Anyone ever use Teensy to update a Esp8266 via serial?


Well-known member
I was looking for a way to include a esp8266 hex file in my teensy code and make the teensy flash that file to the esp8266 on request.

It's just a serial upload shouldn't be to hard right?

Years back - yes. The Teensy 3.2 was used as programmer for the ESP8266 - but just as a pass through device where the IDE pushed the HEX data to the 8266 using the Teensy as PROXY for USB to UART conversion.

This is 4 years old ::

The Teensy would be used to trigger the 8266 into programming mode then the IDE did the task across the Teensy.

Extending that to have the Teensy store the HEX as well and emulate the programming stream should work if the steps in pushing the HEX are understood.