Teensy 3.2 - CAN monitoring without Transceiver

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New member
I would like to "monitor" an existing CAN-bus with a Teensy 3.2. I've seen mentioned many times on this forum that this can be done without a transceiver. I am confused however as to how to connect the Teensy to the bus, in relation to how the CAN-H, CAN-L lines should be connected to the Teensy board.

If anyone could please help me with this it would be greatly appreciated.

Thanks in advance, Liam
I've not seen the suggested posts. To connect to active transceiver lines would take another transceiver. AFAIK the voltage levels of the CANL and CANH lines is higher than 3.3V - and certainly not designed to directly connect to Teensy pins.

What I have seen was a diagram where to CAN ports - without transceivers - can be directly connected with a diode IIRC shown in a diagram in those posts.
Thankyou defragster, maybe I misunderstood the posts. I've also seen to teensy to teensy via a diode diagram, that's not what I meant. I'll get hold of a transceiver for this project.

Thanks again for the reply.
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