywell    Teensy 3.6
---------    ----------

1  SCLK       13  SCK0
2  DRDY        2
3  DIN        11  MOSI0
4  CS_ADC     10         (pullup resistor)
5  GND         -  GND
6  VCC         -  3.3V
7  CS_EE       9         (pullup resistor)
8  DOUT       12  MISO0

It doesn't matter which GND and which 3.3V pin you use. But don't use AGND, which is meant for analog signals. This is digital, so use regular GND.

Their schematic recommend 1K pullup resistors. That seems pretty low. I'd go with 10K. Pullups are only needed on the 2 chip select signals. There's no point putting them on the other 4 signals.
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