What is delivered with the Audio board?

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Well-known member

I am on the way to order one the Audio boards which are made for the Teensies for my Teensy 3.6.

I am a little unsure what is in the package.

Do I need some extra connectors, headphone jacks, batteries, solar panels or flux compensators,
to get this board working to its full extent?

Thanks for any help in advance!
Usually a pair of the 14 pin sockets and a pair of 14 pin headers are needed (sold separately), to join it to the Teensy.

It comes with a headphone jack, so you can just plug headphones in.
Hi Paul,

headphone jacks included - good to know!
Headers are not that difficult ... I have quite a few spare of them (urks...the second
part of the sentence looks horrible wrong...hopefully it is understable somehow nonetheless...)

No headaches in getting headphones jacks that fits... :) :)

Ah! By the way: If my memory servs me right...there is a multipart audio
tutorial which uses a few potentiometers...of what value they are (or what value
is recommended)...I would like to order them together with the audio board.

Thanks a lot for your help!
Have a nice weekend!
Hi Paul.

sorry Paul, I didn't looked on the webpage...the question came just into
my mind as I wrote the previous post.
Thanks for the link! :)

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