Comparison Teensy 3.2, 3.6, 4.0 DAC Pins where? and ADC sampling rate

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New member
I´m new here. I try to design a testboard where I can exchange the different boards. It seems that Teensy 3.6 and Teensy 4.0 is possible and not to difficult.
But I have some problems regarding the documentations of these boards.
Where are the DACout pins by the 3 boards?

What is the maximum realistic sample rate per second which give reliable results for a data logger?

Did PJRC cards come with each Teensy? If not see for image/info - they are the best reference.
T4: no DAC
T_3.6: A21 and A22 are DAC1 and DAC2 by next pin #39 on Teensy Card { see also silkscreen on T_3.6 bottom DA0 and DA1 }
T_3.2: On board end A14 is DAC by corner Pin #13
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If you need the dacs for audio, the next best the T4 provides are the MQS outputs.
They are supported by the audio-library (although the GUI does not know them, yet. WIP.)
I would say more extended audio. I have to do with hearable range and ultrasound. There also the second question regarding samples per second.
For one working field audio sampling up to 44.1 kHz is more than enough. So I think Teensy 3.2 would work. From another thread I know about that
the Teensy 3.6 worked with ~250 kps. My wish would be 440 kps and this could match Teensy 4.0, maybe 3.6 too.

So I asked also for the ADC´s. For my first steps I found also some examples for Teensy 3.2 and Teensy 3.6
No, there were no cards, but I found them on PJRC. There the Teensy boards are new for me and differ in documentation like Adafruit boards,
I wasn´t sure about the right interpretations regarding the shortcuts.
You confirmed I feared for, the Teensy 4.0 has no DAC Pin. Wether I can follow Frank´s MQS I have to read more.
In case of the Teensy 3.6 I believe to see 2 SPI-groups. I think CS0 = Chipselect for the different SPI-devices. But why do I have several explicit CS0´s. Depend it on the SPI-library?
Is the pinning a must or have? I ask because from other boards or µC it´s up to you on which digital pin you put the chipselect.
By the Teensy 3.2 I have on Pin11 DOUT. Is it MOSI?

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