USB Host on T4 - D+/D- pins work same as T3.6?

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Senior Member+
It may be something going on with my Logic Analyzer or??? But tried a couple of pins and two T4s...

Was wondering if the D+ and D- pins work the same on T4 as T3.6? Note the code is running fine:

I have the mouse.ino test sketch with a Belkin mouse and I am getting valid info.
USB Host Testing


*** Device HID1 1241:1177 - connected ***
*** HID Device Mouse1 1241:1177 - connected ***
Mouse: buttons = 0,  mouseX = 0,  mouseY = 0,  wheel = 0,  wheelH = 0

Mouse: buttons = 0,  mouseX = 0,  mouseY = -1,  wheel = 0,  wheelH = 0

Mouse: buttons = 0,  mouseX = 0,  mouseY = -1,  wheel = 0,  wheelH = 0

Mouse: buttons = 0,  mouseX = 0,  mouseY = -1,  wheel = 0,  wheelH = 0

Mouse: buttons = 0,  mouseX = 0,  mouseY = -2,  wheel = 0,  wheelH = 0

Mouse: buttons = 0,  mouseX = 0,  mouseY = -3,  wheel = 0,  wheelH = 0

Mouse: buttons = 0,  mouseX = 0,  mouseY = -3,  wheel = 0,  wheelH = 0

Mouse: buttons = 0,  mouseX = 0,  mouseY = -4,  wheel = 0,  wheelH = 0

Mouse: buttons = 0,  mouseX = 0,  mouseY = -4,  wheel = 0,  wheelH = 0

Mouse: buttons = 0,  mouseX = 0,  mouseY = -3,  wheel = 0,  wheelH = 0

Mouse: buttons = 0,  mouseX = 0,  mouseY = -2,  wheel = 0,  wheelH = 0

Mouse: buttons = 0,  mouseX = 0,  mouseY = -1,  wheel = 0,  wheelH = 0
Side question: I noticed on my cut and paste from Teensy serial terminal, that I am getting blank lines between each output, which does not show up in terminal window.
Wondering if cut/paste is working differently here these days?

But back to issue. When I am trying to capture the USB data into the logic analyzer to use their decoder, it is not detecting the data... In particular I think it always expects the D+ and D- pins to be mirrors of each other, which I am not seeing.

For fun I will show using the Alpha version of the Logic Analyzer:

Note: also for the fun I had it capture both analog and digital for both channels... (Had same issue with only digital). Also similar data seen with a more released version of the software).

Also if you zoom in, you will see that parts are mirrored but other parts are not.

I will probably double check this with my Non Pro 8 to see if maybe the analyzer is having issues.

My guess is maybe the USB is configured slightly differently, like part way to high speed?
Side question: I noticed on my cut and paste from Teensy serial terminal, that I am getting blank lines between each output, which does not show up in terminal window.
Wondering if cut/paste is working differently here these days?
I noticed the same thing but kept forgetting to post so I can confirm.

Would think they are acting similar to the T3.6. On the circuits I use those pins just go to a TPS2055A for current limiting otherwise I would think they are equivalent. As for the differences? The TPS2055A is the same chip that Paul used on his breakout boards as well. Guess you just gave something to try today. :)
I used one of Pauls breakout boards with a LA8 using the old version of their app. I attached my SpaceNavgator Mouse and selected 1.5Mps USB decoder. I attached the clips direct to D+ and D-:
Zoomed in version:
Yep I am seeing the same thing now on Frank's T3.6 board. Was first T3.6 I ran into with USB. Seeing similar...

Note I configure for 12mbs for full speed as that is what most our devices are...

And their decoder is not picking up data... Wonder what changed in our code? As I used to get USB data this way...

Wonder if I need to dig out USB hub again to see if that makes a difference.
That makes sense. When I set the decoder to 12Mbs I was getting packet errors on D-, but still got data on D+. When I set it to 1.5Mbs it worked no problem
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