Teensy 3.2 Art-NET with Audio Adaptor

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Hi guys,

I am working on a project that involves controlling 10x Rows of ws2812b , 12meter each ( 120M total = 7200 Pixels ) ( more on the initial setup: https://forum.pjrc.com/threads/59309-Teensy-3-2-OctoWS2811-(7200-Pixels)-Strip-animating-ideas ).

I decided to create a new thread, as I have shifted away from the method I used , and now I am going with Art-NET, and was thinking of adding an Audio adaptor which has SD card, in case I find a way how to make effects based on Audio input.

My question is, is there a guideline on how to solder Teensy 3.2 + OctoWS2811 + wiz850io + Audio Adaptor ? Is this even a good approach?

I have already tested Teensy 3.2 + OctoWS2811, I was worried that adding the ethernet shield + Audio will make it somehow incompatible/run to other issues?

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