Teensy3.2 + MPU9250 i2c issue

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Hello everyone,
My MPU9250 module is working fine with SPI interface.
When I try to read it by i2c I can't get it to work beacuse of the popular pullup resistor issue.
I'm quarantined in Italy and have no access to physical resistors.
But when using i2c_t3 library I can recognize the i2c addess of the MPU by setting I2C_PULLUP_INT in the line 28 of the example code basic scanner:
    Wire.begin(I2C_MASTER, 0x00, I2C_PINS_18_19, I2C_PULLUP_EXT, 400000);
i think it works, exploiting the "hardware bug" of the Teensy3.0-1-2.
But of course when I try to use libraries to read the MPU values I'm not using this i2c_t3 library.
What does the line 28 does exactly? Can I emulate this line by a bunch of pinMode calls to get this pullup on?
I already tried to set:
In different lines of my setup, trying to set one of two pins as OUTPUT, and viceversa, all the possible combinations, but I did not succeded.

Thanks in advance, Leo
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