coding for teensy 3.5 new posting

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Dave Martin

New member
I have purchased a teensy board 3.5. A tech friend gave me his diagram of how to connect an organ pedal board to it. That stage has been successful and had the teensy board been recognized by windows settings as a usb midi.
I have followed the instructions on the web site (

Now i have no idea on what coding is needed and would love some help. I have 3 usb midi keyboard controllers that have also been plugged in and no problems with those.

I feel i am missing some coding into the arduino program. I have pressed the tick buttom and pressed the button on the board. For the first coupe of attempts the phase "hello world" kept repeating over and over. I have uninstalled the arduino program 3 times, on the 4th windows has accepted it as a usb midi. So please what am i missed??? you can respond to my email address
thanks in advance.

Here is the coding i have copied so far from arduino. Also my 3 midi controller keyboards are showing in windows settings as masterkey 61. All three keyboards are names the same.

/* Create a "class compliant " USB to 3 MIDI IN and 3 MIDI OUT interface.

MIDI receive (6N138 optocoupler) input circuit and series resistor
outputs need to be connected to Serial1, Serial2 and Serial3.

You must select MIDIx4 from the "Tools > USB Type" menu

This example code is in the public domain.

#include <MIDI.h>

// Create the Serial MIDI ports
MIDI_CREATE_INSTANCE(HardwareSerial, Serial1, MIDI1);
MIDI_CREATE_INSTANCE(HardwareSerial, Serial2, MIDI2);
MIDI_CREATE_INSTANCE(HardwareSerial, Serial3, MIDI3);

// A variable to know how long the LED has been turned on
elapsedMillis ledOnMillis;

void setup() {
pinMode(13, OUTPUT); // LED pin
digitalWrite(13, LOW);

void loop() {
bool activity = false;

if ( {
// get a MIDI IN1 (Serial) message
byte type = MIDI1.getType();
byte channel = MIDI1.getChannel();
byte data1 = MIDI1.getData1();
byte data2 = MIDI1.getData2();

// forward the message to USB MIDI virtual cable #0
if (type != midi::SystemExclusive) {
// Normal messages, simply give the data to the usbMIDI.send()
usbMIDI.send(type, data1, data2, channel, 0);
} else {
// SysEx messages are special. The message length is given in data1 & data2
unsigned int SysExLength = data1 + data2 * 256;
usbMIDI.sendSysEx(SysExLength, MIDI1.getSysExArray(), true, 0);
activity = true;

if ( {
// get a MIDI IN2 (Serial) message
byte type = MIDI2.getType();
byte channel = MIDI2.getChannel();
byte data1 = MIDI2.getData1();
byte data2 = MIDI2.getData2();

// forward the message to USB MIDI virtual cable #1
if (type != midi::SystemExclusive) {
// Normal messages, simply give the data to the usbMIDI.send()
usbMIDI.send(type, data1, data2, channel, 1);
} else {
// SysEx messages are special. The message length is given in data1 & data2
unsigned int SysExLength = data1 + data2 * 256;
usbMIDI.sendSysEx(SysExLength, MIDI1.getSysExArray(), true, 1);
activity = true;

if ( {
// get a MIDI IN1 (Serial) message
byte type = MIDI3.getType();
byte channel = MIDI3.getChannel();
byte data1 = MIDI3.getData1();
byte data2 = MIDI3.getData2();

// forward the message to USB MIDI virtual cable #0
if (type != midi::SystemExclusive) {
// Normal messages, simply give the data to the usbMIDI.send()
usbMIDI.send(type, data1, data2, channel, 2);
} else {
// SysEx messages are special. The message length is given in data1 & data2
unsigned int SysExLength = data1 + data2 * 256;
usbMIDI.sendSysEx(SysExLength, MIDI1.getSysExArray(), true, 2);
activity = true;

if ( {
// get the USB MIDI message, defined by these 5 numbers (except SysEX)
byte type = usbMIDI.getType();
byte channel = usbMIDI.getChannel();
byte data1 = usbMIDI.getData1();
byte data2 = usbMIDI.getData2();
byte cable = usbMIDI.getCable();

// forward this message to 1 of the 3 Serial MIDI OUT ports
if (type != usbMIDI.SystemExclusive) {
// Normal messages, first we must convert usbMIDI's type (an ordinary
// byte) to the MIDI library's special MidiType.
midi::MidiType mtype = (midi::MidiType)type;

// Then simply give the data to the MIDI library send()
switch (cable) {
case 0:
MIDI1.send(mtype, data1, data2, channel);
case 1:
MIDI2.send(mtype, data1, data2, channel);
case 2:
MIDI3.send(mtype, data1, data2, channel);

} else {
// SysEx messages are special. The message length is given in data1 & data2
unsigned int SysExLength = data1 + data2 * 256;
switch (cable) {
case 0:
MIDI1.sendSysEx(SysExLength, usbMIDI.getSysExArray(), true);
case 1:
MIDI2.sendSysEx(SysExLength, usbMIDI.getSysExArray(), true);
case 2:
MIDI3.sendSysEx(SysExLength, usbMIDI.getSysExArray(), true);
activity = true;

// blink the LED when any activity has happened
if (activity) {
digitalWriteFast(13, HIGH); // LED on
ledOnMillis = 0;
if (ledOnMillis > 15) {
digitalWriteFast(13, LOW); // LED off

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