Step sequencer with encoder only Teensy 4.1

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I just finished the DSP stuff for the project I want to do. The DSP should then be controlled by pots and buttons using a mcu (teensy?) That reads the pots and sends over i2c. I can do this until this point. Now it would be great to have 2 more things.
1. A clock input, preferably eurorack dont know the protocol but if difficult to archieve midiclock would be ok as well
2. Some form of step sequencer to modulate the parameters set by the pots in a rythmical way, if too difficult maybe a synced lfo with pulse and editable pulsewidth.
As I am keen on using dedicated buttons and potentiometers for the core functionality the dsp is doing I am a little tight on space why it would be awesome to have this additional functions available using a display and a rotary encoder.
In the past I failed using a rotaryencoder driven menu with a esp32.
I also have no clue how to make a presetsystem.
I dont expect everything to be working but just wanted to ask if someone has some links for me to read myself in to.
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