Long Upload Time on Teensy 3.6

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I have a project that is functionally working, however at a certain point I began to notice prolonged upload times. I have received an error twice (and admittedly, didn't google/screenshot it) that suggested an error having to do with the bootloader. I *think* it might have been directing me to this, and suggesting to add a delay prior to jumping to the bootloader: https://www.pjrc.com/teensy/jump_to_bootloader.html

Since getting the rest of my code working and realizing I should have tackled the above problem when I first encountered it, I haven't been able to reproduce the pop-up error, however it is taking upwards of 30 seconds to upload my code on most occasions (95/100 times). It compiles in 2.5 seconds consistently.

I've made a 16x4 step sequencer using 4 Adafruit Neotrellis boards (https://www.adafruit.com/product/3954) and am using the library written for it.

Can anyone see any issues in my code that might cause this prolonged upload time? The code functions perfectly once uploaded, but I'm concerned that an issue could rear its head after longer use. And of course, if something is wrong, I'd like to fix/learn from it. Since the hardware is functioning fine I'm assuming it is a code problem, however I can upload photos of my wiring if that helps.

2017 Macbook pro
Arduino 1.8.7
Teensy 3.6
Teensy Loader 1.44
Adafruit Neotrellis
Library: Adafruit_NeoTrellis.h (which stems from the seesaw library)

Thank you very much!

  A standard 16x4 step sequencer for the Adafruit Neotrellis.
  When the playhead passes over a button that is on, a pulse is sent to an external LED.

#include "Adafruit_NeoTrellis.h"

#define X_DIM 16 //number of columns of keys
#define Y_DIM 4 //number of rows of key

//create a matrix of trellis panels
Adafruit_NeoTrellis t_array[Y_DIM / 4][X_DIM / 4] = {
  //i2c addresses are based on the jumpers on the back of each board
  { Adafruit_NeoTrellis(0x2E), Adafruit_NeoTrellis(0x2F), Adafruit_NeoTrellis(0x31), Adafruit_NeoTrellis(0x30)  }

//pass this matrix to the multitrellis object
Adafruit_MultiTrellis trellis((Adafruit_NeoTrellis *)t_array, Y_DIM / 4, X_DIM / 4);

int ledPins[4] = {30, 29, 10, 9};

//used for advancing the playhead
elapsedMillis playheadCounter;
//used to avoid using delay();
unsigned long previousMillis = 0;
//sets the rate of the playhead
unsigned long bpm = 167;
//serves as the column number
int buttonIndex;

//tracks the presses on each button; odd values will turn on
int pressCount[64] = {0};

//define a callback for key presses
TrellisCallback onOff(keyEvent evt) {
  for (int x = 0; x < X_DIM; x++) {
    //turn on each 16th pixel (resulting in the playhead)
    for (int y = 0; y < Y_DIM; y++) {
      int button_loc = x + y * X_DIM;
      if (evt.bit.EDGE == SEESAW_KEYPAD_EDGE_RISING) {
      return 0;

void setup() {
  //Set the ledPins to outputs and start them off
  for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
    pinMode(ledPins[i], OUTPUT);
  if (!trellis.begin()) {
    Serial.println("failed to begin Neotrellis");
    while (1);
  } else {
    Serial.println("Neotrellis started");
  //Display a startup sequence to know that we're on
  for (int i = 0; i < Y_DIM * X_DIM; i++) {
    trellis.setPixelColor(i, seesaw_NeoPixel::Color(20, 20, 20));
  //activate all keys in the array
  for (int y = 0; y < Y_DIM; y++) {
    for (int x = 0; x < X_DIM; x++) {
      //activate rising and falling edges on all keys
      trellis.activateKey(x, y, SEESAW_KEYPAD_EDGE_RISING, true);
      trellis.activateKey(x, y, SEESAW_KEYPAD_EDGE_FALLING, true);
      trellis.registerCallback(x, y, onOff);
      trellis.setPixelColor(x, y, 0x000000); //addressed with x,y
      trellis.show(); //show all LEDs

void loop() {
  unsigned long currentMillis = millis();
  //formula to calculate the rate at which the playhead moves
  if (currentMillis - previousMillis >= bpm) {
    previousMillis = currentMillis;
    buttonIndex = buttonIndex % 16;
  for (int x = 0; x < X_DIM; x++) {
    for (int y = 0; y < Y_DIM; y++) {
      int button_loc = x + y * X_DIM;
      if (x == buttonIndex) {
        //create white playhead, and everywhere else, light up the buttons that are 'on' based on row color; otherwise set to off
        trellis.setPixelColor(button_loc, seesaw_NeoPixel::Color(100, 100, 100));
      } else if (pressCount[button_loc] % 2 && y == 0) {
        trellis.setPixelColor(button_loc, seesaw_NeoPixel::Color(255, 0, 0));
      } else if (pressCount[button_loc] % 2 && y == 1) {
        trellis.setPixelColor(button_loc, seesaw_NeoPixel::Color(0, 255, 0));
      } else if (pressCount[button_loc] % 2 && y == 2) {
        trellis.setPixelColor(button_loc, seesaw_NeoPixel::Color(0, 0, 255));
      } else if (pressCount[button_loc] % 2 && y == 3) {
        trellis.setPixelColor(button_loc, seesaw_NeoPixel::Color(255, 255, 0));
      } else {
        trellis.setPixelColor(button_loc, 0);
      // check to send pulse
      //if the button is on, and the playhead is over it, pulse the external led
      if (pressCount[button_loc] % 2 && x == buttonIndex && y == 0) {
        digitalWrite(ledPins[y], HIGH);
        if (currentMillis - previousMillis >= 20) {
          digitalWrite(ledPins[y], LOW);
      } else if (pressCount[button_loc] % 2 && x == buttonIndex && y == 1) {
        digitalWrite(ledPins[y], HIGH);
        if (currentMillis - previousMillis >= 20) {
          digitalWrite(ledPins[y], LOW);
      } else if (pressCount[button_loc] % 2 && x == buttonIndex && y == 2) {
        digitalWrite(ledPins[y], HIGH);
        if (currentMillis - previousMillis >= 20) {
          digitalWrite(ledPins[y], LOW);
      } else if (pressCount[button_loc] % 2 && x == buttonIndex && y == 3) {
        digitalWrite(ledPins[y], HIGH);
        if (currentMillis - previousMillis >= 20) {
          digitalWrite(ledPins[y], LOW);
  //show all LEDs
Last edited:
Try an upload with a simple Blink or other example that can be built and uploaded by anyone to compare your results.

Is the upload time required affected doing a button press before trying the upload - if TeensyLoader is active the 'AUTO' mode on the GUI will need to be deselected to have it wait for the IDE to provide the upload for the new code.

TeensyLoader has a Verbose info output to enable that will show if it is having fights of any sort getting the upload to the Teensy.

Not noted the version of TeensyDuino installed?

So far it should be safe to suggest the '15 second' reset available on the T_3.6. Start a timer and mark 15 seconds from button press and hold until release on the powered Teensy. This will perform a PJRC supplied restore of the processor - it will then be void of any code and require a button press for the next upload.
Try an upload with a simple Blink or other example that can be built and uploaded by anyone to compare your results.

Is the upload time required affected doing a button press before trying the upload - if TeensyLoader is active the 'AUTO' mode on the GUI will need to be deselected to have it wait for the IDE to provide the upload for the new code.

TeensyLoader has a Verbose info output to enable that will show if it is having fights of any sort getting the upload to the Teensy.

Not noted the version of TeensyDuino installed?

So far it should be safe to suggest the '15 second' reset available on the T_3.6. Start a timer and mark 15 seconds from button press and hold until release on the powered Teensy. This will perform a PJRC supplied restore of the processor - it will then be void of any code and require a button press for the next upload.

Thanks for your reply. I've updated my initial post with my teensy loader version (1.44). Also, I realize I didn't have my OS: High Sierra 10.13.6.

The 15 second reset seemed to work at first, however the problem resurfaced shortly after. The blink sketch is also taking a long time now, and so I guess it isn't my code. Thanks for turning me onto the teensyloader verbose logging. Below is the output when loading Blink (~29 seconds). Below that I've included logs from loading my sequencer code (~4 secs) moments later, to compare.

Blink upload: ~29secs:

13:47:00.102 (reboot 1530): Begin, version=1.44
13:47:00.102 (reboot 1530): location = usb:14500000
13:47:00.102 (reboot 1530): Only location usb:14500000 will be tried
13:47:00.102 (reboot 1530): portlabel = HID=16c0:0478.ff9c.22 (Teensy 3.6) Bootloader
13:47:00.102 (reboot 1530): portprotocol = Teensy
13:47:00.102 (reboot 1530): USB device add callback
13:47:00.102 (reboot 1530):   loc=14500000, vid=16C0, pid=0483, ver=0277, ser=5223380
13:47:00.102 (reboot 1530):   actual serailnum=522338
13:47:03.310 (loader): remote connection 21 closed
13:47:03.449 (loader): remote connection 20 opened
13:47:03.578 (loader): remote connection 20 closed
13:47:03.706 (loader): remote connection 20 opened
13:47:03.830 (reboot 1530): USB device remove callback
13:47:03.830 (reboot 1530): Serial add callback
13:47:03.831 (reboot 1530):   name=/dev/cu.usbmodem5223381, loc=14500000, vid=16c0, pid=0483, ver=0277
13:47:03.912 (reboot 1530): Serial remove callback
13:47:03.916 (reboot 1530): HID Manager started
13:47:03.917 (reboot 1530): found Teensy Loader, version 1.44
13:47:03.917 (reboot 1530): Sending command: show:arduino_attempt_reboot
13:47:08.778 (loader): remote cmd from 20: "show:arduino_attempt_reboot"
13:47:08.923 (loader): got request to show arduino rebooting message
13:47:09.058 (reboot 1530): Sending command: comment: Teensyduino 1.44 - MACOSX (teensy_reboot)
13:47:09.064 (loader): remote cmd from 20: "comment: Teensyduino 1.44 - MACOSX (teensy_reboot)"
13:47:09.203 (loader): remote cmd from 20: "status"
13:47:09.340 (reboot 1530): Status: 1, 1, 0, 326, 0, 0, /var/folders/cx/hbt1kn7j6_v4s97g0rsw36700000gn/T/arduino_build_501494/, Blink.ino.hex
13:47:09.340 (reboot 1530): do_reset (serial) /dev/cu.usbmodem5223381
13:47:09.344 (loader): remote cmd from 20: "status"
13:47:09.481 (reboot 1530): Status: 1, 1, 0, 326, 0, 0, /var/folders/cx/hbt1kn7j6_v4s97g0rsw36700000gn/T/arduino_build_501494/, Blink.ino.hex
13:47:09.481 (reboot 1530): status read, retry 0
13:47:09.583 (loader): remote cmd from 20: "status"
13:47:09.690 (ports 780): Serial remove callback
13:47:09.690 (ports 780): USB device remove callback
13:47:09.690 (ports 780): remove, loc=14500000
13:47:09.690 (ports 780): usb_remove: usb:14500000
13:47:09.690 (ports 780): del device: location=14500000
13:47:09.735 (reboot 1530): Status: 1, 1, 0, 326, 0, 0, /var/folders/cx/hbt1kn7j6_v4s97g0rsw36700000gn/T/arduino_build_501494/, Blink.ino.hex
13:47:09.735 (reboot 1530): status read, retry 1
13:47:09.752 (ports 780): USB device add callback
13:47:09.752 (ports 780):   loc=14500000, vid=16C0, pid=0478, ver=0103, ser=0007F862
13:47:09.752 (ports 780):   actual serailnum=522338
13:47:09.752 (ports 780):   found prior teensy at this loc, age=0.061
13:47:09.752 (ports 780):     name: [no_device] (Teensy 3.6) Bootloader
13:47:09.822 (ports 780): HID add callback, vid=16c0, pid=0478, ver=0103, loc=14500000, use=ff9c:22
13:47:09.822 (ports 780):   found prior teensy at this loc, age=0.071
13:47:09.822 (ports 780):     name: HID=16c0:0478.ff9c.22 (Teensy 3.6) Bootloader
13:47:15.314 (loader): HID/macos: attach callback
13:47:15.438 (loader): remote cmd from 20: "status"
13:47:15.566 (loader): Device came online, code_size = 1048576
13:47:15.694 (loader): Board is: Teensy 3.6 (MK66FX1M0), version 1.03
13:47:15.823 (loader): File "Blink.ino.hex". 10732 bytes, 1% used
13:47:15.950 (loader): set background IMG_ONLINE
13:47:16.079 (loader): File "Blink.ino.hex". 10732 bytes, 1% used
13:47:16.204 (loader): elf size appears to be 1048576
13:47:16.331 (loader): elf binary data matches hex file
13:47:16.459 (loader): Code size from .elf file = 1048576
13:47:16.585 (loader): begin operation
13:47:16.713 (reboot 1530): Status: 1, 1, 1, 327, 0, 1, /var/folders/cx/hbt1kn7j6_v4s97g0rsw36700000gn/T/arduino_build_501494/, Blink.ino.hex
13:47:16.744 (loader): flash, block=0, bs=1024, auto=1
13:47:16.868 (loader): remote cmd from 20: "status"
13:47:16.985 (reboot 1530): Status: 1, 1, 1, 327, 0, 1, /var/folders/cx/hbt1kn7j6_v4s97g0rsw36700000gn/T/arduino_build_501494/, Blink.ino.hex
13:47:17.000 (loader): flash, block=1, bs=1024, auto=1
13:47:17.130 (loader): remote cmd from 20: "status"
13:47:17.260 (reboot 1530): Status: 1, 1, 1, 327, 0, 1, /var/folders/cx/hbt1kn7j6_v4s97g0rsw36700000gn/T/arduino_build_501494/, Blink.ino.hex
13:47:17.264 (loader): flash, block=2, bs=1024, auto=1
13:47:17.399 (loader): remote cmd from 20: "status"
13:47:17.525 (reboot 1530): Status: 1, 1, 1, 327, 0, 1, /var/folders/cx/hbt1kn7j6_v4s97g0rsw36700000gn/T/arduino_build_501494/, Blink.ino.hex
13:47:17.530 (loader): flash, block=3, bs=1024, auto=1
13:47:17.664 (loader): remote cmd from 20: "status"
13:47:17.790 (reboot 1530): Status: 1, 1, 1, 327, 0, 1, /var/folders/cx/hbt1kn7j6_v4s97g0rsw36700000gn/T/arduino_build_501494/, Blink.ino.hex
13:47:17.795 (loader): flash, block=4, bs=1024, auto=1
13:47:17.929 (loader): remote cmd from 20: "status"
13:47:18.056 (reboot 1530): Status: 1, 1, 1, 327, 0, 1, /var/folders/cx/hbt1kn7j6_v4s97g0rsw36700000gn/T/arduino_build_501494/, Blink.ino.hex
13:47:18.061 (loader): flash, block=5, bs=1024, auto=1
13:47:18.107 (reboot 1530): status read, retry 2
13:47:18.107 (reboot 1530): Success
13:47:18.107 (reboot 1530): Disconnect
13:47:18.202 (loader): remote connection 20 closed
13:47:18.202 (loader): flash, block=6, bs=1024, auto=1
13:47:18.204 (loader): flash, block=7, bs=1024, auto=1
13:47:22.994 (loader): flash, block=8, bs=1024, auto=1
13:47:23.141 (loader): flash, block=9, bs=1024, auto=1
13:47:23.277 (loader): flash, block=10, bs=1024, auto=1
13:47:23.417 (loader): sending reboot
13:47:23.557 (loader): begin wait_until_offline
13:47:23.720 (loader): HID/macos: status: ok
13:47:23.888 (ports 780): HID remove callback
13:47:23.888 (ports 780): HID add callback, vid=16c0, pid=0478, ver=0103, loc=14500000
13:47:23.888 (ports 780): USB device remove callback
13:47:23.888 (ports 780): remove, loc=14500000
13:47:23.888 (ports 780): usb_remove: usb:14500000
13:47:23.888 (ports 780): del device: location=14500000
13:47:23.914 (loader): HID/macos: detach callback: is currently open device
13:47:23.950 (ports 780): USB device add callback
13:47:23.951 (ports 780):   loc=14500000, vid=16C0, pid=0483, ver=0277, ser=5223380
13:47:23.951 (ports 780):   actual serailnum=522338
13:47:23.951 (ports 780):   found prior teensy at this loc, age=0.062
13:47:23.951 (ports 780):     name: [no_device] (Teensy 3.6) Serial
13:47:24.064 (loader): offline, waited 1
13:47:24.209 (loader): end operation, total time = 7.499 seconds
13:47:24.350 (loader): set background IMG_REBOOT_OK
13:47:24.490 (loader): redraw timer set, image 14 to show for 1200 ms
13:47:29.471 (loader): HID/macos: number of devices found = 0
13:47:29.621 (loader): HID/macos: no devices found (empty set)
13:47:29.763 (loader): redraw, image 9

Sequencer upload: ~4secs:

13:49:48.191 (post_compile 1531): Begin, version=1.44
13:49:48.192 (loader): remote connection 20 opened
13:49:48.342 (post_compile 1531): Sending command: comment: Teensyduino 1.44 - MACOSX (teensy_post_compile)
13:49:48.342 (loader): remote cmd from 20: "comment: Teensyduino 1.44 - MACOSX (teensy_post_compile)"
13:49:48.475 (loader): remote cmd from 20: "status"
13:49:48.605 (post_compile 1531): Status: 1, 1, 0, 327, 0, 0, /var/folders/cx/hbt1kn7j6_v4s97g0rsw36700000gn/T/arduino_build_501494/, Blink.ino.hex
13:49:48.605 (post_compile 1531): Sending command: dir:/var/folders/cx/hbt1kn7j6_v4s97g0rsw36700000gn/T/arduino_build_174552/
13:49:48.605 (loader): remote cmd from 20: "dir:/var/folders/cx/hbt1kn7j6_v4s97g0rsw36700000gn/T/arduino_build_174552/"
13:49:48.737 (post_compile 1531): Sending command: file:2019_4_10_neotrellisSequencerWithOnOffWithCounter.ino.hex
13:49:48.737 (loader): remote cmd from 20: "file:2019_4_10_neotrellisSequencerWithOnOffWithCounter.ino.hex"
13:49:48.878 (loader): File "2019_4_10_neotrellisSequencerWithOnOffWithCounter.ino.hex". 21152 bytes, 2% used
13:49:49.012 (loader): remote cmd from 20: "status"
13:49:49.143 (post_compile 1531): Status: 1, 1, 0, 327, 0, 0, /var/folders/cx/hbt1kn7j6_v4s97g0rsw36700000gn/T/arduino_build_174552/, 2019_4_10_neotrellisSequencerWithOnOffWithCounter.ino.hex
13:49:49.143 (post_compile 1531): Disconnect
13:49:49.154 (loader): remote connection 20 closed
13:49:49.388 (post_compile 1532): Begin, version=1.44
13:49:49.389 (loader): remote connection 20 opened
13:49:49.389 (post_compile 1532): Sending command: comment: Teensyduino 1.44 - MACOSX (teensy_post_compile)
13:49:49.389 (loader): remote cmd from 20: "comment: Teensyduino 1.44 - MACOSX (teensy_post_compile)"
13:49:49.390 (loader): remote cmd from 20: "status"
13:49:49.390 (post_compile 1532): Status: 1, 1, 0, 327, 0, 0, /var/folders/cx/hbt1kn7j6_v4s97g0rsw36700000gn/T/arduino_build_174552/, 2019_4_10_neotrellisSequencerWithOnOffWithCounter.ino.hex
13:49:49.390 (post_compile 1532): Disconnect
13:49:49.403 (post_compile 1533): Running teensy_reboot: /Applications/Arduino.app/Contents/Java/hardware/teensy/../tools/teensy_reboot
13:49:49.403 (loader): remote connection 20 closed
13:49:49.403 (loader): remote connection 20 opened
13:49:49.404 (loader): remote connection 20 closed
13:49:49.408 (reboot 1534): Begin, version=1.44
13:49:49.408 (reboot 1534): location = usb:14500000
13:49:49.408 (reboot 1534): portlabel = HID=16c0:0478.ff9c.22 (Teensy 3.6) Bootloader
13:49:49.408 (reboot 1534): portprotocol = Teensy
13:49:49.408 (reboot 1534): Only location usb:14500000 will be tried
13:49:49.408 (reboot 1534): USB device add callback
13:49:49.409 (reboot 1534):   loc=14500000, vid=16C0, pid=0483, ver=0277, ser=5223380
13:49:49.409 (reboot 1534):   actual serailnum=522338
13:49:49.413 (loader): remote connection 20 opened
13:49:49.413 (reboot 1534): USB device remove callback
13:49:49.414 (reboot 1534): Serial add callback
13:49:49.416 (reboot 1534):   name=/dev/cu.usbmodem5223381, loc=14500000, vid=16c0, pid=0483, ver=0277
13:49:49.515 (reboot 1534): Serial remove callback
13:49:49.519 (reboot 1534): HID Manager started
13:49:49.520 (reboot 1534): found Teensy Loader, version 1.44
13:49:49.520 (reboot 1534): Sending command: show:arduino_attempt_reboot
13:49:49.520 (loader): remote cmd from 20: "show:arduino_attempt_reboot"
13:49:49.520 (loader): got request to show arduino rebooting message
13:49:49.521 (reboot 1534): Sending command: comment: Teensyduino 1.44 - MACOSX (teensy_reboot)
13:49:49.523 (loader): remote cmd from 20: "comment: Teensyduino 1.44 - MACOSX (teensy_reboot)"
13:49:49.523 (loader): remote cmd from 20: "status"
13:49:49.523 (reboot 1534): Status: 1, 1, 0, 327, 0, 0, /var/folders/cx/hbt1kn7j6_v4s97g0rsw36700000gn/T/arduino_build_174552/, 2019_4_10_neotrellisSequencerWithOnOffWithCounter.ino.hex
13:49:49.523 (reboot 1534): do_reset (serial) /dev/cu.usbmodem5223381
13:49:49.527 (loader): remote cmd from 20: "status"
13:49:49.527 (reboot 1534): Status: 1, 1, 0, 327, 0, 0, /var/folders/cx/hbt1kn7j6_v4s97g0rsw36700000gn/T/arduino_build_174552/, 2019_4_10_neotrellisSequencerWithOnOffWithCounter.ino.hex
13:49:49.527 (reboot 1534): status read, retry 0
13:49:49.631 (loader): remote cmd from 20: "status"
13:49:49.632 (reboot 1534): Status: 1, 1, 0, 327, 0, 0, /var/folders/cx/hbt1kn7j6_v4s97g0rsw36700000gn/T/arduino_build_174552/, 2019_4_10_neotrellisSequencerWithOnOffWithCounter.ino.hex
13:49:49.632 (reboot 1534): status read, retry 1
13:49:49.736 (loader): remote cmd from 20: "status"
13:49:49.737 (reboot 1534): Status: 1, 1, 0, 327, 0, 0, /var/folders/cx/hbt1kn7j6_v4s97g0rsw36700000gn/T/arduino_build_174552/, 2019_4_10_neotrellisSequencerWithOnOffWithCounter.ino.hex
13:49:49.737 (reboot 1534): status read, retry 2
13:49:49.839 (loader): remote cmd from 20: "status"
13:49:49.839 (reboot 1534): Status: 1, 1, 0, 327, 0, 0, /var/folders/cx/hbt1kn7j6_v4s97g0rsw36700000gn/T/arduino_build_174552/, 2019_4_10_neotrellisSequencerWithOnOffWithCounter.ino.hex
13:49:49.839 (reboot 1534): status read, retry 3
13:49:49.867 (ports 780): Serial remove callback
13:49:49.867 (ports 780): USB device remove callback
13:49:49.867 (ports 780): remove, loc=14500000
13:49:49.867 (ports 780): usb_remove: usb:14500000
13:49:49.867 (ports 780): del device: location=14500000
13:49:49.930 (ports 780): USB device add callback
13:49:49.931 (ports 780):   loc=14500000, vid=16C0, pid=0478, ver=0103, ser=0007F862
13:49:49.931 (ports 780):   actual serailnum=522338
13:49:49.931 (ports 780):   found prior teensy at this loc, age=0.064
13:49:49.931 (ports 780):     name: [no_device] (Teensy 3.6) Bootloader
13:49:49.943 (loader): remote cmd from 20: "status"
13:49:49.943 (reboot 1534): Status: 1, 1, 0, 327, 0, 0, /var/folders/cx/hbt1kn7j6_v4s97g0rsw36700000gn/T/arduino_build_174552/, 2019_4_10_neotrellisSequencerWithOnOffWithCounter.ino.hex
13:49:49.943 (reboot 1534): status read, retry 4
13:49:50.006 (loader): HID/macos: attach callback
13:49:50.006 (ports 780): HID add callback, vid=16c0, pid=0478, ver=0103, loc=14500000, use=ff9c:22
13:49:50.006 (ports 780):   found prior teensy at this loc, age=0.075
13:49:50.006 (ports 780):     name: HID=16c0:0478.ff9c.22 (Teensy 3.6) Bootloader
13:49:50.046 (loader): remote cmd from 20: "status"
13:49:50.047 (loader): Device came online, code_size = 1048576
13:49:50.047 (loader): Board is: Teensy 3.6 (MK66FX1M0), version 1.03
13:49:50.051 (loader): File "2019_4_10_neotrellisSequencerWithOnOffWithCounter.ino.hex". 21152 bytes, 2% used
13:49:50.052 (loader): set background IMG_ONLINE
13:49:50.057 (loader): File "2019_4_10_neotrellisSequencerWithOnOffWithCounter.ino.hex". 21152 bytes, 2% used
13:49:50.058 (loader): elf size appears to be 1048576
13:49:50.058 (loader): elf binary data matches hex file
13:49:50.058 (loader): Code size from .elf file = 1048576
13:49:50.058 (loader): begin operation
13:49:50.061 (reboot 1534): Status: 1, 1, 1, 328, 0, 1, /var/folders/cx/hbt1kn7j6_v4s97g0rsw36700000gn/T/arduino_build_174552/, 2019_4_10_neotrellisSequencerWithOnOffWithCounter.ino.hex
13:49:50.069 (loader): flash, block=0, bs=1024, auto=1
13:49:50.073 (loader): flash, block=1, bs=1024, auto=1
13:49:50.075 (loader): flash, block=2, bs=1024, auto=1
13:49:50.077 (loader): flash, block=3, bs=1024, auto=1
13:49:50.356 (loader): remote cmd from 20: "status"
13:49:50.357 (reboot 1534): Status: 1, 1, 1, 328, 0, 1, /var/folders/cx/hbt1kn7j6_v4s97g0rsw36700000gn/T/arduino_build_174552/, 2019_4_10_neotrellisSequencerWithOnOffWithCounter.ino.hex
13:49:50.357 (loader): flash, block=4, bs=1024, auto=1
13:49:50.360 (loader): flash, block=5, bs=1024, auto=1
13:49:50.362 (loader): flash, block=6, bs=1024, auto=1
13:49:50.381 (loader): flash, block=7, bs=1024, auto=1
13:49:50.384 (loader): flash, block=8, bs=1024, auto=1
13:49:50.387 (loader): flash, block=9, bs=1024, auto=1
13:49:50.406 (loader): flash, block=10, bs=1024, auto=1
13:49:50.408 (loader): flash, block=11, bs=1024, auto=1
13:49:50.428 (loader): remote cmd from 20: "status"
13:49:50.428 (reboot 1534): Status: 1, 1, 1, 328, 0, 1, /var/folders/cx/hbt1kn7j6_v4s97g0rsw36700000gn/T/arduino_build_174552/, 2019_4_10_neotrellisSequencerWithOnOffWithCounter.ino.hex
13:49:50.429 (loader): flash, block=12, bs=1024, auto=1
13:49:50.432 (loader): flash, block=13, bs=1024, auto=1
13:49:50.434 (loader): flash, block=14, bs=1024, auto=1
13:49:50.454 (loader): flash, block=15, bs=1024, auto=1
13:49:50.456 (loader): flash, block=16, bs=1024, auto=1
13:49:50.459 (loader): flash, block=17, bs=1024, auto=1
13:49:50.477 (loader): flash, block=18, bs=1024, auto=1
13:49:50.480 (loader): remote cmd from 20: "status"
13:49:50.480 (reboot 1534): Status: 1, 1, 1, 328, 0, 1, /var/folders/cx/hbt1kn7j6_v4s97g0rsw36700000gn/T/arduino_build_174552/, 2019_4_10_neotrellisSequencerWithOnOffWithCounter.ino.hex
13:49:50.480 (loader): flash, block=19, bs=1024, auto=1
13:49:50.483 (loader): flash, block=20, bs=1024, auto=1
13:49:50.506 (loader): sending reboot
13:49:50.507 (loader): begin wait_until_offline
13:49:50.508 (loader): HID/macos: status: ok
13:49:50.854 (ports 780): HID remove callback
13:49:50.854 (ports 780): HID add callback, vid=16c0, pid=0478, ver=0103, loc=14500000
13:49:50.854 (ports 780): USB device remove callback
13:49:50.854 (ports 780): remove, loc=14500000
13:49:50.854 (ports 780): usb_remove: usb:14500000
13:49:50.854 (ports 780): del device: location=14500000
13:49:50.863 (loader): HID/macos: detach callback: is currently open device
13:49:50.864 (loader): offline, waited 7
13:49:50.864 (loader): end operation, total time = 0.806 seconds
13:49:50.864 (loader): set background IMG_REBOOT_OK
13:49:50.866 (loader): redraw timer set, image 14 to show for 1200 ms
13:49:50.866 (loader): remote cmd from 20: "status"
13:49:50.868 (loader): HID/macos: number of devices found = 0
13:49:50.868 (loader): HID/macos: no devices found (empty set)
13:49:50.868 (reboot 1534): Status: 1, 1, 0, 328, 0, 0, /var/folders/cx/hbt1kn7j6_v4s97g0rsw36700000gn/T/arduino_build_174552/, 2019_4_10_neotrellisSequencerWithOnOffWithCounter.ino.hex
13:49:50.868 (reboot 1534): status read, retry 5
13:49:50.868 (reboot 1534): Success
13:49:50.868 (reboot 1534): Disconnect
13:49:50.881 (loader): remote connection 20 closed
13:49:50.919 (ports 780): USB device add callback
13:49:50.920 (ports 780):   loc=14500000, vid=16C0, pid=0483, ver=0277, ser=5223380
13:49:50.920 (ports 780):   actual serailnum=522338
13:49:50.920 (ports 780):   found prior teensy at this loc, age=0.066
13:49:50.920 (ports 780):     name: [no_device] (Teensy 3.6) Serial
13:49:52.067 (loader): redraw, image 9
Paul is best to read the Verbose - good info to post in this case.

It seems there is something affecting - so more questions ...

What is connected to the Teensy ? If the 'stuff' can be disconnected or powered off that will add some clarity.

Also it is the code before the upload that would have some chance of slowing the NEXT upload. With nothing active connected … Try uploading a Blink with Serial USB - then do an IDE Auto upload two times in a row those two should work. Then the same with your code.
Paul is best to read the Verbose - good info to post in this case.

It seems there is something affecting - so more questions ...

What is connected to the Teensy ? If the 'stuff' can be disconnected or powered off that will add some clarity.

Also it is the code before the upload that would have some chance of slowing the NEXT upload. With nothing active connected … Try uploading a Blink with Serial USB - then do an IDE Auto upload two times in a row those two should work. Then the same with your code.

Thanks again for your prompt replies.

I have a 16x4 neopixel matrix attached to the SDA/SCL pins (each with pullup resistors to 3.3v): 4 of these boards soldered together horizontally (https://www.adafruit.com/product/3954). Additionally I have 4 leds connected to pins 9, 10, 29 and 30. This will ultimately be a part of a larger project where the matrix will be powered externally.

I've tried disconnecting the neopixel matrix from the SDA/SCL pins prior to upload however have seen both fast/slow speeds with that setup and I'm not able to identify any patterns. Will keep at it. Thanks again for your reply. If I can provide logs for any other scenario that might help to identify the root cause, please let me know.
Do you have another Teensy which isn't connected to other stuff?

I have a couple of others that are parts of other projects. I can try to get at one later tonight and test with it. Do you suggest that I upload my sequencer code repeatedly and just see if I can replicate the problem?
Yes. There's no point pouring a ton of work into analyzing what happening on your Mac if the problem is ultimately caused by something on the Teensy side, like power hogging circuitry interfering with the upload process,
Hello, I have been looking for a project using the Teensy 3.6 and Neotrellis 16x4. I am trying to use the trellis as a sequencer and drum machine. Please can you provide a guide on how you wired it to the teensy and got it working, I have to troubleshoot to see what I'm doing wrong
Hello, I have been looking for a project using the Teensy 3.6 and Neotrellis 16x4. I am trying to use the trellis as a sequencer and drum machine. Please can you provide a guide on how you wired it to the teensy and got it working, I have to troubleshoot to see what I'm doing wrong

Please start a new thread and I will reply there. Include what you have tried and what isn't working.
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