Teensy 3.2 Serial1 different baud rates for sending and receiving

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New member
Is it possible to use the send and receive pins of the Teensy 3.2 Serial1 at differnet baud rates? I would like to receive at 9600 and send at 115200 at the same time.

I know the easiest solution would be to use two ports but due to other limitations Serial1 is all I have available.

Thank you
Use 2 serial ports, rx from one at 9600, tx from another using 115200
you still have 2 wires, but different rates :)

well it can be bitbangged using frank’s serial code somewhere on forum, serial1 for 9600 rx, bitbanged 115200 for sending

if your pins are in use you could always map those ports to unused pins, to gain access..
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