Ws2811 pixels occasional flashing when white - even when brightness turned right down

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Well-known member
I'm wondering if anyone can help me get to the bottom of this issue.

I've got a pixel matrix controlled by a Teensy 3 with OctoWs2811 shield, 138 x 22 using 6 of the outputs. Software is currently Jinx!

I'm getting occasional flashes when I set the pixels to white or near white. The brightness is set to half in my Teensy sketch and usually half again in software.

Even if I turn the brightness down very low I get the flashes but with other colours and patterns it seems fine.

here's a link to a video

I don't get it! Anyone got any ideas?


Edit*** It just occurred to me that it might be a voltage issue as lighting pixels white uses the most voltage.....I think? I will check the voltage tomorrow. I thought I had sufficient gauge wires and power injection (every 184 pixels) but I should check.

They are 12V Pixels. I've never really understood how the conversion from 12>5V is done with pixels. But I guess if you have <12V it get's converted to <5V?
Can you post the code you're running on the Teensy 3? Your video looks similar to an issue I'm seeing with my ws2811 setup.
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