Teensy disappeared while programming it, no response from reset button

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I have Teensy3.2 + audio board, attached to a pcb that's been working fine for the last week or more. I was doing prototyping, uploading code to the teensy and nothing else, and then suddenly the teensy disappeared, no modem found, no lights on, no one seems to be home.

I'm 100% sure it's not been fried as they only thing powering it has been a usb lead from a computer, unless some other fatal flaw has happened whilst uploading code which I highly doubt. No voltage spikes are going to be sent from a mac usb port as then we'd all be frying teensy's.

Is there any way to troubleshoot past this guide: https://www.pjrc.com/teensy/troubleshoot.html

I'm not powering other devices, only reading buttons, pots and lighting an led, the pcb with the pots/knobs has been working perfectly.

I don't understand how it can work fine and then go kaput for no reason.

Any way I can test what could be the problem?
No wires in the whole build, nothing got unplugged.

So gutted, so out of the blue, nothing provoked the crash which is even more worrying. Could this happen at anytime when you deploy something that's built with a teensy.

The other horrible thing is that is was in a container, nothing touched it or could touch it, only the usb cable, which can't have spiked the teensy while programming it.

Ahh fuck this is brutal. Horrible. I've read other posts of people randomly bricking teensy's but I honestly thought they were just unlucky; as opposed to this is actually part of the functionality of the teensy.
ok I'm not entirely sure what happened but after pressing on the reset button for ages it appeared again in the ports as something, HID or something.

Seems to be back in action now. WTF just happened?
ok I'm not entirely sure what happened but after pressing on the reset button for ages it appeared again in the ports as something, HID or something.

Seems to be back in action now. WTF just happened?

That button is not a Reset button. Whenever pushed it stops execution and puts the processor into Bootloader mode that is the Program button as part of the PJRC programming process.
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