Ethercat & SPI

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New member
I am trying to create an EtherCAT network with some Teensy 4.0 using de EVB-LAN9252-SPI board.
It works and I can exchange data between the teensy board and the EtherCAT Master, a PC, using EasyCAT library in teensy and SOEM in PC.
The main problem is that after some seconds or minutes the teensy freeze, it only reads the SPI bus to access the EtherCAT board.
I am not sure what the problem is, maybe the SPI library that is designed for Arduino boards so i could be the problem but I put several prints to debug it and it seems that transmission from and to teensy begins and ends ok.

Has someone some experience with this card or the equivalente EasyCAT from

I am powering the EtherCAT board from 3.3v pin of Teensy, datasheet of the board says that it needs less than 100mA and this pin can provide 250mA so I think that this isn't the problem.

Thanks in advanced.
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