HID between two Teensies

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I'm struggling with a problem and was wondering if anyone (hopefully) could help me.
I've made a Teensy-mouse. I've set up the board to be K+J+M+S and I'm using "Mouse.move()" functions to operate the screen pointer. It all works well.
What I've then decided was to have a second Teesny actually read the stuff, the first one sends out. Nothing more. Just read and print out to the Serial monitor.
This is the part that's giving me headaches. If I connect a USB mouse to the second Teensy and run a mouse sketch, the board is able to register the device properly, as a mouse. But when I connect my first Teesny to it, it registers it as a Keyboard and 4 HID devices. Meaning, no mouse. To simple functions to print data.
Could someone help me do one of two things:
1. Make the fist Teensy board visible as a mouse to the second Teensy,
2. Display raw, parsed data from the HID objects?

Any help would be grately appreciated as looking at the USBHIDParser class in the USBHost_t36.h is simply making me feel stupid :(

IN most cases like this, it helps to see your actual program, to have an idea of what is going on.

Or say I am running the Example sketch ...

And in many you can get a lot of debug information if you turn it on.

Edit the file USBHost_t36.h and at about line 60 uncomment the line: //#define USBHOST_PRINT_DEBUG

And then rebuild your sketch.

My guess is you should be able to start off with the mouse.ino example. Although you may need addional HID Parser objects depending on how many are claimed by all of the other HID things that are part of your sketch.
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