Tensorflow on Teensy

Hi all, I have some exciting news; Tensorflow Lite for Microcontrollers can be run fairly easily on the Teensy!

For a bit of background, my research centers on music technology and embedded systems, but I had consciously avoided AI/ML for years because it felt too much like a buzzword and not at all aligned with my interests. My mind began to change in the first half of this year, though, with the advent of things like the Sparkfun Edge, Google Coral, and Nvidia Jetson Nano. The SF Edge piqued my interest in particular because microcontrollers are my jam, but I was disappointed by the maturity of software support (e.g. having to drop down almost to assembly to toggle an LED), so I decided to take a shot at porting TFLite to the Teensy in late May 2019.

Long story short, I succeeded in getting the darn thing to compile, but it was a rough experience; lots of thrashing around with Makefiles, spurious clobbered newlines, and other evils. In the end my proof of concept was to hijack the TF code's main function with a blinking LED loop, showing that at least the function was getting called. Cool, but not very substantive and not well-documented so I'll leave it at that.

Fast-forward to last week, I took this project off the back burner and decided to try again; things have gotten a lot better since then (TF is always under heavy development)! Here's what I've got so far:

0) Intro / Caveats

-> The hello_world example only runs on the T4.0 at the moment, I'm getting a linker error on T3.x which I could use some help from the community on, I'll detail this at the bottom of my post. The micro_speech example, however, runs on the T4.0 as well as the 3.2 and 3.5 (don't have a 3.6 with stacking headers handy at the moment but I'm confident it will work).

-> We will be modifying code within an Arduino library generated for each TF project. It is simpler initially to download and install the nightly build .zip of each project (hello_world and micro_speech) as described in their respective READMEs, but I had some trouble with the speech example breaking after trying a fresh copy from a few days after my initial success. In the end it's best to clone the entire Tensorflow repo and generate the project .zips from there, again as described in the READMEs; that way one can do a checkout of previous commits in case things get funky. Note that when you unzip this generated library there's a top-level folder labeled 'arduino' which contains a recursive copy of the whole codebase; weird, and I usually just delete it, but it can be safely ignored, the code the library uses is in the top-level 'src' directory.

-> The existing speech model was trained at 16KHz, so I've had to include code for the T4.0 (from Frank B by way of el_supremo) and for the T3.x to change the sample rate of the Audio Shield to 16KHz. Retraining the model for 44.1KHz is an ugly process which currently includes Docker, building all of TF from source, and *hours* of training time. Yuck. Also 44.1KHz is kinda overkill for speech recognition (but would makes interoperability with the rest of the Audio Library nicer). Would like to streamline this process in the next few weeks.

1) hello_world (A fading LED):

To get started, let's look at the hello_world page; a neural network is trained to reproduce the sine function and fade an LED according to it. So the great news is that this runs *out of the box* on the T4.0, but when I first ran it the LED seemed solidly illuminated. What gives? Well, in a moderately hilarious twist, it's because the T4.0 is much faster than the reference platform (the just-released Nano 33 BLE Sense, Cortex-M4F @64MHz), so terrifyingly fast that it's fading faster than the eye can see! It seems the TF authors neglected to include any throttling to limit the rate at which the neural network actually reports results.

The solution is to simply add a delay(1) at the end of the HandleOutput function in hello_world/src/tensorflow/lite/experimental/micro/examples/hello_world/arduino/output_handler.cpp :

/* Copyright 2019 The TensorFlow Authors. All Rights Reserved.

Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at


Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.

#include "tensorflow/lite/experimental/micro/examples/hello_world/output_handler.h"

#include "Arduino.h"
#include "tensorflow/lite/experimental/micro/examples/hello_world/constants.h"

// The pin of the Arduino's built-in LED
int led = LED_BUILTIN;

// Track whether the function has run at least once
bool initialized = false;

// Animates a dot across the screen to represent the current x and y values
void HandleOutput(tflite::ErrorReporter* error_reporter, float x_value,
                  float y_value) {
  // Do this only once
  if (!initialized) {
    // Set the LED pin to output
    pinMode(led, OUTPUT);
    initialized = true;

  // Calculate the brightness of the LED such that y=-1 is fully off
  // and y=1 is fully on. The LED's brightness can range from 0-255.
  int brightness = (int)(127.5f * (y_value + 1));

  // Set the brightness of the LED. If the specified pin does not support PWM,
  // this will result in the LED being on when y > 127, off otherwise.
  analogWrite(led, brightness);

  // Log the current brightness value for display in the Arduino plotter
  error_reporter->Report("%d\n", brightness);

  delay(1); // Slow things down a bit

This limits the speed of the mod to yield a reasonable, visually-apparent sinusoidal fading of the LED.

2) micro_speech (Speech recognition of "yes" and "no"):

As described in the README, this demonstrates how to run a model which recognizes keywords from an incoming audio stream. I'm using an electret microphone soldered to a Rev B Audio Shield, with a breadboard for the necessary pin rerouting when using the T4.0.

Fortunately the TF authors have done a good job on modularity, so on the T4.0 all the necessary changes live in one file: micro_speech/src/tensorflow/lite/experimental/micro/examples/micro_speech/arduino/audio_provider.cpp :

/* Copyright 2018 The TensorFlow Authors. All Rights Reserved.

Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at


Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.

#include "tensorflow/lite/experimental/micro/examples/micro_speech/audio_provider.h"
#include "tensorflow/lite/experimental/micro/examples/micro_speech/micro_features/micro_model_settings.h"

// For Teensy audio
#include <Audio.h>
#include <Wire.h>
#include <SPI.h>

// Needed for changing sample rate on T4.0
#if defined(__IMXRT1052__) || defined(__IMXRT1062__)
#include <utility/imxrt_hw.h>

// Teensy Audio Library objects
AudioInputI2S            i2s1;
AudioRecordQueue         queue1;
AudioConnection          patchCord1(i2s1, 0, queue1, 0);
AudioControlSGTL5000     sgtl5000_1;

// which input on the audio shield will be used?
// const int myInput = AUDIO_INPUT_LINEIN;
const int myInput = AUDIO_INPUT_MIC;

// For changing audio sample rate
void setI2SFreq(int freq) {
#if defined(KINETISK) // Teensy 3.2/3.5/3.6
  typedef struct {
    uint8_t mult;
    uint16_t div;
  } __attribute__((__packed__)) tmclk;
  const int numfreqs = 14;
  const int samplefreqs[numfreqs] = { 8000, 11025, 16000, 22050, 32000, 44100, 44117.64706 , 48000, 88200, 44117.64706 * 2, 96000, 176400, 44117.64706 * 4, 192000};

#if (F_PLL==16000000)
  const tmclk clkArr[numfreqs] = {{16, 125}, {148, 839}, {32, 125}, {145, 411}, {64, 125}, {151, 214}, {12, 17}, {96, 125}, {151, 107}, {24, 17}, {192, 125}, {127, 45}, {48, 17}, {255, 83} };
#elif (F_PLL==72000000)
  const tmclk clkArr[numfreqs] = {{32, 1125}, {49, 1250}, {64, 1125}, {49, 625}, {128, 1125}, {98, 625}, {8, 51}, {64, 375}, {196, 625}, {16, 51}, {128, 375}, {249, 397}, {32, 51}, {185, 271} };
#elif (F_PLL==96000000)
  const tmclk clkArr[numfreqs] = {{8, 375}, {73, 2483}, {16, 375}, {147, 2500}, {32, 375}, {147, 1250}, {2, 17}, {16, 125}, {147, 625}, {4, 17}, {32, 125}, {151, 321}, {8, 17}, {64, 125} };
#elif (F_PLL==120000000)
  const tmclk clkArr[numfreqs] = {{32, 1875}, {89, 3784}, {64, 1875}, {147, 3125}, {128, 1875}, {205, 2179}, {8, 85}, {64, 625}, {89, 473}, {16, 85}, {128, 625}, {178, 473}, {32, 85}, {145, 354} };
#elif (F_PLL==144000000)
  const tmclk clkArr[numfreqs] = {{16, 1125}, {49, 2500}, {32, 1125}, {49, 1250}, {64, 1125}, {49, 625}, {4, 51}, {32, 375}, {98, 625}, {8, 51}, {64, 375}, {196, 625}, {16, 51}, {128, 375} };
#elif (F_PLL==180000000)
  const tmclk clkArr[numfreqs] = {{46, 4043}, {49, 3125}, {73, 3208}, {98, 3125}, {183, 4021}, {196, 3125}, {16, 255}, {128, 1875}, {107, 853}, {32, 255}, {219, 1604}, {214, 853}, {64, 255}, {219, 802} };
#elif (F_PLL==192000000)
  const tmclk clkArr[numfreqs] = {{4, 375}, {37, 2517}, {8, 375}, {73, 2483}, {16, 375}, {147, 2500}, {1, 17}, {8, 125}, {147, 1250}, {2, 17}, {16, 125}, {147, 625}, {4, 17}, {32, 125} };
#elif (F_PLL==216000000)
  const tmclk clkArr[numfreqs] = {{32, 3375}, {49, 3750}, {64, 3375}, {49, 1875}, {128, 3375}, {98, 1875}, {8, 153}, {64, 1125}, {196, 1875}, {16, 153}, {128, 1125}, {226, 1081}, {32, 153}, {147, 646} };
#elif (F_PLL==240000000)
  const tmclk clkArr[numfreqs] = {{16, 1875}, {29, 2466}, {32, 1875}, {89, 3784}, {64, 1875}, {147, 3125}, {4, 85}, {32, 625}, {205, 2179}, {8, 85}, {64, 625}, {89, 473}, {16, 85}, {128, 625} };

  for (int f = 0; f < numfreqs; f++) {
    if ( freq == samplefreqs[f] ) {
      while (I2S0_MCR & I2S_MCR_DUF) ;
      I2S0_MDR = I2S_MDR_FRACT((clkArr[f].mult - 1)) | I2S_MDR_DIVIDE((clkArr[f].div - 1));
#elif defined(__IMXRT1062__) // Teensy 4.0
  // PLL between 27*24 = 648MHz und 54*24=1296MHz
  int n1 = 4; //SAI prescaler 4 => (n1*n2) = multiple of 4
  int n2 = 1 + (24000000 * 27) / (freq * 256 * n1);
  double C = ((double)freq * 256 * n1 * n2) / 24000000;
  int c0 = C;
  int c2 = 10000;
  int c1 = C * c2 - (c0 * c2);
  set_audioClock(c0, c1, c2, true);
      | CCM_CS1CDR_SAI1_CLK_PRED(n1-1) // &0x07
      | CCM_CS1CDR_SAI1_CLK_PODF(n2-1); // &0x3f

namespace {
bool g_is_audio_initialized = false;
// An internal buffer able to fit 16x our sample size
// AUDIO_BLOCK_SAMPLES is 128 by default in the Teensy Audio Library
constexpr int kAudioCaptureBufferSize = AUDIO_BLOCK_SAMPLES * 16;
int16_t g_audio_capture_buffer[kAudioCaptureBufferSize];
// A buffer that holds our output
int16_t g_audio_output_buffer[kMaxAudioSampleSize];
// Mark as volatile so we can check in a while loop to see if
// any samples have arrived yet.
volatile int32_t g_latest_audio_timestamp = 0;
}  // namespace

void CaptureSamples() {
  // This is how many bytes of new data we have each time this is called
  const int number_of_samples = AUDIO_BLOCK_SAMPLES;
  // Calculate what timestamp the last audio sample represents
  const int32_t time_in_ms =
    g_latest_audio_timestamp +
    (number_of_samples / (kAudioSampleFrequency / 1000));
  // Determine the index, in the history of all samples, of the last sample
  const int32_t start_sample_offset =
    g_latest_audio_timestamp * (kAudioSampleFrequency / 1000);
  // Determine the index of this sample in our ring buffer
  const int capture_index = start_sample_offset % kAudioCaptureBufferSize;
  // Read the data to the correct place in our buffer
  if (queue1.available()) {
    memcpy(g_audio_capture_buffer + capture_index, queue1.readBuffer(), AUDIO_BLOCK_SAMPLES * sizeof(int16_t));
  // This is how we let the outside world know that new audio data has arrived.
  g_latest_audio_timestamp = time_in_ms;

TfLiteStatus InitAudioRecording(tflite::ErrorReporter* error_reporter) {
  // Teensy Audio initialization stuff
  // Audio connections require memory, and the record queue
  // uses this memory to buffer incoming audio.

  // Enable the audio shield, select input, adjust mic gain

  // This is important, the model was trained at a 16KHz sample rate

  // Start up the recording queue

  // Block until we have our first audio sample
  while (!g_latest_audio_timestamp) {
    LatestAudioTimestamp(); // This function polls the queue for incoming blocks

  return kTfLiteOk;

TfLiteStatus GetAudioSamples(tflite::ErrorReporter* error_reporter,
                             int start_ms, int duration_ms,
                             int* audio_samples_size, int16_t** audio_samples) {
  // Set everything up to start receiving audio
  if (!g_is_audio_initialized) {
    TfLiteStatus init_status = InitAudioRecording(error_reporter);
    if (init_status != kTfLiteOk) {
      return init_status;
    g_is_audio_initialized = true;
  // This next part should only be called when the main thread notices that the
  // latest audio sample data timestamp has changed, so that there's new data
  // in the capture ring buffer. The ring buffer will eventually wrap around and
  // overwrite the data, but the assumption is that the main thread is checking
  // often enough and the buffer is large enough that this call will be made
  // before that happens.

  // Determine the index, in the history of all samples, of the first
  // sample we want
  const int start_offset = start_ms * (kAudioSampleFrequency / 1000);
  // Determine how many samples we want in total
  const int duration_sample_count =
      duration_ms * (kAudioSampleFrequency / 1000);
  for (int i = 0; i < duration_sample_count; ++i) {
    // For each sample, transform its index in the history of all samples into
    // its index in g_audio_capture_buffer
    const int capture_index = (start_offset + i) % kAudioCaptureBufferSize;
    // Write the sample to the output buffer
    g_audio_output_buffer[i] = g_audio_capture_buffer[capture_index];

  // Set pointers to provide access to the audio
  *audio_samples_size = kMaxAudioSampleSize;
  *audio_samples = g_audio_output_buffer;

  return kTfLiteOk;

// main.cpp calls this, checking if the timestamp has advanced; if so it assumes
// there are new sample blocks available, and tries to invoke the interpreter
int32_t LatestAudioTimestamp() {
  // Are there new blocks available, and if so how many?
  int num_blocks = queue1.available();
  if (num_blocks > 0) {
    // For all new blocks, call CaptureSamples()
    for (int i = 0; i < num_blocks; i++) {

  // Any successful calls to CaptureSamples() in the above loop will have
  // advanced the timestamp, return it here
  return g_latest_audio_timestamp;

The code makes the builtin LED flicker as it's listening, and it lights up solid for 3 seconds if it hears the word "yes". More info is available in the Arduino Serial Monitor (i.e. recognized "no", unknowns, timestamps, etc.); I'm currently getting a lot of 'Couldn't push_back latest result, too many already!' messages, but I suspect this is largely a limitation of the current model and its handrolled queue data structure, not the fault of the Teensy (although the prodigious speed of T4.0 might be exacerbating things).

For the T3.x, two additional changes must be made:
a) The builtin LED on pin 13 cannot be used because it's the I2S RX pin on the Audio Shield. The LED can be changed by modifying micro_speech/src/tensorflow/lite/experimental/micro/examples/micro_speech/arduino/command_responder.cpp, I've omitted the code here for brevity since it's a rather simple change but can share if anyone wants.
b) Template argument deduction fails (double-float mismatch) in a call to std::min() in micro_speech/src/tensorflow/lite/kernels/internal/quantization_util.cpp on line 291. The fix is to do a static_cast<double> to both args, as follows:

// const double input_beta_real_multiplier = std::min(
//     beta * input_scale * (1 << (31 - input_integer_bits)), (1ll << 31) - 1.0);
  const double input_beta_real_multiplier = std::min(
      static_cast<double>(beta * input_scale * (1 << (31 - input_integer_bits))),
      static_cast<double>((1ll << 31) - 1.0));

I've included a .zip of the example with all the necessary changes if anyone would like to take it for a spin without diving headfirst into wrangling with TF itself.

3) The T3.x Linker Error:

As I mentioned, I'm getting an error with the hello_world example when compiling for the T3.x (MacOS Mojave 10.14.6, Arduino 1.8.9, Teensyduino 1.47). After adding the aforementioned delay(1) and std::min() casts, I get the following error:

/Applications/Arduino.app/Contents/Java/hardware/teensy/../tools/arm/bin/arm-none-eabi-gcc-ar rcs /var/folders/gh/k9281zxj157gwxrs7fnbz8940000gn/T/arduino_build_181345/core/core.a /var/folders/gh/k9281zxj157gwxrs7fnbz8940000gn/T/arduino_build_181345/core/yield.cpp.o
Archiving built core (caching) in: /var/folders/gh/k9281zxj157gwxrs7fnbz8940000gn/T/arduino_cache_745649/core/core_teensy_avr_teensy31_usb_serial,speed_96,opt_o2std,keys_en-us_cee3a1d70ca5f7f18ab44a012a95ee10.a
Linking everything together...
/Applications/Arduino.app/Contents/Java/hardware/teensy/../tools/arm/bin/arm-none-eabi-gcc -O2 -Wl,--gc-sections,--relax,--defsym=__rtc_localtime=1567176756 -T/Applications/Arduino.app/Contents/Java/hardware/teensy/avr/cores/teensy3/mk20dx256.ld -lstdc++ -mthumb -mcpu=cortex-m4 -fsingle-precision-constant -o /var/folders/gh/k9281zxj157gwxrs7fnbz8940000gn/T/arduino_build_181345/hello_world.ino.elf /var/folders/gh/k9281zxj157gwxrs7fnbz8940000gn/T/arduino_build_181345/sketch/hello_world.ino.cpp.o /var/folders/gh/k9281zxj157gwxrs7fnbz8940000gn/T/arduino_build_181345/libraries/hello_world/tensorflow/lite/c/c_api_internal.c.o /var/folders/gh/k9281zxj157gwxrs7fnbz8940000gn/T/arduino_build_181345/libraries/hello_world/tensorflow/lite/core/api/error_reporter.cpp.o /var/folders/gh/k9281zxj157gwxrs7fnbz8940000gn/T/arduino_build_181345/libraries/hello_world/tensorflow/lite/core/api/flatbuffer_conversions.cpp.o /var/folders/gh/k9281zxj157gwxrs7fnbz8940000gn/T/arduino_build_181345/libraries/hello_world/tensorflow/lite/core/api/op_resolver.cpp.o /var/folders/gh/k9281zxj157gwxrs7fnbz8940000gn/T/arduino_build_181345/libraries/hello_world/tensorflow/lite/experimental/micro/arduino/debug_log.cpp.o /var/folders/gh/k9281zxj157gwxrs7fnbz8940000gn/T/arduino_build_181345/libraries/hello_world/tensorflow/lite/experimental/micro/debug_log_numbers.cpp.o /var/folders/gh/k9281zxj157gwxrs7fnbz8940000gn/T/arduino_build_181345/libraries/hello_world/tensorflow/lite/experimental/micro/examples/hello_world/arduino/constants.cpp.o /var/folders/gh/k9281zxj157gwxrs7fnbz8940000gn/T/arduino_build_181345/libraries/hello_world/tensorflow/lite/experimental/micro/examples/hello_world/arduino/output_handler.cpp.o /var/folders/gh/k9281zxj157gwxrs7fnbz8940000gn/T/arduino_build_181345/libraries/hello_world/tensorflow/lite/experimental/micro/examples/hello_world/main.cpp.o /var/folders/gh/k9281zxj157gwxrs7fnbz8940000gn/T/arduino_build_181345/libraries/hello_world/tensorflow/lite/experimental/micro/examples/hello_world/sine_model_data.cpp.o /var/folders/gh/k9281zxj157gwxrs7fnbz8940000gn/T/arduino_build_181345/libraries/hello_world/tensorflow/lite/experimental/micro/kernels/all_ops_resolver.cpp.o /var/folders/gh/k9281zxj157gwxrs7fnbz8940000gn/T/arduino_build_181345/libraries/hello_world/tensorflow/lite/experimental/micro/kernels/arg_min_max.cpp.o /var/folders/gh/k9281zxj157gwxrs7fnbz8940000gn/T/arduino_build_181345/libraries/hello_world/tensorflow/lite/experimental/micro/kernels/ceil.cpp.o /var/folders/gh/k9281zxj157gwxrs7fnbz8940000gn/T/arduino_build_181345/libraries/hello_world/tensorflow/lite/experimental/micro/kernels/comparisons.cpp.o /var/folders/gh/k9281zxj157gwxrs7fnbz8940000gn/T/arduino_build_181345/libraries/hello_world/tensorflow/lite/experimental/micro/kernels/conv.cpp.o /var/folders/gh/k9281zxj157gwxrs7fnbz8940000gn/T/arduino_build_181345/libraries/hello_world/tensorflow/lite/experimental/micro/kernels/depthwise_conv.cpp.o /var/folders/gh/k9281zxj157gwxrs7fnbz8940000gn/T/arduino_build_181345/libraries/hello_world/tensorflow/lite/experimental/micro/kernels/elementwise.cpp.o /var/folders/gh/k9281zxj157gwxrs7fnbz8940000gn/T/arduino_build_181345/libraries/hello_world/tensorflow/lite/experimental/micro/kernels/floor.cpp.o /var/folders/gh/k9281zxj157gwxrs7fnbz8940000gn/T/arduino_build_181345/libraries/hello_world/tensorflow/lite/experimental/micro/kernels/fully_connected.cpp.o /var/folders/gh/k9281zxj157gwxrs7fnbz8940000gn/T/arduino_build_181345/libraries/hello_world/tensorflow/lite/experimental/micro/kernels/logical.cpp.o /var/folders/gh/k9281zxj157gwxrs7fnbz8940000gn/T/arduino_build_181345/libraries/hello_world/tensorflow/lite/experimental/micro/kernels/maximum_minimum.cpp.o /var/folders/gh/k9281zxj157gwxrs7fnbz8940000gn/T/arduino_build_181345/libraries/hello_world/tensorflow/lite/experimental/micro/kernels/pack.cpp.o /var/folders/gh/k9281zxj157gwxrs7fnbz8940000gn/T/arduino_build_181345/libraries/hello_world/tensorflow/lite/experimental/micro/kernels/pooling.cpp.o /var/folders/gh/k9281zxj157gwxrs7fnbz8940000gn/T/arduino_build_181345/libraries/hello_world/tensorflow/lite/experimental/micro/kernels/prelu.cpp.o /var/folders/gh/k9281zxj157gwxrs7fnbz8940000gn/T/arduino_build_181345/libraries/hello_world/tensorflow/lite/experimental/micro/kernels/reshape.cpp.o /var/folders/gh/k9281zxj157gwxrs7fnbz8940000gn/T/arduino_build_181345/libraries/hello_world/tensorflow/lite/experimental/micro/kernels/round.cpp.o /var/folders/gh/k9281zxj157gwxrs7fnbz8940000gn/T/arduino_build_181345/libraries/hello_world/tensorflow/lite/experimental/micro/kernels/softmax.cpp.o /var/folders/gh/k9281zxj157gwxrs7fnbz8940000gn/T/arduino_build_181345/libraries/hello_world/tensorflow/lite/experimental/micro/kernels/split.cpp.o /var/folders/gh/k9281zxj157gwxrs7fnbz8940000gn/T/arduino_build_181345/libraries/hello_world/tensorflow/lite/experimental/micro/kernels/strided_slice.cpp.o /var/folders/gh/k9281zxj157gwxrs7fnbz8940000gn/T/arduino_build_181345/libraries/hello_world/tensorflow/lite/experimental/micro/kernels/unpack.cpp.o /var/folders/gh/k9281zxj157gwxrs7fnbz8940000gn/T/arduino_build_181345/libraries/hello_world/tensorflow/lite/experimental/micro/micro_allocator.cpp.o /var/folders/gh/k9281zxj157gwxrs7fnbz8940000gn/T/arduino_build_181345/libraries/hello_world/tensorflow/lite/experimental/micro/micro_error_reporter.cpp.o /var/folders/gh/k9281zxj157gwxrs7fnbz8940000gn/T/arduino_build_181345/libraries/hello_world/tensorflow/lite/experimental/micro/micro_interpreter.cpp.o /var/folders/gh/k9281zxj157gwxrs7fnbz8940000gn/T/arduino_build_181345/libraries/hello_world/tensorflow/lite/experimental/micro/micro_mutable_op_resolver.cpp.o /var/folders/gh/k9281zxj157gwxrs7fnbz8940000gn/T/arduino_build_181345/libraries/hello_world/tensorflow/lite/experimental/micro/simple_tensor_allocator.cpp.o /var/folders/gh/k9281zxj157gwxrs7fnbz8940000gn/T/arduino_build_181345/libraries/hello_world/tensorflow/lite/kernels/internal/quantization_util.cpp.o /var/folders/gh/k9281zxj157gwxrs7fnbz8940000gn/T/arduino_build_181345/libraries/hello_world/tensorflow/lite/kernels/kernel_util.cpp.o /var/folders/gh/k9281zxj157gwxrs7fnbz8940000gn/T/arduino_build_181345/core/core.a -L/var/folders/gh/k9281zxj157gwxrs7fnbz8940000gn/T/arduino_build_181345 -larm_cortexM4l_math -lm
/Applications/Arduino.app/Contents/Java/hardware/tools/arm/bin/../lib/gcc/arm-none-eabi/5.4.1/../../../../arm-none-eabi/lib/armv7e-m/libc.a(lib_a-writer.o): In function `_write_r':
writer.c:(.text._write_r+0x12): undefined reference to `_write'
collect2: error: ld returned 1 exit status
Using library hello_world at version 1.13 in folder: /Users/andrew/Documents/Arduino/libraries/hello_world 
Error compiling for board Teensy 3.2 / 3.1.

From the poking around I've done on the PJRC forums and elsewhere, it seems like sometimes this has to do with printf() stuff, but this doesn't make sense because the much more complex micro_speech example is printing to the serial port just fine on T3.x. So is there some subtle bug buried within the compiler flags that would cause this behavior on T3.x but not T4.0? Note I've also tried downgrading Arduino to 1.8.7, and/or Teensyduino to 1.46 which didn't give me these issues during my initial efforts back in May. I've included a .zip of the example which reproduces this issue. Any ideas?

4) Future Directions

This is all very exciting, but there's still work to be done. For one thing, speech recognition accuracy is not that great on the T3.x, I suspect it may take some tweaking of the model's thresholding and averaging strategies to get rid of chattering duplicate results and missed commands. For another thing, for portability the FFT routines being used do not take advantage of any of the DSP accelerations available in ARM. There's some talk in the TFLite README of how to make target optimized kernels using CMSIS-NN, but a cursory try at building and running a library generated this way did not seem to yield any improved results, I'll have to dig deeper.

Needless to say, Tensorflow is a comprehensive general purpose framework, so it's fertile ground for many AI/ML applications outside speech recognition; the robustness and maturity of the Teensy ecosystem may prove invaluable for some of these efforts. Thank you Paul and the entire PJRC community!



  • micro_speech.zip
    387.8 KB · Views: 503
  • hello_world.zip
    279.3 KB · Views: 287
Nice work! I looked at the SFun board - registered for 'out of stock notice' a few times - and it was repeatedly out before returning … and I kept looking and seeing little movement on development so I quit looking - and the 64 MHz … versus 600 MHz Teensy 4 made me wonder if … and you did it!

Only briefly scanned half your post so far … the delay(1) is ugly but there will be a better way … does delayMicroseconds( 1000 ); or delayMicroseconds( 100 ); work better for now?
Congratulations on getting TensoFlow working on the T4. Not always an easy task but with the T4 makes it a bit easier. Just finished my demo of getting image classification going using CMSIS-NN with the T4. Now you are going to make me look at TensorFlow for micro-vision.
@defragster: Thanks, glad to hear someone else was taking a look at such things! With regard to the "ugly" delay(1) do you mean that in a readability or a functional sense? For readability, I'd agree that delayMicroseconds() might be more clear, but functionally it's the same to me as delay(1). If you're talking about functionality then yes, delayMicroseconds() may be better if we wanted more control over frequency. To clarify the original post, there is no sense of "frequency" for the sine "oscillator", it just churns along at the rate at which the neural net is performing inference; the delay() is meant to do some ham-handed throttling, but delayMicroseconds() will probably be better in the long run if we want to do detailed measurements. Thanks for that!

@mjs513: Your computer vision example is pretty cool! For the TFlite micro_vision example, it looks like it will definitely work on T4.0, but I worry (and hope) for the ability to run it on the T3.5/3.6; the bottleneck appears to be RAM... the micro_vision README says the model takes 250KB, T3.5/3.6 only have 256KB, will we have enough wiggle room? Barring any advances in making the model smaller, only time will tell...
I was really wondering if a shorter delay like : delayMicroseconds(100); would be sufficient - it yields an annoying pulsing. Also delay() has the side effect of calling the system's yield() which is generally silly.

I pulled both posted zips and they compile - I don't have a mic on my board - I meant to ask about connecting a microphone? What kind and where? Is anything else needed?

Anyhow I did a quick edit of the code {sketchbook}\libraries\hello_world\src\tensorflow\lite\experimental\micro\examples\hello_world\arduino\output_handler.cpp.

It doesn't use the incoming y_value - but a private counter to decide about a changing brightness - since it was willing to have an LED go ON/OFF I figured this was a good quick edit.
It won't waste and CPU cycles with any delay(), and also limits the Serial.print() to 1 each 2 ms and changes the PWM value at that time as well.
Goes bright to off each 514 ms. - at 600 MHz this function looks to be called about 170,000 times per second as written (and over 16,000 at 48 MHz) on the T4 - so this gets back to work sooner::
       [U]// … other stuff above not copied[/U]
// Track whether the function has run at least once
bool initialized = false;
elapsedMillis ledShow=10;
uint32_t brightness = 0;
// Animates a dot across the screen to represent the current x and y values
void HandleOutput(tflite::ErrorReporter* error_reporter, float x_value,
                  float y_value) {

  // Calculate the brightness of the LED such that y=-1 is fully off
  // and y=1 is fully on. The LED's brightness can range from 0-255.
  //int brightness = 4*(int)(127.5f * (y_value + 1));
  if ( ledShow > 2 ) {
    ledShow = 0;
    // Do this only once
    if (!initialized) {
      // Set the LED pin to output
      //    pinMode(led, OUTPUT); // not used for Analog PWM writes
      analogWriteResolution( 8 );
      brightness = 256;
      initialized = true;
    if ( brightness < 1 ) brightness = 257;
    brightness -= 1;

    // Set the brightness of the LED. If the specified pin does not support PWM,
    // this will result in the LED being on when y > 127, off otherwise.
    analogWrite(led, brightness);

    // Log the current brightness value for display in the Arduino plotter
    error_reporter->Report("%d", brightness);
Last edited:
@defragster: I did not understand that subtlety about the side effects of delay(), thanks for that. It definitely seems prudent to avoid it in real-world applications that need to be more performant!

As for a microphone, I just soldered a simple electret capsule to the audio shield; I didn't have a fresh component lying around so I just desoldered the capsule from one of these cheap little guys from Ebay. A cursory Digikey search yields hundreds of capsules of this kind, I'm confident most mainstream ones would work. No other supporting hardware is necessary, apart from the 100 ohm resistor in series with MCLK if you're using a Rev B shield and T4.0. I haven't tried using the line-level input on the shield, or the Teensy's builtin ADC, but they should work (changing the sample rate would be a different process for the ADC though).

Looking at your code, I appreciate the use of the private counter to do some rate-limiting. But not using the y_value defeats the whole purpose of the thing! That value is the actual result coming out of the neural network, not merely a report of "hey, an operation was performed"; it was trained on the sine function but it has no knowledge of trigonometry, it just figured it out for itself. This IPython notebook details the training process. It does seem that the whole idea of reverting to an on/off toggle if there's no PWM support is a bit silly; it's just reducing it to "hey, we had a zero-crossing!", and no longer visualizing the sine function in a qualitative way.
@andrewpiepenbrink - indeed delay() or delayus() are just cycles lost away from the task at hand and make everything else suspect.

Reading the default to ON/OFF suggested it was just a busy light.

Given updated post this uses the added 'elapsedMillis' code and the original brightness calc - limited to on update per 50 ms and I see a pulsing glow now.

I have PJRC Beta boards in front of me with direct mounting for Audio Shields with inline MCLK resistors. Where is the microphone 'connected' in software?

/* Copyright 2019 The TensorFlow Authors. All Rights Reserved.

Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
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Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
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See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
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#include "tensorflow/lite/experimental/micro/examples/hello_world/output_handler.h"

#include "Arduino.h"
#include "tensorflow/lite/experimental/micro/examples/hello_world/constants.h"

// The pin of the Arduino's built-in LED
int led = LED_BUILTIN;

// Track whether the function has run at least once
bool initialized = false;
elapsedMillis ledShow = 10;
// Animates a dot across the screen to represent the current x and y values
void HandleOutput(tflite::ErrorReporter* error_reporter, float x_value,
                  float y_value) {

  // Calculate the brightness of the LED such that y=-1 is fully off
  // and y=1 is fully on. The LED's brightness can range from 0-255.
  if ( ledShow >= 50 ) {
    int brightness = (int)(127.5f * (y_value + 1));
    ledShow = 0;
    // Do this only once
    if (!initialized) {
      // Set the LED pin to output
      //    pinMode(led, OUTPUT); // not used for Analog PWM writes
      analogWriteResolution( 8 );
      initialized = true;

    // Set the brightness of the LED. If the specified pin does not support PWM,
    // this will result in the LED being on when y > 127, off otherwise.
    analogWrite(led, brightness);

    // Log the current brightness value for display in the Arduino plotter
    error_reporter->Report("%d", brightness);
@defragster: The relevant snippets of code for the microphone are in audio_provider.cpp at lines 50-52 and 147-150 :

// which input on the audio shield will be used?
// const int myInput = AUDIO_INPUT_LINEIN;
const int myInput = AUDIO_INPUT_MIC;

// ... further below

// Enable the audio shield, select input, adjust mic gain

I found that there's no need to increase the microphone gain; without any changes this defaults to zero, and the input is plenty loud enough.
I find that code … what a path … \libraries\micro_speech\src\tensorflow\lite\experimental\micro\examples\micro_speech\Arduino

Using the Beta Breakout with Audio card and PJRC Mic - not seeing any signs of recognition?

I am having the same problem as @defragster using the audio shield. However, when I copied the Hellow_world directory to the libraries folder I went exploring and didn't find the audio_provider.cpp file. That file is in the micro_speech.zip. And if I run the example in the micro_speech it doesn't run gives me errors on too many something or other.

Guess the real question is what is the install process?

I am having the same problem as @defragster using the audio shield. However, when I copied the Hellow_world directory to the libraries folder I went exploring and didn't find the audio_provider.cpp file. That file is in the micro_speech.zip. And if I run the example in the micro_speech it doesn't run gives me errors on too many something or other.

Guess the real question is what is the install process?

Yeah - perhaps setup not right - or not the right sample? - I just dumped both in libraries.

Then went into the linked file with the delay() in use :: hello_world/src/tensorflow/lite/experimental/micro/examples/hello_world/arduino/output_handler.cpp

Though I wasn't running sample from there? I was running 'micro_speech'?

Just tried "\libraries\hello_world\examples\hello_world\hello_world.ino" - it seems to have the pulse on LED so they are using that common code?

I put a syntax error by GAIN change in :: InitAudioRecording() and compile does not break on it?

OH - and the 50ms on update [Post #7 code] might have a perfect value to match the incoming pattern? I tried 100 and 150 … not sure what the 'real' system call rate was.

<one more note:> I saw an ifdef for 1052 - no point in cluttering up the code with that when only the 1062 has ongoing support and less than 20 1052's released and support for them wasn't full before it faded out.
Last edited:
Hi all. Sorry, yes, the install and setup process is a bit difficult, clunky, and confusing. It is a very complex codebase, and even though it looks like the bulk of it should be platform-independent, some kinds of breakage are still occurring (side note, I find that using a text editor which navigates large codebases well is invaluable; I prefer Atom).

Currently it is only possible to place *one* of the libraries in your Arduino libraries folder at a time, i.e. use the entire folder unzipped from either of the files in my original post. Here are a few things I tried which do not work:

1) If I put both libraries in the Arduino lib folder and compile each example, they both work, and give the same message near the end of compilation:

Multiple libraries were found for "TensorFlowLite.h"
 Used: /Users/andrew/Documents/Arduino/libraries/hello_world
 Not used: /Users/andrew/Documents/Arduino/libraries/micro_speech
Using library hello_world at version 1.13 in folder: /Users/andrew/Documents/Arduino/libraries/hello_world

Now, this is *not a problem* for the hello_world example, it uploads and runs fine with a softly-fading LED. But when building and running micro_speech, that same message means that micro_speech is finding the code for hello_world (I assume because of alphabetical order) and building with it instead. And sure enough, upon uploading this so-called 'micro_speech' example the LED behavior is clearly that of hello_world, so the build process is ignoring the micro_speech code.

2) I tried merging the libraries by placing the hello_world files inside a working copy of micro_speech:

a) The hello_world/examples/hello_world/hello_world.ino example code goes into the equivalent path within micro_speech

b) All the code under hello_world/src/tensorflow/lite/experimental/micro/examples/hello_world/ goes into the equivalent spot in micro_speech

After trying this, hello_world would not compile.

Long story short the only current workaround is to move the library I'm not working on outside my Arduino libraries folder; code from hello_world and micro_speech do *not* mix:

>> Looking Forward <<
Modifying the code of the library in-place is fine, but the long-term solution is make the changes from within a clone of the Tensorflow codebase, and generate a working copy from there. That is to say, make the Teensy-specific changes to audio_provider.cpp and command_responder.cpp located in tensorflow/tensorflow/lite/experimental/micro/examples/micro_speech/arduino/, and then generate a .zip library as described in the README under 'Build the library'. This is also the only sensible and scalable solution for making changes to the codebase which are not project-specific (e.g. the static_cast<> thing in quantization_util.cpp, which is shared by all projects you could generate).

@mjs513: Yes, I've seen Adafruit's take on TFLite. Interesting how they've Arduino-ified things a bit more so some of the TF stuff is visible from out in the main sketch. I've consciously tried to avoid relying on their implementation at this stage though, because I feel like I'm learning a lot by doing it from scratch. I do have immense respect for the Adafruit team, though, and will be keeping up on their developments.

@defragster: Thanks for the tip about the IMXRT1052 include being deprecated; I had stumbled across some discussion of that in an unrelated thread on the forums the other day, makes sense to get rid of it in the future.
Indeed - editor with good folder reach is good - KurtE got me hooked on SublimeText seeing its great global search across folders/trees of code.

Good to know about the tree split anomalies - I got both to 'build' and upload when both in - didn't look at console notes on libs used - but as noted it was NOT using the one tree with the Teensy_AUDIO code :( I'll go move to build the hello _world.ino alone.

Does 'runs fine with a softly-fading LED' mean the code in p#7 is good enough for now?

Indeed LadyAda/AdaFruit team does good making lasting working libs it seems - wonder if they fixed any of the lib fights while keeping the 'flow' of the tensorflow code stuff?

Does this mean it has a working it has a working copy of RTOS for Teensy?

@andrewpiepenbrink: are you on github to make a common copy to work from?
Opps - had that backwards - needed to run :: \libraries\micro_speech

Got some YES and NO - but lots of garbage:
Couldn't push_back latest result, too many already!
Couldn't push_back latest result, too many already!
Heard yes (205) @163424ms
Couldn't push_back latest result, too many already!
Couldn't push_back latest result, too many already!
Heard yes (211) @164944ms
Couldn't push_back latest result, too many already!
Couldn't push_back latest result, too many already!
Couldn't push_back latest result, too many already!
Couldn't push_back latest result, too many already!
Heard no (203) @166424ms
Couldn't push_back latest result, too many already!
Couldn't push_back latest result, too many already!
No delay() in this code - I see ( \micro_speech\src\tensorflow\lite\experimental\micro\examples\micro_speech\arduino\command_responder.cpp ) RespondToCommand() does 3 sec on LED for YES.

Otherwise it just toggles on each tested sample. No sine value ramping

Edit to this (\micro_speech\src\tensorflow\lite\experimental\micro\examples\micro_speech\recognize_commands.h) gets rid of the noise about too many:
  tflite::ErrorReporter* error_reporter_;
  static constexpr int [B]kMaxResults = 500[/B];  // [COLOR="#FF0000"]WAS 50[/COLOR]
  Result results_[kMaxResults];

Some lag on speech and result - seems constant samples build a bit faster than the analysis finishes. I have TV noise in background giving lots of 'Heard unknown' and filling the pipe.
Heard unknown (201) @376584ms
Heard unknown (207) @378104ms
Heard yes (203) @379384ms
Heard unknown (201) @381080ms
Heard unknown (247) @382584ms
Heard unknown (202) @385104ms
Heard yes (205) @387184ms
Heard yes (204) @388960ms
Heard unknown (202) @392064ms
Heard no (204) @393080ms
Heard no (201) @397120ms
Heard unknown (201) @398120ms
Heard unknown (217) @399624ms

<update> Wondering what the lag is as it seemed a bit. Modified the report:
Heard no (202) @76080ms [ms lag=2640]
Heard no (214) @77584ms [ms lag=2638]
Heard yes (203) @78600ms [ms lag=2640]
Using this edit in RespondToCommand():
 if (is_new_command) {
    error_reporter->Report("Heard %s (%d) @%dms[B] [ms lag=%d][/B]", found_command, score,
                           current_time, [B]millis()-current_time[/B]);
So the current_time seems to be recorded at the sample - and time of print gives that very consistent number

And funny the 'score' in (parens) shows nearly the same value for silence {in room and no speech) when 'no' is reported erroneously.
I just forced a coughed and it gave { repeated twice after this and got one single and nother double 'n' }:
Heard no (201) @509584ms [ms lag=2639]
Heard no (202) @511640ms [ms lag=2641]

No seems easy to trigger - a lame untuneful whistle gave a (218) assuming higher is more certainty:
Heard no (218) @698104ms [ms lag=2639]
More whistle gives 2 or less 'unknown' per 'no'.
Last edited:
>> Meant to post this here yesterday - not the wrong thread:;
Seemed half done to have YES set LED high and then no indication of NO, so modified:
void RespondToCommand(tflite::ErrorReporter* error_reporter,
                      int32_t current_time, const char* found_command,
                      uint8_t score, bool is_new_command) {
  static bool is_initialized = false;
  if (!is_initialized) {
    pinMode(LED_PIN, OUTPUT);
    is_initialized = true;
  static int32_t last_yes_time = 0;
  static int32_t last_no_time = 0;
  static int count = 0;

  if (is_new_command) {
    error_reporter->Report("Heard %s (%d) @%dms [ms lag=%d]", found_command, score,
                           current_time, millis()-current_time);
    // If we heard a "yes", switch on an LED and store the time.
    if (found_command[0] == 'y') {
      last_yes_time = current_time;
      digitalWrite(LED_PIN, HIGH);
    if (found_command[0] == 'n') {
      last_no_time = current_time;
      digitalWrite(LED_PIN, LOW);

  // If last_yes_time is non-zero but was >3 seconds ago, zero it
  // and switch off the LED.
  if (last_yes_time != 0) {
    if (last_yes_time < (current_time - 3000)) {
      last_yes_time = 0;
      digitalWrite(LED_PIN, LOW);
    // If it is non-zero but <3 seconds ago, do nothing.
  if (last_no_time != 0) {
    if (last_no_time < (current_time - 3000)) {
      last_no_time = 0;
      digitalWrite(LED_PIN, HIGH);
    // If it is non-zero but <3 seconds ago, do nothing.

  // Otherwise, toggle the LED every time an inference is performed.
  if (count & 1) {
    digitalWrite(LED_PIN, HIGH);
  } else {
    digitalWrite(LED_PIN, LOW);
For teensy3.2, I have encountered the same problem. Thank you very much for the post. I found a possible solution for the undefined reference to `_write' issue. I added -specs=nosys.specs in the build flags and the hello_world example compiled. However, I haven't run the program and test it. I hope it's helpful.
Hello, I am using your example of micro_speech to run tensorflow models on my Teensy4.0. I have been able to train new models and successfully implement recognition for differing words by following a google colab guide(https://github.com/tensorflow/tenso...xamples/micro_speech/train_speech_model.ipynb). I am trying to implement a trained model of 3 sounds not including "silence" or "unknown" which were trained with a clip duration of 10 seconds instead of the default 1 second. This caused the tinv_conv.cc file size to be around 200Kb. After replacing the data and changing necessary details, attempting to load this takes about 7-10 min and causes my arduino IDE to say...

"Teensy did not respond to a USB-based request to enter program mode.
Please press the PROGRAM MODE BUTTON on your Teensy to upload your sketch."

Not sure why this is the message because I press the program button before uploading. Like I said before I have been able to implement a trained model before where the clip duration is set to 1 second. The memory being used is only 39% of the Teensy4.0 total memory so I believe the size is not the issue.

I am also using "https://github.com/tensorflow/docs/blob/master/site/en/r1/tutorials/sequences/audio_recognition.md" custom data training section to try and understand what/where could be causing the issue.

Every thing is authentic and up to date, as well as I have tried on multiple different computers as well as with different cables. I know that my Teensy is not defective because I am able to load previous models and have them work properly.
@nahsam - what version of TeensyDuino do you have as 'current'? Large uploads may time out - with the latest and a Button press it should work.
Okay I got the program to upload but I now get this message in the serial monitor

"Couldn't allocate memory for tensor 'Reshape_2', wanted 9960 bytes but only 9728 were available
Bad input tensor parameters in model"

Do you have any idea where this is occurring?

I downloaded your code and also tried the Arduino_TensorFlowLight library's helloworld. For both I got the following error during compile:

In file included from /Users/kyleyeh/Documents/Arduino/libraries/Arduino_TensorFlowLite/src/tensorflow/lite/micro/tools/make/downloads/cmsis/CMSIS/NN/Include/arm_nnsupportfunctions.h:33:0,
from /Users/kyleyeh/Documents/Arduino/libraries/Arduino_TensorFlowLite/src/tensorflow/lite/micro/tools/make/downloads/cmsis/CMSIS/NN/Include/arm_nnfunctions.h:163,
from /Users/kyleyeh/Documents/Arduino/libraries/Arduino_TensorFlowLite/src/tensorflow/lite/micro/kernels/cmsis-nn/add.cpp:18:
/Users/kyleyeh/Documents/Arduino/libraries/Arduino_TensorFlowLite/src/tensorflow/lite/micro/tools/make/downloads/cmsis/CMSIS/DSP/Include/arm_math.h:382:28: fatal error: cmsis_compiler.h: No such file or directory
compilation terminated.
exit status 1

When I tried the TensorFlowLite_ESP32 library, and compiled for ESP32, it does work.

Would you please direct me to how to fix this compilation issue for Teensy 4.0 or 4.1

EDIT: The Arduino_TensorFlowLite version of helloworld seems to compile if I used an earlier 1.14.0 alpha version.


I downloaded your code and also tried the Arduino_TensorFlowLight library's helloworld. For both I got the following error during compile:

In file included from /Users/kyleyeh/Documents/Arduino/libraries/Arduino_TensorFlowLite/src/tensorflow/lite/micro/tools/make/downloads/cmsis/CMSIS/NN/Include/arm_nnsupportfunctions.h:33:0,
from /Users/kyleyeh/Documents/Arduino/libraries/Arduino_TensorFlowLite/src/tensorflow/lite/micro/tools/make/downloads/cmsis/CMSIS/NN/Include/arm_nnfunctions.h:163,
from /Users/kyleyeh/Documents/Arduino/libraries/Arduino_TensorFlowLite/src/tensorflow/lite/micro/kernels/cmsis-nn/add.cpp:18:
/Users/kyleyeh/Documents/Arduino/libraries/Arduino_TensorFlowLite/src/tensorflow/lite/micro/tools/make/downloads/cmsis/CMSIS/DSP/Include/arm_math.h:382:28: fatal error: cmsis_compiler.h: No such file or directory
compilation terminated.
exit status 1

When I tried the TensorFlowLite_ESP32 library, and compiled for ESP32, it does work.

Would you please direct me to how to fix this compilation issue for Teensy 4.0 or 4.1

Last edited: