Suggestions for Teensy 3.6 with MLX90640 and LCD


Active member
Hello to everyone -

My apologies if this is very basic but I'm VERY new to the Teensy/Arduino world. I've spent most of my time constructing PIC projects but the Teensy and Arduino seem to be as much faster way to get a project completed and operational.

I have a project in mind to use the Teensy 3.6 with a MLX90640 Thermal Imager and, eventually, a color LCD to display to display the warmest sensed areas.

Much of this is inspired by the Sparkfun pages about the MLX90640 BOBs.

My Teensy 3.6 is coming tomorrow. I have the arduino-1.8.10-windows.exe, TeensyduinoInstall.exe, and serial_install.exe files downloaded and ready to install once I have the board in hand.

Has anyone implemented this interface before?
Are there any suggestions or helpful links you would suggest?
Are there suggestions for a suitable color LCD for this project?

Thanks for any help. This should be fun! :)
If you do a search in the forum for the MLX or thermograph you will find a couple of projects that may help:

Hi all!
I checked these projects.
The first - draws only one top line,
The second one gives a lot of errors during compilation.
like this - \ILI9341_t3_Controls.cpp:781:185: error: 'uint16_t' was not declared in this scope
void SliderV::init(uint16_t SliderX, uint16_t SliderY, uint16_t SliderH, float ScaleLow, float ScaleHi, float ScaleSize, float SnapSize,uint16_t SliderColor, uint16_t BackgroundColor, uint16_t HandleColor )

What am I doing wrong?
I need any working project
Help me please!