pins 24 and 25 Teensy LC

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To add to PhilB's info:
The images here show the back of the board as well.
Putting that info together with info from the datasheet gives this:
Pin 24 A10 PTE20 UART0-TX
Pin 25 A11 PTE21 UART0-RX
The port (PTE) numbers together with the datasheet show that this configuration is covered by ALT4, would allow you to configure those pins to be Serial1. I haven't played with configuring pins for a few years and maybe there's an easier way to do it now. Maybe someone else can chip in.

Reading the code suggests the PJRC source for serial_set_rx() and serial_set_tx() are set up to accept changes to use those pins as alternates for Serial1 on T_LC.

Also pins #3&4 - that are marked as 'ALT' but also #24&25 are there in the code - though not marked on the card.

Those are in : ..\hardware\teensy\avr\cores\teensy3\serial1.c
Lines ~247 and ~287 under "#if defined(KINETISL)"
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