Teensy 4 and ESP32 and WiFiNina

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I have designed a custom board using a standard Teensy 4 and an ESP32.
Using the Adafruit code, I have downloaded the Adafruit latest1.6 WiFiNina code to the ESP32.
When I try to run the ScanNetworks sketch, I get "Communication with the WiFi module failed".
I can see on my scope that I am getting a well formed MISO signal, so the module is responding.
I have connected the module as follows
#define SPIWIFI SPI // The SPI port
#define SPIWIFI_SS 31 // Chip select pin
#define ESP32_RESETN 26 // Reset pin
#define SPIWIFI_ACK 23 // a.k.a BUSY or READY
#define ESP32_GPIO0 30
Has anyone succeeded in getting the ESP32 running WiFiNina to work with a Teensy 4.
Has anyone got the ESP32 to work with the Teensy 4?
I've only used serial to connect to an ESP32, but hope to use the WifiNina firmware soon. Can you show the pins you are using to connect the two?
I am using the WiFiNina generic library. These are pins I am using and these are set in WiFiNINA_Pinout_generic.h
elif defined(CORE_TEENSY)

#warning You have to modify pin usage according to actual connection for Teensy
#define PINS_COUNT (60u)
#define NINA_GPIO0 (30u) //26
#define NINA_RESETN (26u)
#define NINA_ACK (23u)

#define SPIWIFI_SS 31 //PIN_SPI1_SS //24
#define SPIWIFI_ACK 23 //NINA_ACK //28

I am getting very close, I can reprogram the part, and I get a SPI response on MISO, but it still fails to be identified by the scan networks sketch.
I am also using the standard SPI port, unfortunately the Teensy 4 is short on pins, hope to get a 4.1 as soon as they are released!
So MOSI is 11 MISO is 12 and SCK is 13, I think I am using 31 as Chip select, but the example is returning pin 10 as SS.
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