Porting an arduino zero to teensy 3.2 project

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New member
Hello guys . I am a newbie and i am kindly request for your experience.
I have a working project (View attachment ReflowChateau-master.zip) and i would like to rebuild this project with another firmware written for arduino zero(View attachment Controleo3-master .zip).
I need to know if its posible to modify this firmware (View attachment Controleo3-master .zip) to work with my teensy 3.2 , adafruit 2.8 tft and upgraded MAX31856.
I have attached both projects to this post .
Any advise is highly appreciated.
Thank you so much .
I looked at Controleo3-master.zip briefly. My first impression is basically no, it probably will not work on Teensy or other boards, at least not without a *lot* of work to edit the code.

The author of this code (likely Peter Easton) appears to have copied many of the popular Arduino libraries directly into this code. He also seems to have removed their open source license headers and added his own comments claiming authorship, which is probably not legal.

The practical consequence of having all this code which is normally libraries copied directly into the project is a lack of portability. It will only work on boards which are supported by the specific versions of the SD, ILI9488, Touch and other libraries he copied. The project also has code like this:

// Constructor for the TFT display
    // Get the addresses of Port B
    portBOut   = portOutputRegister(digitalPinToPort(A2));
    portBMode  = portModeRegister(digitalPinToPort(A2));
    portBIn    = portInputRegister(digitalPinToPort(A2));
    flood8Reg  = ((uint8_t *) portBOut) + 1;
    bitmapReg  = ((uint16_t *) portBOut);

First, this is hard-coded to use pin "A2". Second, the definition of flood8Reg has a "+ 1" which is specific to certain hardware and unlikely to work on other chips. It's also used in this very hardware-specific way, with a "0xDF" bit mask.

        uint8_t writeIdle = *flood8Reg & 0xDF;

This sort of code is very tightly tied to one specific chip and board. While not impossible to port to other hardware (especially since the author appears to have shamelessly copied popular Arduino libraries which could be replaced) to make it really work on any other chip and board will require a lot of work to find and fix these many hardware specific details, and swap out the copied libs for versions which work on Teensy.

So in short, no, it won't work on Teensy 3.2.
Thank you very much for your time and your answer . I was presuming that he used open source library . Finally I end up buying his board .
Thank you one more time for your effort .
Thank you very much for your time and your answer . I was presuming that he used open source library . Finally I end up buying his board .
Thank you one more time for your effort .

Depends on how you spell OpenSource, avaliable does not mean usable. You can use the original librarys and rebuild it with the original hardware (you buyed, now) reimpliment it, with some luck you can find the libs he recycled to go faster with it, or the hard way get it run on your hardware with his sketch as blueprint.

Btw. I see the product pictures from Peter Easton, please use wire end ferrules on the wires not like on the pictures getting, I getting nightmares from it.
Shown that in this picture


There are ferrules for every diameter
You suggest using a single ferrule on all wires or shall I split them in groups ?
Yes, put a ferrule on every wire that will go into a screw terminal. Especially the ones for line voltage or high current.

If you have to join 2 wires, there are ferrules for that.
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