Teensy++ 2.0 and servo() and pwm and timer1 and timer3 and tone() error problem

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Hi (I'm French)
in my program i use
a servo connected to PD4 with servo ()
2 pwm output on PB5 and PB6
Timer1 () to manage PWM (4000hz)
Timer3 for a cyclic spot (500hz)
and tone () for PB1 (arduino tone () deactivated, kept only that of teensy).
Everything works fine except servo () on the PD4 output does not seem to work (no signal).
Can there be a timer conflict?
What solution ? Please
Thank you
Yes, I saw

if I use timer1 () with timer1 (). pwm with a 4000Hz frequency on the PB5 and PB6 ports and timer3 () with timer3.attach interrupt () with a frequency of 500hz, I cannot use tone () and servo because it's the same timer? that's right ?
how can I do ? use another timer? (timer2?)
How many timers are there?
What will it pertub?
Thank you
ps: here is another subject in which I was going to participate on the timers
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