How can I tell if I broke my teensy?

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Hi, I've been messing around with some code for making a midi controller. I got a basic test to work with several code examples but no matter what the pot would only show from 0-60 on midi monitor. As a test i plugged the 5v pin directly in to the analog in pin I was using, sure enough it read 127. But when I hooked the pot back up it had stopped working. I've tried reloading the sketch, I've unplugged it and plugged it back in, I've tried loading the blink sketch (and got no blinking). The thing is the process of loading the code seems to go fine, the teensy just doesn't do anything. Did I fry my teensy? How can I test it?

Hi Paul, I'm using a 2.0.

After clearing my head I did a little more testing, I've got 5v on the 5v pin and it seems that all at once one of my breadboard leads developed a short and the pot I was using went awry. Seems weird, but yeah, the one lead won't buzz out and resistance measurements on the pot are really strange even disconnected from the circuit (10k across 1 & 2 but 23k-ish from wiper to either lug regardless of position)

So, I need to sort that out first, but I'm confused why I couldn't run the blink sketch, but maybe I was just flustered and made some sort of mistake.
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