Teensy 4.0 Quadrature Decoder

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New member
Hello Everyone,

So back in September I heard about the Teensy 4.0 and thought it was quite amazing for its size. However, it didn't warrant me to change my projects as they didn't fully use the capabilities of the Teensy 3.2 and the upgrade seemed not worth it. When I read through the docs, I learned about the hardware quadrature decoder, and being in the field of robotics, I was very much intrigued. I quickly wrote up a library to use and it has changed pretty much everything for me at least. The biggest benefit was the ability to accurately compute velocity without the use of Interrupts or something that would be delayed by another interrupt. It took me a while (Ive never done this before) but I just wanted to share my library for others to use.

Check it out and see how it is.

Also I am fully aware that I wrote this for PlatformIO users so for those that insist on using Arduino IDE, I will make a release with the zipped library.

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