SD works fine on Teensy 4.0 but not SdFat

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Problem Solved

Problem found. I tried formatting a card with the SdFat formatter . A card formatted thus, works fine with SdFat. I had been using GParted to format cards. SD had no trouble with them on the Teensy4.0. SdFat also worked fine on the nano. but apparently SdFat runnig on T4 expects a possibly better installation. Now I have to go back and undo the probably stupid things I did to my application while I was puzzling this out.

a little strange, don't you think?
Bill Greiman explained time ago why it is important to use his own tools to format cards.
Honestly I can't find the thread anymore.
Bill Greiman explained time ago why it is important to use his own tools to format cards.
Honestly I can't find the thread anymore.

Knowing this now, makes me want to build a little SDcard formatter with a nano.

thanks for the note. and thanks to everyone else who responded to my plight.

Just to set it straight, it's not like one needs to use Bill's tools because there's some custom proprietary stuff: quite the contrary, his tools follow very precisely the SD specifications without taking any shortcut.
Since SDFat lib follows SD specs closely, it may have problems with "lazy"-formatted cards (the vast majority).
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