Teensy 4.1 and Audio board at 96 kHz sampling rate?

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Good day,

Is it possible to run the Audio board at a sampling rate of 96 kHz with the Teensy 4.1. Would it be as simple as setting the correct registers on the SGTL5000?

Kind regards,
Good day,

Also, how does one disable the dithering of the SGTL5000 on the Audio board?

Are there C commands that I can use to set registers on the SGTL5000? (I assume the commands similar to "adcHighPassFilterDisable(); " set registers on the SGTL5000 ...)

Also, where can I see how "AudioConnection" is implemented? Is AudioConnection a buffer/queue, or is it set up as DMA?

Good day,

Also, how does one disable the dithering of the SGTL5000 on the Audio board?

Are there C commands that I can use to set registers on the SGTL5000? (I assume the commands similar to "adcHighPassFilterDisable(); " set registers on the SGTL5000 ...)

Also, where can I see how "AudioConnection" is implemented? Is AudioConnection a buffer/queue, or is it set up as DMA?


not sure, if there is dithering.
SGTL commands are found in Audio library. AudioConnection is found in cores AudioStream.(h/cpp). (IIRC, it is simply a linked list that is worked at software interrupt level)
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