Teensy 4.0 Timer Interrupt

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New member
Hello. I have a project at Arduino DUE and want to use Teensy 4.0 in this project.

I use timer interrupt in my project. Here is example:

How can i rewrite this code to use in Teensy 4.0 ? I want to use QuadTimer of NXP i.MX RT1060 processor, but don't find it's description in Arduino\hardware\teensy\avr\cores\teensy4 directory.


Thank you for the answer. I followed your link, and used Tick Timer (TCK) from TeensyTimerTool library.

Code below was rewrited to this one:

  t1.begin(TimeKeeper, 500'000); 
  t2.begin(TimeAttention, 400'000);  
  t3.begin(TimeButDelay, 300'000); 
  t4.begin(TimeRotationDelay, 200'000);

So, i solved this problem.
Good choice as long as the loop() or calls to check for TCK's is called as often as you need accuracy in the timings as that is a polling check - not interrupt driven. So any delay() or tight loop or busy spot in the code will affect the triggering.

The good thing is that functions won't be called under interrupt conditions so code there won't have race conditions that an interrupt might cause.

Though that library could get _isr() calling on as many of those as needed using real timers - especially at those low rates
So any delay() or tight loop or busy spot in the code will affect the triggering.

Actually, calling delay() is fine, the TCK timers are ticked via yield() which is implicitly called in delay. If you have a long working loop you can always place a call to yield to keep the timers updating. See below for an example

void doSomething()
     for(int i = 0; i < 10'000; i++=
         // do some work
         // ....
         yield();       // give the TCK timers a chance to update...

void loop()
     delay(1000);       // this is fine, since delay calls yield() in the background...

As defragster already mentioned, if this is not an option you can always use the hardware timers (e.g. TMR (QUAD), you have 16 of those on a T4).
Actually, calling delay() is fine, the TCK timers are ticked via yield() which is implicitly called in delay. If you have a long working loop you can always place a call to yield to keep the timers updating. See below for an example

void doSomething()
     for(int i = 0; i < 10'000; i++=
         // do some work
         // ....
         yield();       // give the TCK timers a chance to update...

void loop()
     delay(1000);       // this is fine, since delay calls yield() in the background...

As defragster already mentioned, if this is not an option you can always use the hardware timers (e.g. TMR (QUAD), you have 16 of those on a T4).

Timer t1;
So this takes Tick-Timer as a default
Timer t1(TMR1/GPT);
and specifying TMR or GPT will take those one which is interrupt driven - correct?
So this takes Tick-Timer as a default
Timer t1;
No, it takes the next free timer from the pool (use this only for simple cases if you don't care which timer you get). The pool is defined in defaultconfig.h and its composition can be changed. See here for the config documentation: https://github.com/luni64/TeensyTimerTool/wiki/Configuration

However, it clearer to explicitly define which timer you want. E.g. use
PeriodicTimer t1(TCK)
to get a tick timer. (I used the new name 'PeriodicTimer' instead of the depreciated name 'Timer').

PeriodicTimer t1(TMR1)

To get one of the four TMR1(QUAD1) timers and
PeriodicTimer t1(GPT2)
to get the GPT2 timer etc.. All of this is documented here: https://github.com/luni64/TeensyTimerTool/wiki/Supported-Timers. Let me know if you miss something in the documentation or if something is not clear.
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