Temperature measurement using teensy 3.2, max31855k

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I am working on a project that requires accurate temperature measurement for thermal conductivity calculation. I am using teensy 3.2, max31855k and multiple k type thermocouples to measure temperatures at various positions and thus obtain a temperature gradient. However, I am not getting the expected linear response and even when I am setting the temperature on the hot side to say 80 degrees, I am getting a reading of 82 on my serial monitor. The issue I have noticed is that the internal temperatures don't have the same value when the heaters and coolers are off. At that point, all thermocouples should give the same reading that is the room temperature and it is not. Is there a way to calibrate the internal temperature to ensure accuracy? View attachment max31855_3_thermocouples_cold_side_test.pdfView attachment max31855_8_thermocouple_hot_side_test.pdf
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