Teensy 3.2 + Prop shield + LED strip

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New member
Hello everyone,

I'm new to the Teensy products and it's my first time doing projects like this. (it's a project for my school)

I bought a soldered teensy 3.2 and a propshield + 1 m LED's.

The plan is to make 4 different light units with aprox 20 LED's / unit.

So I guess that my first step is to connect the propshield to the pre-soldered teensy 3.2, cut off the metal "legs" of the connectors and solder it togheter?
I wondered if I need the a14/DAC, program, GND, 3.3V, Vbat since they are not soldered on my pre-soldered teensy 3.2?

And last but not least, how do I need to connect the LED's?
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