Raspberry pi to control Audio Spectrum Analyzer

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Hey everyone,
I have some questions again regarding the Audio Spectrum Analyzer i'm working on.
I use a Teensy 3.2 to drive a 14x14 matrix of WS2811 Leds using the WS2812Serial Library and it works fine.
Currently i have implemented colorgradients with a 2D Array, that holds the RGB Hexcodes for each "bar" and a variable that determins in which direction that gradient is shown on the matrix (left to right, top to bottom, right to left, bottom to top).
I increment the colorpicker and colormode variables with a button that triggers an ISR.

Now i want to step this up a notch and use a Raspberry pi to control everything(so i can write a UI for that later).
Furthermore, i want to send 2 colors (preferrably int to calculate colors for each band, rather than sending 14 colors), the colormode variable (has to be int) and maybe strings, since i want to be able to switch from the Audio Spectrum Analyzer to print strings on the matrix.
Now the big question is, how to i accomplish that, so i can send data and run everything at the same time? Can i accomplish it, without stopping the ongoing Audio Spectrum Analyzer?
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